Castaño Sánchez, Rafael



  • Yela Aránega, A.
  • Castaño Sánchez, R.

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research (p. 1-5) - 2022

Editor: Emerald Group Holdings Ltd.

10.1108/ijebr-01-2022-880 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1355-2554

Developing management skills through experiential learning: The effectiveness of outdoor training and mindfulness

  • Del Val Núñez, M.T.
  • Romero, F.J.C.
  • Sánchez, R.C.
  • Aránega, A.Y.

European Journal of International Management (p. 676-694) - 2018

Editor: Inderscience Publishers

10.1504/ejim.2018.094473 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1751-6765

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Última actualización de los datos: 21/09/23 13:49