Jarabo Amores, María del Pilar


Welcome to the 15th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2018

  • Garcia, M.B.
  • Vela, G.D.M.
  • Zurera, M.R.
  • Amores, P.J.

2018 15th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2018 - 2018

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.23919/eurad.2018.8546519 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9782874870538

Welcome to the 15th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2018

  • García, M.B.
  • De Miguel Vela, G.
  • Zurera, M.R.
  • Amores, P.J.

2018 48th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2018 - 20/11/2018

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.23919/eumc.2018.8541397 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9782874870514

Performance improvement of a NN radar detector using a two-steps pre-processing stage

  • Amores, M.P.J.
  • Zurera, M.R.
  • Ferreras, F.L.
  • Espí, P.L.

Advances in Neural Networks and Applications (p. 129-133) - 2001

Editor: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

  • ISSN/ISBN 9608052262

Application of radial-basis function networks to radar detection

  • Amores, M.P.J.
  • Zurera, M.R.
  • Pita, R.G.
  • Ferreras, F.L.

Advances in Systems Engineering, Signal Processing and Communications (p. 41-46) - 2002

Editor: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

  • ISSN/ISBN 9608052696

Broadband modified-circle-shape patch antenna with H-aperture feeding for a passive radar array

  • Rosado-Sanz, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.P.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Gómez-del-Hoyo, P.J.
  • Del-Rey-Maestre, N.

Aerospace Science and Technology - 2021

Editor: Elsevier Masson s.r.l.

10.1016/j.ast.2020.106445 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1270-9638

Paleontological approaches to the evolution of language: The state of the art

  • Martínez, I.
  • Quam, R.
  • Arsuaga, J.L.
  • Lorenzo, C.
  • Gràcia, A.
  • Carretero, J.M.
  • Rosa, M.
  • Jarabo, P.
... View more Collapse

Anthropologie (p. 255-264) - 2009

Editor: Elsevier Masson SAS

10.1016/j.anthro.2009.01.003 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0003-5521

Artificial intelligence techniques for small boats detection in radar clutter. Real data validation

  • del-Rey-Maestre, N.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • Gomez-del-Hoyo, P.-J.
  • Barcena-Humanes, J.-L.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (p. 296-308) - 2018

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.engappai.2017.10.005 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0952-1976

Welcome to the 15th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2018

  • García, M.B.
  • De Miguel Vela, G.
  • Zurera, M.R.
  • Amores, P.J.

EuMIC 2018 - 2018 13th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (p. 9) - 2018

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.23919/eumic.2018.8539924 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9782874870521

Radar detection with the Neyman-Pearson criterion using supervised-learning-machines trained with the cross-entropy error Emerging radar techniques

  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • La Mata-Moya, D.D.
  • Gil-Pita, R.
  • Rosa-Zurera, M.

Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing - 2013

10.1186/1687-6180-2013-44 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1687-6172

Artificial neural network-based clutter reduction systems for ship size estimation in maritime radars

  • Vicen-Bueno, R.
  • Carrasco-Álvarez, R.
  • Rosa-Zurera, M.
  • Nieto-Borge, J.C.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.P.

Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing - 2010

10.1155/2010/380473 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1687-6172

Líneas de transmisión y redes de adaptación en circuitos de microondas

  • Jesús Alpuente Hermosilla
  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores
  • Pablo Luis López Espí
  • José Antonio Pamies Guerrero


Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-8138-461-5

Teoría de circuitos de microondas: parámetros S.

  • Rocío Sánchez Montero
  • Pablo Luis López Espí
  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores
  • Jesús Alpuente Hermosilla


Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-8138-623-5

Multi-resolution technique-based oil spill look-alikes detection in X-band SAR data

  • Benito-Ortiz, M.-C.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • Maganto-Pascual, M.
  • Gomez-del-Hoyo, P.-J.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 737-745) - 2019

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-981-13-1165-9_67 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2194-5357

Incorporación de un simulador de imagen radar en la filosofía docente Montessori para asignaturas de tratamiento de la señal radar

  • José María Muñoz Ferreras
  • David Anastasio de la Mata Moya
  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores

Aproximaciones a la coordinación docente: hacia el cambio en la cultura universitaria (p. 263-272) - 2012

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-8138-952-4

Design of a pre-processing stage for avoiding the dependence on TSNR of a neural radar detector

  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores
  • Manuel Rosa Zurera
  • Francisco López Ferreras

Bio-inspired applications of connectionism: 6th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2001, Granada, Spain, June 13-15, 2001, Proceedings, Part II (p. 652-659) - 2001

