Bayona Beriso, Sofía


Haptic Training Systems in Virtual Surgery

  • Martin, Jose San
  • Miraut, David
  • Gomez, Carolina
  • Bayona, Sofia;

Ercim News (p. 51-52) - 1/7/2005

  • ISSN 09264981
  • iMarina

Design of an adaptable haptic device for an arthroscopy training environment

  • San Martin, J.
  • Miraut, D.
  • Gomez, C.
  • Bayona, S.;

International Journal On Interactive Design And Manufacturing (p. 169-173) - 1/8/2007

10.1007/s12008-007-0019-z Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19552513

InsightArthroVR®, Advanced arthroscopic training simulator [Entrenador-simulador avanzado para el aprendizaje y entrenamiento de la cirugía artroscópica insightArthroVR®]

  • Fernández Fernández-Arroyo JM
  • Potti Cuervo J
  • Illana Alejandro C
  • Pastor Pérez L
  • Rodríguez Martínez De Bartolomé A
  • Bayona Beriso S

Trauma (Spain) (p. 50-58) - 1/1/2008

  • ISSN 18886116
  • iMarina

Assessment study of insight ARTHRO VR (R) arthroscopy virtual training simulator: face, content, and construct validities

  • Bayona, Sofia
  • Manuel Fernandez-Arroyo, Jose
  • Martin, Isaac
  • Bayona, Pilar;

Journal Of Robotic Surgery (p. 151-158) - 1/9/2008

10.1007/s11701-008-0101-y Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18632491

A new assessment methodology for virtual reality surgical simulators

  • Bayona, Sofia
  • Manuel Fernandez-Arroyo, Jose
  • Bayona, Pilar
  • Pastor, Luis;

Computer Animation And Virtual Worlds (p. 39-52) - 1/2/2009

10.1002/cav.268 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15464261

Neuronize: a tool for building realistic neuronal cell morphologies

  • Brito, Juan P.
  • Mata, Susana
  • Bayona, Sofia
  • Pastor, Luis
  • DeFelipe, Javier
  • Benavides-Piccione, Ruth;

Frontiers In Neuroanatomy - 3/6/2013

10.3389/fnana.2013.00015 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16625129

Haptically Assisted Connection Procedure for the Reconstruction of Dendritic Spines

  • Corenthy, Loic
  • Garcia, Marcos
  • Bayona, Sofia
  • Santuy, Andrea
  • San Martin, Jose
  • Benavides-Piccione, Ruth
  • DeFelipe, Javier
  • Pastor, Luis;
... Ver más Contraer

Ieee Transactions On Haptics (p. 486-498) - 1/12/2014

10.1109/toh.2014.2354041 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19391412

A new user-adapted search haptic algorithm to navigate along filiform structures

  • Raya L
  • Bayona S
  • Pastor L
  • Garcia M

Ieee Transactions On Haptics (p. 273-284) - 1/7/2014

10.1109/toh.2014.2324574 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19391412

Assessing Performance in Shoulder Arthroscopy: The Imperial Global Arthroscopy Rating Scale (IGARS)

  • Bayona, Sofia
  • Akhtar, Kash
  • Gupte, Chinmay
  • Emery, Roger J. H.
  • Dodds, Alexander L.
  • Bello, Fernando;

Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery-American Volume - 2/7/2014

10.2106/jbjs.m.00304 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00219355

Improving impulsivity assessment using movement recognition: A pilot study

  • Delgado-Gómez D., Carmona-Vázquez C., Bayona S., Ardoy-Cuadros J., Aguado D., Baca-García E., Lopez-Castroman J.

Behavior Research Methods (p. 1575-1579) - 1/12/2016 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1554-3528
  • ISSN 1554-351X

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Implementing virtual reality in the healthcare sector

  • Bayona S
  • Espadero J
  • Fernández-Arroyo J
  • Pastor L
  • Rodríguez A

Virtual Technologies For Business And Industrial Applications: Innovative And Synergistic Approaches (p. 138-162) - 1/12/2010

10.4018/978-1-61520-631-5.ch009 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 9781615206315

Comparing sphere-tree generators and hierarchy updates for deformable objects collision detection

  • Garcia M
  • Bayona S
  • Toharia P
  • Mendoza C

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 167-174) - 1/12/2005

10.1007/11595755_21 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

Multimedia intelligent training system for Alzheimer's dementia patients

  • Ardoy, J
  • Bayona, S
  • Moreno, R
  • Fernandez-Pizarro, JM
  • Lopez-Martin, P
  • Camano, L
  • Alonso, J;
... Ver más Contraer

Cyberpsychology & Behavior (p. 302-303) - 1/8/2005

  • ISSN 10949313
  • iMarina

Shoulder arthroscopy training system with force feedback

  • Bayona S
  • García M
  • Mendoza C
  • Fernández JM

Proceedings - International Conference on Medical Information Visualisation - BioMedical Visualisation, MediVis 2006 (p. 71-76) - 1/1/2006

10.1109/medivis.2006.23 Ver en origen

Mechanical design of a minimally invasive surgery trainer using the manipulability as measure of optimization

  • Martin JS
  • Trivino G
  • Bayona S

Proceedings of the 2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2007 (p. 318-+) - 1/1/2007

10.1109/icmech.2007.4280032 Ver en origen


  • Bayona, S
  • Fernandez-Arroyo, JM
  • Bayona, P
  • Martin, I

Asme 2011 World Conference On Innovative Virtual Reality, Winvr 2011 (p. 367-+) - 1/1/2011

10.1115/winvr2011-5554 Ver en origen

NeuroScheme: Efficient multiscale representations for the visual exploration of morphological data in the human brain neocortex

  • Luis Pastor Pérez
  • Susana Mata Fernández
  • Pablo Toharia Rabasco
  • Sofía Bayona Beriso
  • Juan Pedro Brito Méndez
  • Juan José García Cantero

25th Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, CEIG 2015 (p. 117-125) - 1/1/2015

10.2312/ceig.20151208 Ver en origen

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.

Diseño e implementación de algoritmos de navegación restringida y visualización háptica para la exploración y análisis de estructuras filiformes complejas

  • Sofía Bayona Beriso (Director)
  • Marcos Jose Garcia Lorenzo (Director) Doctorando: Laura Raya González


  • iMarina


  • Bayona Beriso, Sofía (Codirector)
  • Mata Fernández, Susana (Tutor) Doctorando: JUAN PEDRO BRITO MENDEZ


Defensa realizada en: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 14:55