Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria


Welcome message from the chairs

  • Timmerer C
  • Hellwagner H
  • Pereira F
  • Kollias S
  • Martínez J


10.1109/wiamis.2008.3 View at source

Visual tools for ROI montage in an Image2Video application

  • Barreiro-Megino F
  • Martínez J
  • Valdés V

Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology (p. 1927-1932) - 1/12/2009

10.1109/tcsvt.2009.2031394 View at source

  • ISSN 10518215

Visual attention based on a joint perceptual space of color and brightness for improved video tracking

  • Fernandez-Carbajales, Victor
  • Angel Garcia, Miguel
  • Martinez, Jose M.;

Pattern Recognition (p. 571-584) - 1/12/2016

10.1016/j.patcog.2016.06.007 View at source

  • ISSN 00313203

Video Summaries Generation and Access via Personalized Delivery of Multimedia Presentations Adapted to Service and Terminal

  • Padilla, Marta
  • Martinez, Jose M.
  • Herranz, Luis;

International Journal Of Intelligent Systems (p. 785-800) - 1/7/2006

10.1002/int.20160 View at source

  • ISSN 08848173

Use of feedback strategies in the detection of events for video surveillance

  • SanMiguel, J. C.
  • Martinez, J. M.;

Iet Computer Vision (p. 309-319) - 1/9/2011

10.1049/iet-cvi.2010.0047 View at source

  • ISSN 17519632

Universal and Personalized Access to Content via J2ME Terminals in the DYMAS System

  • Garcia, A
  • Martinez, JM
  • Herranz, L;

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 225-233) - 1/1/2004

10.1007/978-3-540-27814-6_29 View at source

  • ISBN 9783540225393
  • ISSN 03029743

Towards automatic waste containers management in cities via computer vision: containers localization and geo-positioning in city maps

  • Moral P
  • García-Martín Á
  • Escudero-Viñolo M
  • Martínez JM
  • Bescós J
  • Peñuela J
  • Martínez JC
  • Alvis G
... View more Collapse

Waste Management (p. 59-68) - 1/10/2022

10.1016/j.wasman.2022.08.007 View at source

  • ISSN 0956053X

The MPEG-7 standard: Multimedia description in theory and application

  • Jörgensen C
  • Agnew G
  • Kniesner D
  • Weber M
  • Benitez A
  • Zhong D
  • Chang S
  • Evain J
  • Martínez J
  • Fatemi N
  • Rising H
  • Lim J
  • Kang S
  • Kim M
  • Salembier P
... View more Collapse

Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology (p. 1323-1328) - 1/7/2007

10.1002/asi.20571 View at source

  • ISSN 15322882

Telemuseum services via internet: Present and future

  • Cisneros G
  • Bescós J
  • Martínez J

Information Services And Use (p. 81-101) - 1/1/1996


  • ISSN 01675265
  • iMarina

TV-anytime phase 1 and MPEG-7

  • Evain, Jean-Pierre
  • Martinez, Jose M.;

Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology (p. 1367-1373) - 1/7/2007

10.1002/asi.20580 View at source

  • ISSN 15322882

This researcher has no books.

Using MPEG tools in Video Summarization

  • Herranz L
  • Martínez J

Handbook Of Mpeg Applications: Standards In Practice (p. 125-150) - 4/10/2010

10.1002/9780470974582.ch5 View at source

Performance Evaluation in Video-Surveillance Systems: The EventVideo Project Evaluation Protocols

  • Sanmiguel J
  • García-Martín Á
  • Martínez J

Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance: Current Trends And Research (p. 171-192) - 1/11/2013

10.1007/978-3-642-41512-8_9 View at source

MPEG-7 Basic tools

  • Walker, Toby
  • Heuer, Jörg
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria

Introduction To Mpeg-7: Multimedia Content Description Language (p. 95-109) - 1/4/2002

  • iMarina

Enhanced media descriptions for the automatic adaptation of audiovisual content retrieval

  • Cantador I
  • López F
  • Bescós J
  • Castells P
  • Martínez J

Personalization Of Interactive Multimedia Services: A Research And Development Perspective (p. 101-117) - 1/1/2009

  • iMarina

Description of a single Multimedia Document

  • Benitez, Ana B.
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria
  • Rising Hawley
  • Salembier, Philippe

Introduction To Mpeg-7: Multimedia Content Description Language (p. 111-138) - 1/4/2002

  • iMarina

Automatic players detection and tracking in multi-camera tennis videos

  • Martín R
  • Martínez J

Human Behavior Understanding In Networked Sensing: Theory And Applications Of Networks Of Sensors (p. 191-209) - 1/1/2014

10.1007/978-3-319-10807-0_9 View at source

Virtual camera tools for an Image2Video application

  • Megino F
  • Sánchez J
  • López V

Wiamis 2008 - Proceedings Of The 9th International Workshop On Image Analysis For Multimedia Interactive Services (p. 223-226) - 19/9/2008

10.1109/wiamis.2008.25 View at source

Vehicle re-identification in multi-camera scenarios based on ensembling deep learning features

  • Moral P
  • Garcia-Martin A
  • Martinez JM

Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition Workshops (p. 2574-2580) - 1/6/2020

