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  • Proyectos de investigación desde 2006.
  • Publicaciones, Tesis doctorales, Patentes y Software desde 2008.

Veiga Lopez, Fernando fveiga@ing.uc3m.es


Open Access

The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambers

  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Fernandez Galisteo, Daniel
  • Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Combustion And Flame (p. 187-199) - 1/11/2019

10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.07.019 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180
Open Access

Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Combustion And Flame (p. 1-11) - 1/3/2019

10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.12.005 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180

Effect of ozone addition on curved detonations

  • Weng, Zifeng
  • Melguizo Gavilanes, Josue
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Mevel, Remy

Combustion and Flame (p. 1-9) - 1/2023

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112479 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180
Open Access

Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Fuel (p. 1-10) - 15/10/2020

10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118212 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1873-7153
  • ISSN 00162361
Open Access

La sigilosa combustión del hidrógeno

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Investigación y Ciencia (p. 14-17) - 11/2020

  • ISSN 0210-136X

Minimum tube diameters for detonation propagation in CH4/H2-air mixtures: Implications for natural gas cooktop burners

  • Mejia Botero, Cristian C.
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Melguizo Gavilanes, Josue


https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2022.104919 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0950-4230
Open Access

Characterization of unconventional hydrogen flame propagation in narrow gaps

  • Yañez Escanciano, Jorge
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

PHYSICAL REVIEW E (p. 1-9) - 3/2021

https://doi.org/10.1103/physreve.103.033101 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 2470-0053
  • ISSN 2470-0045

On the velocity, size, and temperature of gaseous dendritic flames

  • Yanez, Jorge
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

PHYSICS OF FLUIDS (p. 113601-1-113601-8) - 11/2022

https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0118271 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1089-7666
  • ISSN 1070-6631
Open Access

Theoretical analysis of the condensation of combustion products in thin gaseous layers

  • Yañez, Jorge
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando


https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056831 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1089-7666
  • ISSN 1070-6631
Open Access

Unexpected Propagation of Ultra-Lean Hydrogen Flames in Narrow Gaps

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Grune, Joachim
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Physical Review Letters - 1/5/2020

10.1103/physrevlett.124.174501 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1079-7114
  • ISSN 00319007

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.

Thermoacoustic analysis of lean H2-air premixed flames in thin layers

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez-ruiz, M.
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) - 2019

Open Access

Premixed-flame oscillations in narrow channels

  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Physical Review Fluids (p. 1-3) - 24/10/2019

10.1103/physrevfluids.4.100503 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 2469990X

Near-limit hydrogen flame propagation in a thin layer geometry

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Yanez, J.
  • Grune, J.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

The 2nd International Workshop on Near Limit Flames - 2019

Flame propagation near the limiting conditions in a thin layer geometry

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Yanez, J.
  • Grune, J.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

The 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2019) - 2019

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Combustibles alternativos en condiciones de alta velocidad.

  • Huete Ruiz De Lira, Cesar
  • Sanchez Perez, Antonio Luis
  • Vera Coello, Marcos
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Williams, Forman Arthur
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Millan Merino, Alejandro
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 01-09-2017 - 31-12-2018

Tipo: Nacional


Study on Fibre Optic Temperature Sensor

  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Ruiz Martin, Desiree
  • Palomeque Santiago, Ruben

Ejecución: 18-02-2022 - 18-11-2022

Tipo: Regional

Financiado por: AIRBUS OPERATIONS, S.L.

Caracterización de la composición de gas en un electrolizador comercial

  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

Ejecución: 12-05-2022 - 12-06-2022

Tipo: Regional


H2 Fire Tests with Optical Technologies

  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Palomeque Santiago, Ruben

Ejecución: 01-09-2022 - 10-12-2023

Tipo: Internacional

Financiado por: AIRBUS OPERATIONS, S.L.

Flame propagation in narrow channels

  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel


Fecha de defensa: 15-06-2020

Defensa realizada en: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 24/08/24 12:58