Torralba González de Suso, Miguel


Changes in the epidemiology of hepatitis A: Clinical and preventive implications

  • Martínez Ramírez, N.M.
  • González Praetorius, A.
  • Martínez Benito, Y.
  • García Rivera, M.V.
  • Caballero López, B.
  • Torralba González de Suso, M.

Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia (p. 116-123) - 2023

Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.

10.1016/j.gastrohep.2022.07.003 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1578-9519

Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in a Multicentre Cohort: Real-Life Experience From Spain

  • Torralba, M.
  • Rodríguez, G.
  • González Gasca, F.J.
  • Cuadra, F.
  • Barberá, J.
  • Geijo, P.
  • Silva, A.
  • García, M.I.
  • Ostaiza, M.A.
  • García Pérez, A.M.
  • Arroyo, E.
  • Larrubia, J.R.
  • Gutiérrez, A.
  • Porras, M.L.
  • Calvo Sánchez, H.
  • Peña-Asensio, J.
  • Arias, J.G.
  • Mendoza, I.
... Ver más Contraer

Annals of Pharmacotherapy - 2023

Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.

10.1177/10600280231168852 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1542-6270

Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy Administered Every 2 Months is Cost-Effective for the Treatment of HIV-1 in Spain

  • Moreno, S.
  • Rivero, A.
  • Ventayol, P.
  • Falcó, V.
  • Torralba, M.
  • Schroeder, M.
  • Neches, V.
  • Vallejo-Aparicio, L.A.
  • Mackenzie, I.
  • Turner, M.
  • Harrison, C.
... Ver más Contraer

Infectious Diseases and Therapy - 2023

Editor: Adis

10.1007/s40121-023-00840-y Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2193-6382

Plitidepsin in adult patients with COVID-19 requiring hospital admission: A long-term follow-up analysis

  • Varona JF
  • Landete P
  • Paredes R
  • Vates R
  • Torralba M
  • Guisado-Vasco P
  • Porras L
  • Muñoz P
  • Gijon P
  • Ancochea J
  • Saiz E
  • Meira F
  • Jimeno J
  • Lopez-Martin J
  • Estrada V
... Ver más Contraer

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology - 1/1/2023

Editor: Frontiers Media S.A.

10.3389/fcimb.2023.1097809 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 22352988
  • ISSN/ISBN 2235-2988

Model to predict on-treatment restoration of functional HBV-specific CD8+ cell response foresees off-treatment HBV control in eAg-negative chronic hepatitis B

  • Peña-Asensio, J.
  • Calvo, H.
  • Miquel, J.
  • Sanz-de-Villalobos, E.
  • González-Praetorius, A.
  • Torralba, M.
  • Larrubia, J.-R.
... Ver más Contraer

Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (p. 1545-1559) - 2022

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1111/apt.16850 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1365-2036

Effectiveness, Durability, and Safety of Dolutegravir and Lamivudine Versus Dolutegravir, Lamivudine, and Abacavir in a Real-Life Cohort of HIV-Infected Adults

  • Mendoza, I.
  • Lázaro, A.
  • Torralba, M.

Annals of Pharmacotherapy (p. 412-421) - 2022

Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.

10.1177/10600280211034176 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1542-6270

Bull horn injuries, analysis of 138 cases

  • Medina-Velasco, A.A.
  • Arteaga-Peralta, V.
  • De la Plaza-Llamas, R.
  • Torralba-González de Suso, M.
  • López-Marcano, A.
  • Díaz-Candelas, D.A.
  • Picardo-Gomendio, M.D.
  • Latorre-Fragua, R.
  • Ramia-Ángel, J.M.
... Ver más Contraer

Cirugia y Cirujanos (English Edition) (p. 242-247) - 2022

Editor: Permanyer Publications

10.24875/ciru.20001237 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2444-054X

Fecal transplantation for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile recurrent infection

  • Martín Legorburo, M.J.
  • Pareja Sierra, T.
  • Martínez Ramírez, M.
  • Martin Alcalde, E.
  • Torralba, M.
  • Rodríguez Solís, J.

Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia (p. 236-237) - 2022

Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.

10.1016/j.regg.2022.06.002 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1578-1747

Letter: the probability to predict HBV-specific CD8+ cell response derived from HLA-A2+ may not foresee the functional cure well in Asian off-therapy cohort—authors' reply

  • Peña-Asensio, J.
  • Calvo, H.
  • Miquel, J.
  • Sanz-de-Villalobos, E.
  • González-Praetorius, A.
  • Torralba, M.
  • Larrubia, J.-R.
... Ver más Contraer

Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (p. 1312-1313) - 2022

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1111/apt.17212 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1365-2036

Different profiles among older adults with HIV according to their chronological age and the year of HIV diagnosis: The FUNCFRAIL cohort study (GeSIDA 9817)

  • Brañas F, Galindo MJ, Torralba M, Antela A, Vergas J, Ramírez M, Ryan P, Dronda F, Busca C, Machuca I, Bustinduy MJ, Cabello A, Sánchez-Conde M, FUNCFRAIL study group

PloS one (p. e0266191) - 1/3/2022

Editor: NLM (Medline)

10.1371/journal.pone.0266191 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203
  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203

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Preclinical and randomized phase I studies of plitidepsin in adults hospitalized with COVID-19

  • Varona JF, Landete P, Lopez-Martin JA, Estrada V, Paredes R, Guisado-Vasco P, Fernandez de Orueta L, Torralba M, Fortun J, Vates R, Barberan J, Clotet B, Ancochea J, Carnevali D, Cabello N, Porras L, Gijon P, Monereo A, Abad D, Zuñiga S, Sola I, Rodon J, Vergara-Alert J, Izquierdo-Useros N, Fudio S, Pontes MJ, de Rivas B, Giron de Velasco P, Nieto A, Gomez J, Aviles P, Lubomirov R, Belgrano A, Sopesen B, White KM, Rosales R, Yildiz S, Reuschl AK, Thorne LG, Jolly C, Towers GJ, Zuliani-Alvarez L, Bouhaddou M, Obernier K, McGovern BL, Rodriguez ML, Enjuanes L, Fernandez-Sousa JM, Krogan NJ, Jimeno JM, Garcia-Sastre A

Life Sci Alliance - 1/4/2022

Editor: NLM (Medline)

10.26508/lsa.202101200 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 25751077
  • ISSN/ISBN 2575-1077

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Última actualización de los datos: 13/08/24 15:29