Matsumoto, Mitsuko
- Articles 4
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 0
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
Estudio sobre las percepciones y barreras de acceso a la educación infantil de primer ciclo (0-3 años) en familias desfavorecidas
- Matsumoto, M., Poveda, D., Aliagas, C., Macías, B., Martínez, V., Mendoza, K., Rodríguez, S
Papers Infancia_c (p. 1-47) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
Exploring ethical issues in relation to the digital practices of young children: A collaborative workshop for practitioners and researchers
- Poveda, D., Matsumoto, M., Aliagas, C., Morgade, M
Papers Infancia_c (p. 1-14) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
National Report of Spain: «A Day in the Digital Lives of 0-3 Year Olds»
- Matsumoto, M., Aliagas, C., Morgade, M., Poveda, D
Papers Infancia_c (p. 1-35) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
Technical and vocational education and training and marginalised youths in post-conflict Sierra Leone: Trainees’ experiences and capacity to aspire
- Matsumoto M.
Research in Comparative and International Education (p. 534-550) - 1/12/2018
10.1177/1745499918807024 View at source
- ISSN 17454999
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This researcher has no supervised thesis.
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