García Honduvilla, Natalio Antonio


Lipidomic profiling of chorionic villi in the placentas of women with chronic venous disease

  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Saez, M.A.
  • Sainz, F.
  • Fraile-Martínez, O.
  • García-Gallego, S.
  • Pekarek, L.
  • Bravo, C.
  • Coca, S.
  • Álvarez-Mon, M.
  • Buján, J.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Asúnsolo, Á.
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International Journal of Medical Sciences (p. 2790-2798) - 2020

Editor: Ivyspring International Publisher

10.7150/ijms.49236 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1449-1907

Placentas from women with pregnancy-associated venous insufficiency show villi damage with evidence of hypoxic cellular stress

  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Asúnsolo, Á.
  • Álvarez-Rocha, M.J.
  • Romero, B.
  • De León-Luis, J.
  • Álvarez-Mon, M.
  • Buján, J.
... View more Collapse

Human Pathology (p. 45-53) - 2018

Editor: W.B. Saunders

10.1016/j.humpath.2018.03.022 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1532-8392

Prognostic role of IRS-4 in the survival of patients with pancreatic cancer

  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Pekarek, L.
  • Garcia-Montero, C.
  • Fraile-Martinez, O.
  • Saez, M.A.
  • Asúnsolo, A.
  • Alvarez-Mon, M.A.
  • Monserrat, J.
  • Coca, S.
  • Toledo-Lobo, M.V.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Albillos, A.
  • Buján, J.
  • Alvarez-Mon, M.
  • Guijarro, L.G.
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Histology and histopathology (p. 449-459) - 2022

Editor: NLM (Medline)

10.14670/hh-18-432 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1699-5848

Evaluation of the smooth muscle cell component and apoptosis in the varicose vein wall

  • Bujan, J.
  • Jimenez-Cossio, J.A.
  • Jurado, F.
  • Gimeno, M.J.
  • Pascual, G.
  • Garcia-Honduvilla, N.
  • Dominguez, B.
  • Bellon, J.M.
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Histology and Histopathology (p. 745-752) - 2000

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911

Elevated blood/lymphatic vessel ratio in pterygium and its relationship with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) distribution

  • López, J.-X.
  • Pérez-Rico, C.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Buján, J.
  • Pascual, G.

Histology and Histopathology (p. 917-929) - 2019

Editor: Histology and Histopathology

10.14670/hh-18-095 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1699-5848

Defective expression of the peroxisome regulators pparα receptors and lysogenesis with increased cellular senescence in the venous wall of chronic venous disorder

  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Fraile-Martínez, O.
  • Pekarek, L.
  • Alvarez-Mon, M.A.
  • Asúnsolo, Á.
  • Sanchez-Trujillo, L.
  • Coca, S.
  • Buján, J.
  • Álvarez-Mon, M.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Sainz, F.
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Histology and Histopathology (p. 547-558) - 2021

Editor: Histology and Histopathology

10.14670/hh-18-322 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1699-5848

Remodelling of collagen fibres in the placentas of women with venous insufficiency during pregnancy

  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Asúnsolo, Á.
  • Álvarez-Rocha, M.J.
  • Romero, B.
  • León-Luis, J.D.
  • Álvarez-Mon, M.
  • Buján, J.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
... View more Collapse

Histology and Histopathology (p. 567-576) - 2018

Editor: Histology and Histopathology

10.14670/hh-11-948 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911

Human skin model for mimic dermal studies in pathology with a clinical implication in pressure ulcers

  • Cristóbal, L.
  • Ortega, M.A.
  • Asúnsolo, Á.
  • Romero, B.
  • Álvarez-Mon, M.
  • Buján, J.
  • Maldonado, A.A.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
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Histology and Histopathology (p. 959-970) - 2018

Editor: Histology and Histopathology

10.14670/hh-11-990 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911

Histological evaluation of scar tissue inflammatory response: The role of hGH in diabetic rats

  • García-Esteo, F.
  • Pascual, G.
  • García-Honduvilla, N.
  • Gallardo, A.
  • San-Román, J.
  • Bellón, J.M.
  • Buján, J.
... View more Collapse

Histology and Histopathology (p. 53-57) - 2005

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911

Seeding of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) vascular grafts. A morphological study of porcine endothelial and fibroblast cells

  • Bujan, J.
  • Bellon, J.M.
  • Navlet, J.G.
  • Honduvilla, N.
  • Hernando, A.
  • Turegano, F.

Histology and Histopathology (p. 635-642) - 1992

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911

Imagen vascular [Recurso electrónico]: una nueva app con fines docentes

  • Noelia Alonso Gómez
  • Natalio García Honduvilla (dir.)
  • Felipe Sáinz González (dir.)


Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 9788416978519

This researcher has no book chapters.

Prevención primaria del cáncer de mama mediante distintos protocolos de ejercicio físico: diseño y procedimiento experimental del estudio OBEF

  • Paola Gonzalo Encabo
  • Ana Isabel Cos Blanco
  • Isabel Calvo Viñuela
  • José Antonio Santacruz Lozano
  • Alberto Pérez López
  • David Valadés Cerrato
  • Natalio García Honduvilla
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Séptimas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá: Ciencias e Ingenierías (p. 137-145) - 2019

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-17729-43-1

La interleucina-15 (IL-15) y su relación con la composición corporal y la actividad física

  • Alberto Pérez López
  • David Valadés Cerrato
  • Natalio García Honduvilla
  • María Julia Araceli Buján Varela

Quintas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá: Ciencias e Ingenierías (p. 345-354) - 2016

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-16133-98-7

New resorbable polymeric systems with antithrombogenic activity

  • Rodríguez, G.
  • Gallardo, A.
  • San Román, J.
  • Rebuelta, M.
  • Bermejo, P.
  • Buján, J.
  • Bellón, J.M.
  • Honduvilla, N.G.
  • Escudero, C.
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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (p. 873-878) - 1999

Editor: Kluwer Academic Publishers

10.1023/a:1008985302826 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0957-4530

Retos estéticos orales en el uso de pilares individualizados: titanio frente a circonio

  • María del Prado Arrroyo Arroyo
  • Regina Roselló Laporta
  • Juan Manuel Aragoneses Lamas
  • Natalio García Honduvilla

Cuartas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá: Ciencias (p. 271-275) - 2013

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-15834-15-1

Biological markers in deep vein thrombosis

  • García-Honduvilla, N.

Angiologia (p. 259-260) - 2004

Editor: ARAN Ediciones S.A.

10.1016/s0003-3170(04)74872-5 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0003-3170

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 4/24/24 1:10 PM