Izquierdo Alonso, José Luis


ANTES Program: One Year on

  • Agustí, A.
  • Alcázar, B.
  • Ancochea, J.
  • Casanova, C.
  • Celli, B.
  • Cosio, B.
  • Echave-Sustaeta, J.M.
  • Fernandez Villar, A.
  • Garcia Rivero, J.L.
  • González, C.
  • Izquierdo, J.L.
  • Lopez-Campos, J.L.
  • Marín Trigo, J.M.
  • Martín Sánchez, J.
  • Miravitlles, M.
  • Molina, J.
  • Peces-Barba, G.
  • Roman, M.
  • Soler Cataluña, J.J.
  • Villar-Alvarez, F.
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Archivos de Bronconeumologia (p. 291-294) - 2022

Editor: Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR)

10.1016/j.arbres.2021.10.009 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1579-2129


  • Izquierdo Alonso, J.L.

Anales de Medicina Interna (p. 263-265) - 1993

  • ISSN/ISBN 0212-7199

Acute and long-term hemodynamic response to home oxygen therapy: Nasal prongs versus oxygen saving devices

  • Domingo, C.
  • Klamburg, J.
  • Roig, J.
  • Coll, R.
  • Izquierdo, J.
  • Morera, J.
  • Seres, L.
  • Domingo, E.
... View more Collapse

Journal of Applied Research (p. 149-163) - 2004

  • ISSN/ISBN 1537-064X

Airway dysfunction in patients with Parkinson's disease

  • Izquierdo-Alonso, J.L.
  • Jiménez-Jiménez, F.J.
  • Cabrera-Valdivia, F.
  • Mansilla-Lesmes, M.

Lung (p. 47-55) - 1994

Editor: Springer-Verlag

10.1007/bf00186168 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0341-2040

Alteraciones respiratorias en los trastornos del movimiento

  • Jiménez Jiménez, F.J.
  • Izquierdo Alonso, J.L.

Medicina Clinica (p. 342-346) - 1996

  • ISSN/ISBN 0025-7753

Analysis of forced wheezes in asthma patients

  • Fiz, J.A.
  • Jané, R.
  • Izquierdo, J.
  • Homs, A.
  • García, M.A.
  • Gomez, R.
  • Monso, E.
  • Morera, J.
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Respiration (p. 55-60) - 2006

10.1159/000087690 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0025-7931

Analysis of the Ischemia-Modified Albumin as a Potential Biomarker for Cardiovascular Damage in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

  • Resano-Barrio P
  • Alfaro E
  • Solano-Pérez E
  • Coso C
  • Cubillos-Zapata C
  • Díaz-García E
  • Romero-Peralta S
  • Izquierdo-Alonso JL
  • Barbé F
  • García-Rio F
  • Sánchez-de-la-Torre M
  • Mediano O
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International Journal Of Molecular Sciences - 1/5/2023

Editor: MDPI

10.3390/ijms24109019 View at source

  • ISSN 14220067
  • ISSN/ISBN 1422-0067

Analysis of tracheal sounds during forced exhalation in asthma patients and normal subjects: Bronchodilator response effect

  • Fiz, J.A.
  • Jané, R.
  • Salvatella, D.
  • Izquierdo, J.
  • Lores, L.
  • Caminal, P.
  • Morera, J.
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Chest (p. 633-638) - 1999

Editor: American College of Chest Physicians

10.1378/chest.116.3.633 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0012-3692

Artificial Intelligence in Pneumology: Diagnostic and Prognostic Utilities

  • Izquierdo, J.L.
  • Oeste, C.L.
  • Hernández Medrano, I.

Archivos de Bronconeumologia (p. 67-68) - 2023

Editor: Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR)

10.1016/j.arbres.2022.07.007 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1579-2129

Assessment of bronchodilatory response with β-agonists in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Frances, J.F.
  • Alonso, J.L.I.

Archivos de Bronconeumologia (p. 270-275) - 1995

Editor: Elsevier Doyma

10.1016/s0300-2896(15)30912-1 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0300-2896

Guía de buena práctica clínica en "EPOC"

  • Juan V. Esplugues Mota
  • José Luis Izquierdo Alonso
  • Miguel Román Rodríguez


Editor: IM&C

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-693-0744-1

Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica como enfermedad sistémica

  • José Luis Izquierdo Alonso
  • Carlos Almonacid Sánchez

Tratado de rehabilitación respiratoria (p. 21-28) - 2005

Editor: Ars medica

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-9751-116-6

La neumología en tiempos del COVID-19

  • José Luis Izquierdo Alonso

COVID-19: un enfoque plural (p. 333-336) - 2021

Editor: Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-18254-36-9

Analysis of vibromyographic and electromyographic signals from sternomastoid muscle in COPD patients

  • Jane, R.
  • Fiz, J.A.
  • Mananas, M.A.
  • Izquierdo, J.
  • Morera, J.
  • Caminal, P.

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings (p. 349-350) - 1994

Editor: IEEE

  • ISSN/ISBN 0589-1019


  • Izquierdo, J.L.

Archivos de Bronconeumologia (p. 25-27) - 2003

Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.

  • ISSN/ISBN 0300-2896

Study of the episodes of bronchospasm treated in the emergency outpatient service in the Canary Islands

  • Gutierrez, A.
  • Olmo, B.
  • Alonso, J.L.
  • Martin, J.
  • Marrero, J.

Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology (p. 538) - 1997

  • ISSN/ISBN 1018-9068

Consensus on the Management of the COPD Patient in the COVID-19 Setting: COPD Forum Working Group

  • Calle Rubio, Myriam
  • López-Campos Bodineau, José Luis
  • Izquierdo Alonso, José Luis
  • Martínez Pitarch, Dolores
  • Iriberri Pascual, Milagros
  • Alcázar Navarrete, Bernardino
  • Valle Falcones, Manuel
  • Avilés Inglés, María Jesús
  • Cabrera López, Carlos
  • Álvarez Martínez, Carlos José
  • Ortega Ruiz, Francisco
  • Golpe Gómez, Rafael
  • Fuster Gomila, Antonia
  • Guàrdia, Sergi Pascual
  • Riesco Miranda, Juan Antonio
  • Peces Barba Romero, Germán
  • García Río, Francisco
  • Martinez Muñiz, Manuel A
  • Cosío, B G
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Archivos De Bronconeumologia (p. 776-779) - 1/11/2022

Editor: Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR)

10.1016/j.arbres.2022.04.011 View at source

  • ISSN 03002896
  • ISSN/ISBN 1579-2129

Defective natural killer and phagocytic activities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are restored by glycophosphopeptical (inmunoferon)

  • Alvarez-Sala Walther, Rodolfo
  • Prieto, A
  • Reyes, E
  • Bernstein, E D
  • Martinez, B
  • Monserrat, J
  • Izquierdo, J L
  • Callol, L
  • de Lucas, P
  • Alvarez-Sala, R
  • Alvarez-Sala, J L
  • Villarrubia, V G
  • Alvarez-Mon, M
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American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine (p. 1578-1583) - 1/1/2001

Editor: American Lung Association

10.1164/ajrccm.163.7.2002015 View at source

  • ISSN 15354970
  • ISSN/ISBN 1073-449X

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Last data update: 8/13/24 12:58 PM