Tejedor De Paz, Carlos carlos.tejedor@uam.es


Spin depolarization in the transport of holes across GaxMn 1-xAs/GayAl1-yAs/p-GaAs

  • Brey, L
  • Fernández-Rossier, J
  • Tejedor, C;

Physical Review b (p. 1-4) - 1/1/2004

10.1103/physrevb.70.235334 View at source

  • ISSN 01631829

Spin degree of freedom in two dimensional exciton condensates

  • FernandezRossier, J
  • Tejedor, C;

Physical Review Letters (p. 4809-4812) - 23/6/1997

10.1103/physrevlett.78.4809 View at source

  • ISSN 00319007

Spectroscopic measurement of large exchange enhancement of a spin-polarized 2D electron gas

  • Pinczuk A, Dennis BS, Heiman D, Kallin C, Brey L, Tejedor C, Schmitt-Rink S, Pfeiffer LN, West KW

Physical Review Letters (p. 3623-3626) - 1/1/1992

10.1103/physrevlett.68.3623 View at source

  • ISSN 00319007

Spectroscopic investigation of the electronic states in narrow coupled GaAs/AlAs quantum wells with indirect band structure

  • Cingolani R, Tapfer L, Zhang YH, Muralidharan R, Ploog K, Tejedor C

Physical Review b (p. 8319-8326) - 1/1/1989

10.1103/physrevb.40.8319 View at source

  • ISSN 01631829

Solid State Communication: Preface

  • Snoke, D
  • Tejedor, C;

Solid State Communications (p. 1-2) - 1/4/2005

10.1016/j.ssc.2004.11.043 View at source

  • ISSN 00381098

Skyrmions in quantum Hall ferromagnets as spin waves bound to unbalanced magnetic-flux quanta

  • Oaknin, JH
  • Paredes, B
  • Tejedor, C;

Physical Review b (p. 13028-13035) - 1/1/1998

10.1103/physrevb.58.13028 View at source

  • ISSN 01631829

Skyrmions and edge-spin excitations in quantum Hall droplets

  • Oaknin J
  • Martín-Moreno L

Physical Review b (p. 16850-16859) - 1/1/1996

10.1103/physrevb.54.16850 View at source

  • ISSN 01631829

Sequential tunneling through a GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier assisted by light


Superlattices And Microstructures (p. 257-259) - 1/1/1993

10.1006/spmi.1993.1135 View at source

  • ISSN 07496036

Self-consistent localised description of the electronic structure of semiconductors


Solid State Phys (p. 499-511) - 1/12/1979

10.1088/0022-3719/12/3/017 View at source

  • ISSN 00223719

Self-consistent calculation of the structural properties of silicon


Physical Review b (p. 4251-4255) - 1/1/1979

10.1103/physrevb.20.4251 View at source

  • ISSN 01631829

This researcher has no books.

Quantitative description of strong-coupling of quantum dots in microcavities

  • Laussy F
  • Del Valle E
  • Tejedor C

Aip Conference Proceedings (p. 359-360) - 1/1/2010

10.1063/1.3295450 View at source

  • ISSN 15517616

Optical read-out of single carrier spin in semiconductor quantum dots

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos

9789814241052 (Isbn) (p. 167-177) - 1/1/2009

  • iMarina


  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos

20th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors, Vols 1-3 (p. 47-50) - 1/1/1985

  • ISSN 15433080
  • iMarina

k-dependence of the electron spin-flip time in GaAs: phase space filling effects

  • Amo Garcia, Alberto
  • Viña Liste, Luis M
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos


  • iMarina

Transport in quantum dots in the Kondo regime under the influence of an AC potential

  • López, R
  • Aguado, R
  • Platero, G
  • Tejedor, C;

Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures (p. 810-814) - 1/1/2002

10.1016/s1386-9477(01)00434-9 View at source

  • ISSN 13869477


  • del Valle, E.
  • Zippilli, S.
  • Gonzalez-Tudela, A.
  • Laussy, F. P.
  • Morigi, G.
  • Tejedor, C.;

Journal Of Physics: Conference Series (p. 4475-4484) - 1/1/2010

  • ISSN 17426588
  • iMarina

Superfluidity in polariton condensates

  • Amo, A.
  • Lefrere, J.
  • Pigeon, S.
  • Adrados, C.
  • Carusotto, I.
  • Ciuti, C.
  • Giacobino, E.
  • Bramati, A.
  • Sanvitto, D.
  • Laussy, F. P.
  • Ballarini, D.
  • del Valle, E.
  • Martin, M. D.
  • Lemaitre, A.
  • Krizhanovskii, D. N.
  • Skolnick, M. S.
  • Bloch, J.
  • Tejedor, C.
  • Vina, L.;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Physics: Conference Series (p. NA) - 1/1/2010

