Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia alicia.gonzalezb@uam.es
- Articles 23
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 5
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 1
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
Understanding Attachment, Emotional Regulation, and Childhood Adversity and Their Link to Chemsex
- González-Baeza A, Barrio-Fernández P, Curto-Ramos J, Ibarguchi L, Dolengevich-Segal H, Cano-Smith J, Rúa-Cebrián G, García-Carrillo de Albornoz A, Kessel D
Substance Use & Misuse (p. 1-9) - 1/1/2023
- ISSN 10826084
- iMarina
Consumo de drogas recreativas y practicas de chemsex en varones seronegativos: Datos desde un screening VIH comunitario
- Valencia Delgadillo, Jorge
- Gutiérrez, Jorge
- Troya, Jesús
- González Baeza, Alicia
- Dolengevich Segal, Helen
- Cuevas, Guillermo
- Ryan Murúa, Pablo
Revista Multidisciplinar Del Sida (p. 7-19) - 1/1/2018
- ISSN 23403365
- iMarina
Programa de educación y salud sexual para usuarios de chemsex: una respuesta coordinada desde la ONG Apoyo Positivo y el Instituto de Adicciones de Madrid
- Curto, Javier
- Lombao Pardo, Carlos
- Castillo Gonzalez, Clara
- Molina, Rocío
- Varas Soler, Paloma
- Barrio, Pablo
- González Baeza, Alicia
- Rúa, Guadalupe
- Ibarguchi, Lorena
- García, Almudena
- Garrido, Jorge
- Dolengevich Segal, Helen
Revista Multidisciplinar Del Sida (p. 48-52) - 1/1/2019
- ISSN 23403365
- iMarina
Risky alcohol use during youth: Impact on emotion, cognitive networks, and resting-state EEG activity
- Sampedro-Piquero, P
- Buades-Sitjar, F
- Capilla, A
- Zancada-Menendez, C
- Gonzalez-Baeza, A
- Moreno-Fernandez, R D
Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry - 8/6/2024
- ISSN 02785846
- iMarina
Drug-related and psychopathological symptoms in HIV-positive men who have sex with men who inject drugs during sex (slamsex): Data from the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study
- Dolengevich-Segal, Helen
- Gonzalez-Baeza, Alicia
- Valencia, Jorge
- Valencia-Ortega, Eulalia
- Cabello, Alfonso
- Jesus Tellez-Molina, Maria
- Jesus Perez-Elias, Maria
- Serrano, Regino
- Perez-Latorre, Leire
- Martin-Carbonero, Luz
- Arponen, Sari
- Sanz-Moreno, Jose
- De la Fuente, Sara
- Bisbal, Otilia
- Santos, Ignacio
- Luis Casado, Jose
- Troya, Jesus
- Cervero-Jimenez, Miguel
- Nistal, Sara
- Cuevas, Guillermo
- Correas-Lauffer, Javier
- Torrens, Marta
- Ryan, Pablo
Plos One (p. e0220272-e0220272) - 1/12/2019
Editor: Public Library of Science
10.1371/journal.pone.0220272 View at source
- ISSN 19326203
- ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Neurocognitive Impairment in Patients Treated with Protease Inhibitor Monotherapy or Triple Drug Antiretroviral Therapy
- Pérez-Valero I., González-Baeza A., Estébanez M., Montes-Ramírez M.L., Bayón C., Pulido F., Bernardino J.I., Zamora F.X., Monge S., Gaya F., Lagarde M., Rubio R., Hernando A., Arnalich F., Arribas J.R.
Plos One (p. e69493-e69493) - 25/7/2013
10.1371/journal.pone.0069493 View at source
- ISSN 19326203
Randomized Trial Evaluating the Neurotoxicity of Dolutegravir/Abacavir/Lamivudine and Its Reversibility After Switching to Elvitegravir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide: GESIDA 9016
- Perez Valero I, Cabello A, Ryan P, De La Fuente-Moral S, Santos I, Vivancos MJ, Gonzalez A, Gorgolas M, Cuevas G, Diaz De Santiago A, Cano J, Rua G, Yllescas M, González García JJ
Open Forum Infectious Diseases (p. ofaa482-ofaa482) - 1/12/2020
- ISSN 23288957
- iMarina
Changes in Quality of Sleep, Mood, and Other Neuropsychiatric Symptoms After Switching Dolutegravir/Lamivudine/Abacavir to Darunavir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in a Randomized Study of People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus With Poor Sleep Quality: GESIDA 10418
- Cabello-Ubeda, Alfonso
- Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia
- Troya Garcia, Jesus
- de la Fuente Moral, Sara
- Novella Mena, Maria
- Pinto Martinez, Adriana
- Mican, Rafael
- Gorgolas, Miguel
- Cuevas Tascon, Guillermo
- Diaz de Santiago, Alberto
- Sanz Morerno, Jose
- Rial Crestelo, David
- Busca Arenzana, Carmen
- Bernardino Serna, Jose Ignacio
- Diaz Almiron, Mariana
- Cano, Joanna
- Esteban, Herminia
- Perez-Valero, Ignacio;
Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 1/9/2022