10.1109/cvprw50498.2020.00310 View at source

  • ISSN 21607516

Vehicle re-identification based on ensembling deep learning features including a synthetic training dataset, orientation and background features, and camera verification

  • Fernandez M
  • Moral P
  • Garcia-Martin A
  • Martinez JM

Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition Workshops (p. 4063-4071) - 1/6/2021

10.1109/cvprw53098.2021.00459 View at source

  • ISSN 21607516

Vehicle Re-Identification Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Incremental Generation of Pseudo-Labels

  • Moral P
  • García-Martín Á
  • Martínez JM

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 76-89) - 1/1/2024

10.1007/978-3-031-49018-7_6 View at source

  • ISSN 03029743

Use cases of scalable video based summarization and adaptation within MPEG-21 DIA

  • Herranz, Luis
  • Martinez, Jose M.;

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 256-259) - 1/1/2007

  • ISBN 978-3-540-77033-6
  • ISSN 03029743
  • iMarina

Universal and personalized access to video summaries via multimedia presentations in the DYMAS system

  • Padilla, Marta
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria
  • Herranz Arribas, Luis


  • iMarina

Un Servidor de Datos Multimedia de Propósito General

  • García, J.F.
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria
  • Robles, Tomas
  • Méndez, C.

Actas De Las Quintas Jornadas Telecom I+d (p. 75-84) - 22/11/2005

  • iMarina

Traffic analysis on multimedia data services

  • Bescos, J
  • Martinez, JM
  • Cisneros, G;

Broadband Access Systems (p. 316-327) - 1/12/1996


  • ISBN 081942319X
  • iMarina

Towards universal and personalized access to audiovisual content in the DYMAS system

  • Herranz Arribas, Luis
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria


  • iMarina

Towards a Fully MPEG-21 Compliant Adaptation Engine: Complementary Description Tools and Architectural Models

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria

Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Identifying, Summarizing, And Recommending Image And Music - 1/1/2010

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

aceMedia: integrating knowledge, semantics and content for user-centred intelligent media services

  • Bescos Cano, Jesus (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2004 - 01-12-2007

  • iMarina

Viabilidad de transmisión de vídeo a muy baja velocidad binaria

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-2002

  • iMarina

Transcodificación de contenidos audiovisuales

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2001 - 01-01-2002

  • iMarina

Tele-educación RDSI

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-1996 - 01-01-1998

  • iMarina

TRENDS (Training Educators through Networks and Distributed Systems)

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-1996 - 01-01-1998

  • iMarina

TEC2017-88169-R (MobiNetVideo) Análisis de vídeo para implementación práctica de redes de cámaras móviles cooperativas (2018-2020)

  • San Miguel Avedillo, Juan Carlos (Investigador principal (IP))
  • García, Alvaro, SanMiguel (Investigador/a)
  • Garcia, Miguel Angel (Investigador/a)
  • Escudero Viñolo, Marcos (Investigador/a)
  • Carballeira López, Pablo (Investigador/a)
  • Bescos Cano, Jesus (Investigador/a)
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina

Soporte al lanzamiento del servicio de personalización con base de datos de imágenes

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-2003

  • iMarina

Soluciones de codificación, transporte y distribución de señales de vídeo digital en el ámbito de aplicación del tráfico rodado

  • Bescos Cano, Jesus (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2007 - 01-01-2009

  • iMarina

Servidor de información multimedia

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-1994 - 01-01-1995

  • iMarina

Realización de un prototipo de vídeo-sensor de detección de presencia de personas y objetos en escaleras mecánicas

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Garcia Garcia, Miguel Angel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-03-2009 - 01-03-2010

  • iMarina

Registration and 3D reconstruction of histological sections application to mammary gland development

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)
  • Ortiz de Solorzano Aurusa, Carlos (Director) Doctorando: Arganda-Carreras, Ignacio


  • iMarina

Quality-driven video analysis for the improvement of foreground segmentation

  • San Miguel Avedillo, Juan Carlos (Director)
  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)
  • ORTEGO HERNANDEZ, DIEGO (Autor o Coautor)
  • Bescos Cano, Jesus (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Diego Ortego Hernandez


  • iMarina

People detection algorithms based on appearance and motion information

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)


  • iMarina

On-line video abstraction

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director) Doctorando: VALDES LOPEZ, VICTOR


  • iMarina

Object detection for video-monitoring using fixed multi-camera systems

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)
  • Garcia Martin, Alvaro (Director)
  • Martin Nieto, Rafael (Autor o Coautor)
  • Bescos Cano, Jesus (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Rafael Martin Nieto


  • iMarina

Interoperabilidad de metadatos en sistemas distribuidos

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)


  • iMarina

Inferencia de conceptos semánticos a partir de descriptores visuales de bajo nivel para la clasificación de vídeos en vivo

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director)


  • iMarina

Deep learning-based multi-target association for single and multi-camera tracking

  • Juan Carlos San Miguel Avedillo (Director)
  • José María Martínez Sánchez (Director) Doctorando: Elena Luna García


  • iMarina

Contributions to robust people detection in video-surveillance

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director) Doctorando: GARCIA MARTIN, ALVARO


  • iMarina

Contributions to hand gesture recognition on the basis of range data

  • Martinez Sanchez, Jose Maria (Director) Doctorando: Molina Vela, Javier


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 9/9/24 2:38 PM