10.1088/1742-6596/210/1/012060 View at source

  • ISSN 17426588

Spinabhäangige Excitonenwechselwirkung von gekoppelten Quantentöpfen in elektrischen Feldern

  • Viña Liste, Luis M
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos


  • iMarina

Spin textures in quantum dots

  • Oaknin, JH
  • Paredes, B
  • Tejedor, C
  • Martin-Moreno, L;

Nanowires (p. 127-136) - 1/1/1998

  • ISSN 0168132X
  • iMarina

Single and two photon emission from a semiconductor quantum dot in an optical microcavity

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos

Aip Conference Proceedings (p. 699-700) - 30/6/2005

10.1063/1.1994298 View at source

  • ISSN 15517616

Semiconductor Bloch Equations including Spin and Polarization Degrees of Freedom

  • Viña Liste, Luis M
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos

Physics Of Semiconductors 2002. Institute Of Physics Conference Series - 1/1/2002

  • iMarina

Scattering and Coulomb blockade in magnetotunneling across singly and multiply connected barriers in quasi-two-dimensional systems


Surface Science (p. 424-427) - 19/2/1992

10.1016/0039-6028(92)90381-f View at source

  • ISSN 00396028


  • Gallardo, E.
  • Martinez, L. J.
  • Nowak, A. K.
  • Sarkar, D.
  • Sanvitto, D.
  • van der Meulen, H. P.
  • Calleja, J. M.
  • del Valle, E.
  • Laussy, F.
  • Tejedor, C.
  • Prieto, I.
  • Alija, A. R.
  • Granados, D.
  • Taboada, A. G.
  • Garcia, J. M.
  • Postigo, P. A.;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Physics: Conference Series (p. 731-749) - 1/1/2010

10.1088/1742-6596/210/1/012037 View at source

  • ISSN 17426588

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Óptica cuántica en semiconductores nanoestructurados

  • PIET VAN DER MEULEN, HERKO (Investigador/a)
  • Lazic, Snezana (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Rozas Jimenez, Elena (Investigador/a)
  • Diaz Camacho, Guillermo (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor, Calos (Investigador/a)
  • Marchetti, Francesca Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2015 - 31-12-2018

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 411400,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Óptica cuántica en nanoestructuras de semiconductores

  • Laussy, Fabrice (Investigador/a)
  • Nowak, Anna Kamila (Investigador/a)
  • Tosi, Guilherme (Investigador/a)
  • Dario Ballarini (Investigador/a)
  • Valle Reboul, Elena Del (Investigador/a)
  • Gallardo Velasco, Eva Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Tudela, Alejandro (Investigador/a)
  • Sarkar Dipankar (Investigador/a)
  • Fabrice Laussy (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen, Herko Piet (Investigador/a)
  • Maria Maragkou (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador/a)
  • Daniele Sanvitto (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2009 - 30-06-2012

  • iMarina

Single-photon generarion in 2d crystalsfor quantum information

  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Snezana Lazic (Investigador/a)
  • VIÑA LISTE LUIS (Investigador/a)
  • PRADA NUÑEZ ELSA (Investigador/a)
  • RUBIO BOLLINGER GABINO (Investigador/a)
  • Palacios Burgos, Juan Jose (Investigador principal (IP))
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Period: 01-01-2017 - 30-06-2019

  • iMarina

Semiconductoras como componentes para la información cuántica.

  • Sarkar Dipankar (Investigador/a)
  • Snezana Lazic (Investigador/a)
  • Dario Ballarini (Investigador/a)
  • Valle Reboul, Elena Del (Investigador/a)
  • Jose Ignacio Perea Fernandez (Investigador/a)
  • Perez Miriam del Valle (Investigador/a)
  • Amo Garcia, Alberto (Investigador/a)
  • Troiani Filippo (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen Herko (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador/a)
  • Le Si Dang (Investigador/a)
  • Jean Michel Gerard (Investigador/a)
  • Francisco Jose Teran Garcinuño (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 31-12-2005 - 30-12-2008

  • iMarina


  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Quiroga Puello Luis (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 12-01-2007 - 31-07-2008

  • iMarina

Propiedades ópticas y electrónicas de nanoestructuras avanzadas en nitruros.