10.1093/ofid/ofac345 View at source
- ISSN 23288957
Impact of co-infection by hepatitis C virus on immunological and virological response to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive patients
- Nuñez JAP
- Gonzalez-Garcia J
- Berenguer J
- Gallego MJV
- Loyarte JAI
- Metola L
- Bernal E
- Navarro G
- Del Amo J
- Jarrín I
- Navarro ML
- González MI
- Blanco JL
- Sobrino P
- Hernando V
- Alejos B
- Álvarez D
- Sanz N
- Moreno C
- Muñoz-Fernández MÁ
- García-Merino I
- Rico CG
- De La Fuente JG
- Torre AG
- Portilla J
- Merino E
- Reus S
- Boix V
- Giner L
- Gadea C
- Portilla I
- Pampliega M
- Díez M
- Rodríguez JC
- Sánchez-Payá J
- Gómez JL
- Hernández J
- Alemán MR
- Del Mar Alonso M
- Hernández MI
- Díaz-Flores F
- García D
- Pelazas R
- Lirola AL
- Asensi V
- Valle E
- Cartón JA
- Rivas Carmenado ME
- Rubio R
- Pulido F
- Bisbal O
- Hernando A
- Lagarde M
- Matarranz M
- Dominguez L
- Bermejo L
- Santacreu M
- Iribarren JA
- Arrizabalaga J
- Aramburu MJ
- Camino X
- Rodríguez-Arrondo F
- Von Wichmann MÁ
- Tomé LP
- Goenaga MÁ
- Bustinduy MJ
- Galparsoro HA
- Ibarguren M
- Umerez M
- Gutiérrez F
- Masiá M
- Padilla S
- Navarro A
- Montolio F
- Robledano C
- Colomé JG
- Adsuar A
- Pascual R
- Fernández M
- García E
- García JA
- Barber X
- Muga R
- Tor J
- Sanvisens A
- De Quirós JCLB
- Miralles P
- Gutiérrez I
- Ramírez M
- Padilla B
- Gijón P
- Carrero A
- Aldamiz-Echevarría T
- Tejerina F
- Jose Parras F
- Balsalobre P
- Diez C
- Vidal F
- Peraire J
- Viladés C
Medicine - 1/9/2018
Editor: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
10.1097/md.0000000000012238 View at source
- ISSN 00257974
- ISSN/ISBN 1536-5964
Vocal emotion processing deficits in HIV-infected individuals
- González-Baeza A., Arribas J., Pérez-Valero I., Monge S., Bayón C., Martín P., Rubio S., Carvajal F.
Journal Of Neurovirology (p. 1-9) - 1/4/2017
10.1007/s13365-016-0501-0 View at source
- ISSN 13550284
This researcher has no books.
This researcher has no book chapters.
Aplicación de un programa de intervención grupal breve para el tratamiento de trastornos emocionales en personas que viven con VIH
- González Baeza, Alicia, Rua Cebrián, Guadalupe, Cano Smith, Joanna y Osma López, Jorge
- iMarina
Effects of an online-based cognitive stimulation training as a preventive programme in patients with HIV: a proof of concept study
- Cano-Smith, J
- Gonzalez-Baeza, A
- Rua-Cebrian, G
- Mican, R
- Bernardino, J
- Busca, C
- Martin-Carbonero, L
- Gonzalez-Garcia, J
- Moreno, V
- Valencia, E
- Montes, M
- Ramos, L
- Perez-Valero, I
Journal Of The International Aids Society (p. 160-161) - 1/10/2022
- ISSN 17582652
- iMarina
A comparative study of neurocognitively impaired patients receiving protease inhibitor monotherapy or triple-drug antiretroviral therapy
- Estebanez, Miriam
- Stella-Ascariz, Natalia
- Mingorance, Jesus
- Perez-Valero, Ignacio
- Gonzalez-Baeza, Alicia
- Bayon, Carmen
- Lakatos, Botond
- Borobia, Alberto
- Arnalich, Francisco
- Arribas, Jose R
Journal Aids And Human Retrovirology (p. 419-423) - 1/1/2014
- ISSN 10779450
- iMarina
Early sexual abuse, insecure attachment in childhood, emotional dysregulation and poor self-care among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men engaged in chemsex
- Gonzalez-Baeza, A
- Ibarguchi, L
- Barrio, P
- Curto, J
- Dolengevich, H
- Kessel, D
- de Albornoz, AG
- Garcia-Fraile, L
- Garrido, J
- Bernardino, JI
- Cano, J
Hiv Medicine (p. 280-280) - 1/10/2021
- ISSN 14642662
- iMarina
Psychological benefits of a brief transdiagnostic group intervention for people living with HIV and emotional disorders: the UPER-HIV pilot study
- Gonzalez-Baeza, A
- Osma, J
- Rua-Cebrian, G
- Cano-Smith, J
- Suso-Ribera, C
- Martin-Carbonero, L
- Montes, M L
- Gonzalez-Garcia, J
- Perez-Valero, I
Hiv Medicine (p. 291-291) - 1/10/2021
- ISSN 14642662
- iMarina
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
- Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 01-10-2022 - 30-04-2024
Type of funding: Internal
Amount of funding: 29590,00 Euros.
- iMarina
This researcher has no supervised thesis.
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
Neuropsicología De La Emoción, El Lenguaje Y La Memoria
Role: Miembro
Researcher profiles
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id