The data shown for the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are partial, as they are intended to answer 2 questions:
- Who is researching a specific topic?
- What is an expert, group or particular department researching?
The search results will adhere to the following limits: active Researchers at Carlos III University of Madrid, Projects since 2006 and Publications, Theses, Patents and Software since 2008.
Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
- Articles 5
- Books 0
- Book chapters 1
- Conferences 0
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
Una historia intelectual de la razón. Jay, Martin. Reason after its Eclipse. On Late Critical Theory. The University of Wisconsin Press, 2016 [book review]
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought (p. 136-139) - 6/2018
- ISSN 2605-2822
Regaining the Subject: Foucault and the Frankfurt School on Critical Subjectivity
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture (CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture) - 12/2018 View at source
- ISSN 1481-4374
Prevent the world from falling apart. For an enlightened emancipation
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
Araucaria (Araucaria) (p. 553-559) - 1/2019
10.12795/araucaria.2019.i41.27 View at source
- ISSN 1575-6823
Los infinitos rostros del mal. Gómez Ramos, Antonio y Sánchez Muñoz, Cristina(eds.), Confrontando el mal. Ensayos sobre memoria, violencia y democracia, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2017 [book review]
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
Isegoria (p. 293-297) - 6/2018
- EISSN 1988-8376
- ISSN 1130-2097
La palabra precaria. Prolegómenos para una teoría negativa de la ficción = The precarious word. Prolegomena for a negative theory of fiction
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
Escritura e imagen (p. 149-166) - 12/2018 View at source
- EISSN 1988-2416
- ISSN 1885-5687
This researcher has no books.
La dialéctica del olvido. Notas para reconceptualizar la tensión entre ausencia y pérdida. In: Olvidar - Forgetting
- Alirangues Lopez, Miguel
Olvidar - Forgetting (p. 57-82) - 9/2018
Editor: Brumaria
- ISBN 978-84-949247-5-0
This researcher has no conferences.
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
This researcher has no supervised thesis.
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Researcher profiles