  • Snezana Lazic (Investigador/a)
  • Jose Ignacio Perea Fernandez (Investigador/a)
  • Amo Garcia, Alberto (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen, Herko Piet (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2005 - 31-12-2005

  • iMarina

Nanoestructuras para óptica cuántica

  • Chernysheva, Ekaterina (Investigador/a)
  • Tosi, Guilherme (Investigador/a)
  • Berceanu, Andrei Ciprian (Investigador/a)
  • Ekaterina Chernysheva (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Tudela, Alejandro (Investigador/a)
  • Ligia Catarina Fernandes Da Silva (Investigador/a)
  • Nowak, Anna Kamila (Investigador/a)
  • Jorge Cuadra Veliz (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen, Herko Piet (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Marchetti, Francesca Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Carlos Sanchez Muñoz (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2012 - 31-12-2014

  • iMarina

Nanoestructuras de semiconductores como componentes para la informaión cuántica SEMICUAM

  • Laussy, Fabrice (Investigador/a)
  • Gallardo Velasco, Eva Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Valle Reboul, Elena Del (Investigador/a)
  • Troiani Filippo (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen Herko (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Francisco Jose Teran Garcinuño (Investigador/a)
  • Fabrice Laussy (Investigador/a)
  • Daniele Sanvitto (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Nowak, Anna Kamila (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2006 - 31-12-2009

  • iMarina

Materiales para la información cuántica basados en excitones en semiconductores

  • Klembt, Sebastian (Investigador/a)
  • HOFFLIN, SVEN (Investigador/a)
  • Potemski, Marek (Investigador/a)
  • Yulin, Alexey (Investigador/a)
  • Voronova, Nina (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen, Herko Piet (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-09-2021 - 31-08-2024

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 90750,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Laboratorios Nanodispositivos eficientes de luz clásica y cuántica.

  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Van Der Meulen, Herko Piet (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Tudela, Alejandro (Investigador/a)
  • Nowak, Anna Kamila (Investigador/a)
  • Martin Fernandez, Maria Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Gallardo Velasco, Eva Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Francesca Maria Marchetti (Investigador/a)
  • Daniele Sanvitto (Investigador/a)
  • Emiliano Cancellieri (Investigador/a)
  • Guilherme Tosi (Investigador/a)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2013

  • iMarina

Spin dependent electron transport through single and double quantum dot systems

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Tutor) Doctorando: López-Monís de Luna, Carlos Francisco


  • iMarina

Sobre el comportamiento colectivo de los excitones en pozos cuánticos semiconductores

  • Carlos Tejedor (Director) Doctorando: Joaquín Fernández Rossier


  • iMarina

Quench dynamics in interacting and superconducting nanojunctions

  • Cuevas Rodriguez, Juan Carlos (Autor o Coautor)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Autor o Coautor)
  • Levy-Yeyati Mizrahi, Alfredo (Director)
  • Martin Rodero, Alvaro (Director) Doctorando: Rubén Seoane Souto


  • iMarina

Quantum-dot single photon sources for quantum information treatment

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Autor o Coautor)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Autor o Coautor)
  • Nowak, Anna Kamila (Autor o Coautor)
  • José Manuel Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Anna Kamila Nowak


  • iMarina

Quantum optics in semiconductor nanostructures

  • Carlos Tejedor (Director) Doctorando: Guillermo Díaz Camacho


  • iMarina

Quantum dynamics in low-dimensional topological systems

  • Platero Coello, Gloria (Director)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Tutor) Doctorando: Bello Gamboa, Miguel


  • iMarina

Optical study of semiconductor nanostructures from material properties to quantum optics

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Autor o Coautor)
  • Viña Liste, Luis M (Autor o Coautor)
  • Gallardo Velasco, Eva Maria (Autor o Coautor)
  • José Manuel Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Eva María Gallardo Velasco


  • iMarina

Optical manipulation of quantum fluids in semiconductor microcavities

  • Tosi, Guilherme (Autor o Coautor)
  • Calleja Pardo, Jose Manuel (Autor o Coautor)
  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Autor o Coautor)
  • Luis Viña (Director) Doctorando: Guilherme Tosi


  • iMarina

Generation of non classical states of light

  • Carlos Tejedor (Director)
  • Fabrice P (Director) Doctorando: Carlos Sánchez Muñoz


  • iMarina

Dynamics of open quantum systems| : excitons, cavities and surface plasmons

  • Tejedor de Paz, Carlos (Director) Doctorando: González Tudela, Alejandro


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/13/24 11:30 AM