Pamies Palazuelo, Joan Carles
- Articles 5
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 1
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
Tipos de lista y perfiles parlamentarios en España y Alemania
- Pamies, Carles
Teoria y Realidad Constitucional (p. 557-566) - 1/1/2020
Editor: Departamento de Derecho Político
10.5944/trc.45.2020.27146 View at source
- ISSN 11395583
- ISSN/ISBN 1139-5583
Grecia en 2017: Retos y desafíos del Estado Helénico y el Gobierno de SYRIZA
- Pamies, Carles
- Muñoz González, Pablo
Revista Cuadernos Manuel Giménez Abad (p. 143-152) - 1/1/2017
Editor: Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad de Estudios Parlamentarios y del Estado Autonómico
- ISSN 22544445
- ISSN/ISBN 2254-4445
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Forging Political Identities and Becoming Citizens: The Political Preferences and Engagement of South American Immigrants in the United States and Spain
- Lasala-Blanco, N.
- Morales, L.
- Pamies, C.
American Behavioral Scientist (p. 1265-1282) - 1/8/2021
Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.
10.1177/0002764221996752 View at source
- ISSN 00027642
- ISSN/ISBN 1552-3381
Electoral (non)alignment between resident and non-resident voters: evidence from Spain
- Vintila, D
- Pamies, C
- Paradés, M
European Political Science (p. 63-82) - 1/1/2023
Editor: Palgrave Macmillan
10.1057/s41304-022-00411-8 View at source
- ISSN 16804333
- ISSN/ISBN 1682-0983
Descriptive Political Representation of Latin Americans in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties' Inclusiveness
- Pamies, Carles
- Perez-Nievas, Santiago
- Vintila, Daniela
- Parades, Marta;
American Behavioral Scientist (p. 1234-1250) - 1/8/2021
Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.
10.1177/0002764221996755 View at source
- ISSN 00027642
- ISSN/ISBN 1552-3381
This researcher has no books.
This researcher has no book chapters.
Digital Representation of Virtual Reality Environments of Gothic Choirs Using Photogrammetric 3D Models: Monasteries of Yuste and Nájera
- Pàmies C
- Navarro I
- Sánchez Riera A
- Redondo E
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 331-338) - 1/1/2021
10.1007/978-3-030-90179-0_43 View at source
- ISSN 18650929
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
This researcher has no supervised thesis.
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
Democracia, Participación Y Gobierno
Role: Miembro
Researcher profiles
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id