Monserrat Lopez, Andrea


Design-oriented method for concrete pavements with volumetric stability admixtures: An integrated experimental and analytical approach

  • Ikumi, T
  • López, AM
  • Aidarov, S
  • Aguado, A
  • de la Fuente, A

Case Studies In Construction Materials - 1/12/2023

10.1016/j.cscm.2023.e02583 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 22145095

The influence of transverse reinforcement and yielding of flexural reinforcement on the shear-transfer actions of RC members

  • Monserrat López A
  • Fernánez Ruiz M
  • Miguel Sosa PF

Engineering Structures - 1/5/2021

10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.111949 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01410296

Influence of the plastic hinge rotations on shear strength in continuous reinforced concrete beams with shear reinforcement

  • Monserrat López A
  • Miguel Sosa PF
  • Bonet Senach JL
  • Fernández Prada MÁ

Engineering Structures - 1/1/2020

10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110242 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01410296

Experimental study of shear strength in continuous reinforced concrete beams with and without shear reinforcement

  • Monserrat López A
  • Miguel Sosa PF
  • Bonet Senach JL
  • Fernández Prada MÁ

Engineering Structures - 1/1/2020

10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110967 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01410296

Design of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Structures According to the Annex L of the Eurocode-2 2023; [Diseño de estructuras de hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero según el Anejo L del nuevo Eurocódigo-2 2023]

  • de la Fuente A
  • Monserrat-López A
  • Tošić N
  • Serna P

Hormigón Y Acero (p. 169-186) - 1/1/2023

10.33586/hya.2023.3124 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 04395689

The Influence of Flexural Reinforcement Yielding on the Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams with and without Shear Reinforcement; [Influencia de la plastificación del armado a flexión en la resistencia a cortante de las vigas de hormigón armado con y sin armadura de cortante]

  • Monserrat López A
  • Miguel Sosa PF

Hormigón Y Acero (p. 91-108) - 1/1/2024

10.33586/hya.2022.3087 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 04395689

3D-printed concrete footbridges: An approach to assess the sustainability performance

  • Asensio, J
  • Josa, I
  • Monserrat, A
  • de la Fuente, A

Structural Concrete (p. 7705-7725) - 1/12/2023

10.1002/suco.202201227 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14644177

Experimental characterization of concrete-to-concrete interface shear strength design-oriented constitutive parameters

  • Monserrat-López A
  • Nogales A
  • de la Fuente A

Structures (p. 1172-1185) - 1/1/2023

10.1016/j.istruc.2023.06.075 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23520124

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Shear strength assessment of rc members: Influence of shear reinforcement and yielding of the flexural reinforcement

  • López AM
  • Sosa PFM

Fib Symposium (p. 1720-1729) - 1/1/2021

  • ISSN 26174820
  • iMarina

Shear test on continuous reinforced concrete beamswith imposed plastic rotation

  • Lopez AM
  • Fco P
  • Sosa M
  • Senach JLB

Proceedings Of The Fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations In Materials, Design And Structures (p. 1748-1754) - 1/1/2019

  • ISSN 26174820
  • iMarina

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Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 13:54