Editor: Springer Alemania

  • ISSN/ISBN 3-540-42237-4

Application of computer-aided technologies to enhance the learning processes of microwave engineering

  • José Carlos Nieto Borge
  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores
  • David Anastasio de la Mata Moya

I Jornadas ID+TIC 2008 [Recurso electrónico]: actas (p. 22) - 2008

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-8138-780-3

Herramientas de Calibración Basadas en la Filosofía Montessori para la Docencia de una Asignatura de Grado

  • David Anastasio de la Mata Moya
  • María del Pilar Jarabo Amores
  • José Carlos Nieto Borge
  • José María Muñoz Ferreras

La creación de espacios comunes de aprendizaje: experiencias de innovación (p. 167-180) - 2011

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-8138-915-9

Studying audition in fossil hominins: A new approach to the evolution of language?

  • Quam, R.
  • Martínez, I.
  • Lorenzo, C.
  • Bonmatí, A.
  • Rosa, M.
  • Jarabo, P.
  • Arsuaga, J.L.
... View more Collapse

Psychology of Language (p. 47-96) - 2012

Editor: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781619428119

DVB-T-based passive radar for silent surveillance of drones

  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Del-Rey-Maestre, N.
  • Martelli, T.
  • Colone, F.

Radar Countermeasures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (p. 167-212) - 2021

Editor: Institution of Engineering and Technology

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781839531903

A non-parametric CFAR detector based on SAR sea clutter statistical modeling

  • Martin-De-Nicolas, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, P.
  • Rey-Maestre, N.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Barcena-Humanes, J.L.

Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP (p. 4426-4430) - 2015

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.1109/icip.2015.7351643 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1522-4880

First approach to motion compensation considerations for passive radar system based on GPS signals

  • Barcena-Humanes, J.L.
  • Gomez-Del-Hoyo, P.J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.P.
  • Rosado-Sanz, J.
  • Benito-Ortiz, M.C.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium - 2018

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.23919/irs.2018.8448032 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2155-5753

DVB-S passive radar performance evaluation in semi-urban ground scenario

  • Rosado-Sanz, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.P.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Del-Rey-Maestre, N.
  • Almodóvar-Hernández, A.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium (p. 232-235) - 2020

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.23919/irs48640.2020.9253838 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2155-5753

4D Passive Radar for Drone Detection and Tracking

  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Rey-Maestre, N.
  • Gomez-Del-Hoyo, P.-J.
  • Rosado-Sanz, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium - 2021

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.23919/irs51887.2021.9466190 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783944976310

Study of the effect of wideband sparse frequency signals in UHF passive radar resolution

  • Anabel, A.H.
  • Pilar, J.A.M.
  • David, M.-M.
  • José, G.D.H.
  • Javier, R.S.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium (p. 82-87) - 2020

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.23919/irs48640.2020.9253955 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2155-5753

Road Traffic Passive Radar Imaging using DVB-S

  • Gutierrez-Serrano, S.
  • Benito-Ortiz, M.-C.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • Del-Rey-Maestre, N.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium (p. 218-223) - 2022

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

  • ISSN/ISBN 9788395602054

Contoured-beam reflectarray for improving angular coverage in DVB-S passive radars

  • Rosado-Sanz, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.P.
  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Gomez-Del-Hoyo, P.J.
  • Del-Rey-Maestre, N.

Proceedings International Radar Symposium - 2019

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.23919/irs.2019.8768107 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2155-5753

Moving ship detection in presence of sea clutter from temporal sequences of marine radar images

  • Nieto-Borge, J.C.
  • Estal-Fernández, V.D.
  • Jarabo-Amores, P.
  • Reichert, K.

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Radar, Radar 2008 (p. 88-93) - 2008

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.1109/radar.2008.4653897 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424423224

Robust detectors for targets of unknown correlation in clutter

  • Mata-Moya, D.
  • Jarabo-Amores, P.
  • Nieto-Borge, J.C.
  • López-Ferreras, F.

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Radar, Radar 2008 (p. 247-252) - 2008

10.1109/radar.2008.4653926 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424423224

Spatially adaptive thresholding of the Empirical Mode Decomposition for speckle reduction purposes

  • De La Mata-Moya, D.
  • Díaz-Soria, Á.
  • Martín-De-Nicolás, J.
  • Jarabo-Amores, M.-P.
  • Peláez, V.M.

Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR (p. 481-484) - 2014

  • ISSN/ISBN 2197-4403

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Last data update: 4/24/24 1:20 PM