
Competition effects in EU external aid supply tenders funded with the Pre-accession and Neighbourhood instruments

  • García Lafuente, L.M.
  • Mochón Sáez, A.

Empirica (p. 461-484) - 2022

Editor: Springer

10.1007/s10663-021-09518-5 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1573-6911
Open Access

Combinatorial versus sequential auctions to allocate PPP highway projects

  • Mochon, Pablo
  • Mochon Saez, Maria Asuncion
  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago

Transport Policy (p. 23-39) - 3/2022

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.12.015 View at source

  • EISSN 1879-310X
  • ISSN 0967-070X
  • ISSN/ISBN 1879-310X
Open Access

Electricity market integration and impact of renewable energy sources in the Central Western Europe region: Evolution since the implementation of the Flow-Based Market Coupling mechanism

  • Corona, Luis
  • Mochon Saez, Maria Asuncion
  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago

Energy Reports (p. 1768-1788) - 11/2022

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.egyr.2021.12.077 View at source

  • ISSN 2352-4847
  • ISSN/ISBN 2352-4847
Open Access

Integration in the European electricity market: A machine learning-based convergence analysis for the Central Western Europe region

  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago
  • Mochon, Asuncion
  • Corona, Luis
  • Isasi Viñuela, Pedro

Energy Policy (p. 549-566) - 9/2019

Editor: Elsevier Ltd View at source

  • EISSN 1873-6777
  • ISSN 0301-4215
  • ISSN/ISBN 0301-4215
Open Access

TV Series and Social Media: Powerful Engagement Factors in Mobile Video Games

  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago
  • De Rada, Fernando
  • Mochon Saez, Maria Asuncion

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (p. 46-55) - 11/2018

Editor: IMAI software View at source

  • ISSN 1989-1660
  • ISSN/ISBN 1989-1660
Open Access

A review of radio spectrum combinatorial clock auctions

  • Mochon Saez, Maria Asuncion
  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago


Editor: Elsevier Ltd View at source

  • EISSN 1879-3258
  • ISSN 0308-5961
  • ISSN/ISBN 0308-5961

A System for Personality and Happiness Detection.

  • Yago Sáez Achaerandio
  • Carlos Navarro Ugena
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez
  • Pedro Isasi Viñuela

IJIMAI (p. 8-16) - 2014

Editor: IMAI software

10.9781/ijimai.2014.251 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1989-1660

Exploring pricing rules in combinatorial sealed-bid auctions

  • Monchon, A.
  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago
  • Gómez-barroso, J.l.
  • Isasi Viñuela, Pedro

JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION (p. 462-478) - 5/2012 View at source

  • EISSN 1879-1751
  • ISSN 0167-2681
  • ISSN/ISBN 0167-2681

Simulating digital dividend auctions: Service neutrality versus dedicated licences

  • Gomez-Barroso, Jose Luis
  • Mochon, Asuncion
  • Saez, Yago
  • Feijoo, Claudio;

TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS (p. 11-25) - 1/2/2012 View at source

  • EISSN 1879-324X
  • ISSN 07365853
  • ISSN/ISBN 0736-5853

Cross-bidding impact throughout the product life cycle

  • Pages, J.-F.
  • Mochon, A.

Economics Letters (p. 80-83) - 2011

10.1016/j.econlet.2011.05.051 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0165-1765

Principios de economía

  • Francisco Mochón Morcillo
  • Borja García Alarcón
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez


Editor: UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-481-3196-7

Principios de economía: libro de problemas

  • Rebeca de Juan Díaz
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez


Editor: McGraw-Hill USA

  • ISSN/ISBN 8448148088

Análisis de la eficiencia de las subastas: aplicación al sector filatélico y numismático : tesis doctoral

  • Asunción Mochón Sáez


Editor: Madrid : Fundación Albertino de Figueiredo para la Filatelia, 2005

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-933613-5-6

Economía: Bachillerato. Cuaderno de actividades

  • Asunción Mochón Sáez


Editor: Madrid : McGraw-Hill, Interamericana de España, [1999]-

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-481-2208-9

Automatic Search of Behavior Strategies in Auctions

  • Quintana, D.
  • Mochón, A.

Optimization Techniques for Solving Complex Problems (p. 231-248) - 2008

Editor: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

10.1002/9780470411353.ch14 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780470293324

A multiobjective approach for bidding recommendations in combinatorial auctions

  • Saez, Y.
  • Mochon, A.
  • Gomez-Barroso, J.L.
  • Isasi, P.

2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010 - 2010

10.1109/cec.2010.5586206 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424469109

Strategic behaviour in competing auctions evidence on eBay

  • Pages, J.F.
  • Mochon, A.

