Lauzurica Fernández, Nuria


Changes in NPY and POMC, but not serotonin transporter, following a restricted feeding/repletion protocol in rats

  • Lauzurica, Nuria
  • Garcia-Garcia, Luis
  • Pinto, Sheila
  • Fuentes, Jose A.
  • Delgado, Mercedes;

Brain Research (p. 103-112) - 8/2/2010

10.1016/j.brainres.2009.11.075 View at source

  • ISSN 00068993


  • Horrillo, D.
  • Gallardo, N.
  • Lauzurica, N.
  • Barrus, M. T.
  • San Frutos, M. G.
  • Andres, A.
  • Ros, M.
  • Fernandez-Agullo, T.;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Biological Regulators And Homeostatic Agents (p. 377-388) - 1/6/2013

  • ISSN 0393974X
  • iMarina

Hypophagia and induction of serotonin transporter gene expression in raphe nuclei of male and female rats after short-term fluoxetine treatment

  • Lauzurica, Nuria
  • Garcia-Garcia, Luis
  • Fuentes, Jose A.
  • Delgado, Mercedes;

Journal Of Physiology And Biochemistry (p. 69-74) - 1/3/2013

10.1007/s13105-012-0188-5 View at source

  • ISSN 11387548

Differential Development of Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Different Adipose Tissue Depots Along Aging in Wistar Rats: Effects of Caloric Restriction

  • Sierra Rojas JX, García-San Frutos M, Horrillo D, Lauzurica N, Oliveros E, Carrascosa JM, Fernández-Agulló T, Ros M

Journals Of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences (p. 310-322) - 1/3/2016

10.1093/gerona/glv117 View at source

  • ISSN 10795006

Polymorphisms within the promoter and the intron 2 of the serotonin transporter gene in a population of bulimic patients

  • Lauzurica, N
  • Hurtado, A
  • Escarti, A
  • Delgado, M
  • Barrios, V
  • Morande, G
  • Soriano, J
  • Jauregui, I
  • Gonzalez-Valdemoro, MI
  • Garcia-Camba, E
  • Fuentes, JA;
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Neuroscience Letters (p. 226-230) - 11/12/2003

10.1016/j.neulet.2003.08.058 View at source

  • ISSN 03043940

Analysis of the-1438 G/A polymorphism of the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor gene in bulimia nervosa patients with or without a history of anorexia nervosa

  • Fuentes, JA
  • Lauzurica, N
  • Hurtado, A
  • Escarti, A
  • Barrios, V
  • Morande, G
  • Soriano, J
  • Jauregui, I
  • Gonzalez-Valdemoro, MI
  • Garcia-Camba, E;
... View more Collapse

Psychiatric Genetics (p. 107-109) - 1/6/2004

10.1097/01.ypg.0000107933.32051.55 View at source

  • ISSN 09558829

This researcher has no books.

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Age-associated development of inflammation in Wistar rats: Effects of caloric restriction

  • Horrillo D
  • Sierra J
  • Arribas C
  • García-San Frutos M
  • Carrascosa J
  • Lauzurica N
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • Ros M
... View more Collapse

Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry (p. 140-150) - 1/1/2011

10.3109/13813455.2011.577435 View at source

  • ISSN 13813455

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 7/29/24 9:49 PM