ICIME 2010 - 2010 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (p. 356-360) - 2010

10.1109/icime.2010.5477993 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424452644

Testing bidding strategies in the clock-proxy auction for selling radio spectrum: A genetic algorithm approach

  • Mochon, A.
  • Saez, Y.
  • Isasi, P.
  • Gomez-Barroso, J.L.

2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009 (p. 2348-2353) - 2009

10.1109/cec.2009.4983233 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424429592

Testing BOI and BOB Algorithms for Solving the Winner Determination Problem in Radio Spectrum Auctions

  • Saez Achaerandio, Yago
  • Mochon Saez, Maria Asuncion
  • Gómez-barroso, J.l.
  • Isasi Viñuela, Pedro

8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (p. 732-737) - 2008

10.1109/his.2008.21 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780769533261

Estudio del sector filatélico internacional mediante el DEA y un análisis de ratios

  • Asunción Mochón Sáez
  • Francisco Díez Martín

Decisiones basadas en el conocimiento y en el papel social de la empresa: XX Congreso anual de AEDEM (p. 55) - 2007

Editor: Asociación Española de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa (AEDEM)

Bidding with memory in the presence of synergies: A genetic algorithm implementation

  • Mochon, A.
  • Saez, Y.
  • Quintana, D.
  • Isasi, P.

2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2007 (p. 228-235) - 2007

10.1109/cec.2007.4424476 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781424413409

Evolutionary-stable strategies with increasing and decreasing marginal utilities in the Ausubel auction

  • Mochon, A.
  • Quintana, D.
  • Saez, Y.
  • Isasi, P.

2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2006 (p. 2579-2586) - 2006

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780780394872

Analysis of ausubel auctions by means of evolutionary computation

  • Mochón, A.
  • Quintana, D.
  • Sáez, Y.
  • Isasi, P.

2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2005. Proceedings (p. 2645-2652) - 2005

  • ISSN/ISBN 0780393635

Genetic algorithms versus human bidding strategies for auctions

  • Mochón, A.
  • Quintana, D.
  • Isasi, P.
  • Sáez, Y.

Advances in Soft Computing (p. 619-628) - 2005

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/3-540-32391-0_67 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1860-0794

Las expectativas y la creación de valor a través de la acción directiva: el caso de GMAI-Auctentia

  • Rafael Guitián Fernández de Córdoba
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez

La empresa y su entorno: best papers proceedings 2004 (p. 1101-1109) - 2004

Editor: Universidade de Vigo

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-688-6398-X

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

Competition effects in EU external aid: A case study for supply tenders

  • Luis Mario García Lafuente
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez (dir. tes.)
  • Dolores Cuadra Fernández (pres.)
  • Laura Rodríguez Fernández (secr.)
  • Yago Sáez Achaerandio (voc.)


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Integración de los mercados eléctricos europeos de la región del centro-oeste europeo, análisis y estudio del nuevo mecanismo de acoplamiento de mercados

  • Luis Corona Mesa Moles
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez (dir. tes.)
  • Yago Sáez Achaerandio (dir. tes.)
  • José Luis Gómez Barroso (pres.)
  • David Quintana Montero (secr.)
  • José M. Valls Ferrán (voc.)


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

El modelo de negocio "free-to-play": aspectos clave y aplicación sobre un videojuego móvil comercial

  • Fernando de Rada
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez (dir. tes.)
  • Yago Sáez Achaerandio (dir. tes.)
  • Santos González Jiménez (pres.)
  • Mauro Hernández Benítez (secr.)
  • David Alonso Urbano (voc.)


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Predicción Local Mediante Algoritmos Evolutivos

  • Isasi Viñuela, Pedro
  • Luque Del Arco Calderon, Cristobal
  • Valls Ferran, Jose Maria


Reading date: 02-09-2010

Reading institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Analisis de la evaluacion de la filatelia financiera como valor de inversion en España: una vision desde la optica del marketing

  • Pablo Muñoz Viquillón
  • Antonio Leal Jiménez (dir. tes.)
  • Enrique Carlos Díez de Castro (pres.)
  • Rachida Mohamed Amar (secr.)
  • Asunción Mochón Sáez (voc.)
  • Gerardo Lucas León (voc.)
  • F. J. Cossío Silva (voc.)
... View more Collapse


Reading institution: Universidad de Cádiz

Análisis de la eficiencia de las subastas: aplicación al sector filatélico y numismático

  • Asunción Mochón Sáez
  • Rafael Castejón Montijano (dir. tes.)
  • Jaime Requeijo González (pres.)
  • José María Labeaga Azcona (secr.)
  • Antonio Santillana del Barrio (voc.)
  • Victorio Valle Sánchez (voc.)
  • José María Otero Moreno (voc.)
... View more Collapse

(p. 1-343) - 2003

Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 10:43 AM