
Co-occurrence graphs for word sense disambiguation in the biomedical domain

  • Duque, A.
  • Stevenson, M.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (p. 9-19) - 2018

Editor: Elsevier B.V.

10.1016/j.artmed.2018.03.002 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1873-2860

A keyphrase-based approach for interpretable ICD-10 code classification of Spanish medical reports

  • Duque, A.
  • Fabregat, H.
  • Araujo, L.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 2021

Editor: Elsevier B.V.

10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102177 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1873-2860

Semi-supervised incremental learning with few examples for discovering medical association rules

  • Sánchez-de-Madariaga, R.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Escribano, J.M.C.
  • Araujo, L.

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making - 2022

Editor: BioMed Central Ltd

10.1186/s12911-022-01755-3 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1472-6947

Deep neural models for extracting entities and relationships in the new RDD corpus relating disabilities and rare diseases

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Araujo, L.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (p. 121-129) - 2018

Editor: Elsevier Ireland Ltd

10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.07.007 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1872-7565

Can deep learning techniques improve classification performance of vandalism detection in Wikipedia?

  • Martinez-Rico, J.R.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (p. 248-259) - 2019

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.engappai.2018.11.012 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0952-1976

GAT: Platform for automatic context-aware mobile services for m-tourism

  • Rodriguez-Sanchez, M. C.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Borromeo, S.
  • Hernandez-Tamames, J. A.;

Expert Systems With Applications (p. 4154-4163) - 1/8/2013

10.1016/j.eswa.2013.01.031 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09574174
  • ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174

Detecting malicious tweets in trending topics using a statistical analysis of language

  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

Expert Systems with Applications (p. 2992-3000) - 2013

10.1016/j.eswa.2012.12.015 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174

Deep-Learning Approach to Educational Text Mining and Application to the Analysis of Topics' Difficulty

  • Araujo, L.
  • Lopez-Ostenero, F.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Plaza, L.

IEEE Access (p. 218002-218014) - 2020

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/access.2020.3042099 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536

Understanding and Improving Disability Identification in Medical Documents

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

IEEE Access (p. 155399-155408) - 2020

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/access.2020.3019178 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536

Web spam detection: New classification features based on qualified link analysis and language models

  • Araujo, L.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (p. 581-590) - 2010

10.1109/tifs.2010.2050767 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1556-6013

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Natural language processing for data mining in computer science education

  • Fernando López Ostenero
  • L. Plaza
  • Juan Martínez Romo
  • L. Araujo

EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning TechnologiesOnline Conference. 6-7 July, 2020. (p. 2356-2361) - 2020

Editor: IATED Academy

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4

Automatic labelling of topics in university subjects to detect which topics are more difficult to learn

  • Juan Martínez Romo
  • J. Gomez Martin
  • L. Plaza
  • L. Araujo
  • Fernando López Ostenero

EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning TechnologiesOnline Conference. 6-7 July, 2020. (p. 2257-2262) - 2020

Editor: IATED Academy

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4

Web spam identification through language model analysis

  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (p. 21-28) - 2009

10.1145/1531914.1531920 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781605584386

NLP uned at eHealth-KD challenge 2019 deep learning for named entity recognition and attentive relation extraction

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Duque, A.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 67-77) - 2019

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

De-identification through named entity recognition for medical document anonymization

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Duque, A.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 663-670) - 2019

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

Extending a deep learning approach for negation cues detection in Spanish

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Duque, A.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 369-377) - 2019

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

Graph-based word clustering applied to question answering and reading comprehension tests

  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings - 2011

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

Overview of the DIANN Task: Disability annotation task

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 1-14) - 2018

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

UNED at DIANN 2018: Unsupervised system for automatic disabilities labeling in medical scientific documents

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 53-60) - 2018

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

Deep learning approach for negation cues detection in Spanish

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.
  • Araujo, L.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 43-48) - 2018

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

LSI UNED at M-WePNaD: Embeddings for person name disambiguation

  • Duque, A.
  • Araujo, L.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 138-146) - 2017

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

LSI_UNED at CLEF eHealth2021: Exploring the effects of transfer learning in negation detection and entity recognition in clinical texts

  • Fabregat, H.
  • Duque, A.
  • Araujo, L.
  • Martinez-Romo, J.

CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 780-793) - 2021

Editor: CEUR-WS

  • ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.

Técnicas de recuperación de información para la resolución de problemas en la web

  • Juan Martínez Romo
  • Lourdes Araujo (dir. tes.)


Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Word sense disambiguation in multilingual contexts

  • Andrés Duque Fernández
  • Lourdes Araujo (dir. tes.)
  • Juan Martínez Romo (dir. tes.)
  • Julio Gonzalo Arroyo (pres.)
  • Eneko Agirre Bengoa (secr.)
  • Ahmet Aker (voc.)


Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Ingeniería de atributos y minería de datos para la recuperación de información con adversario

  • Enrique Puertas Sanz
  • José María Gómez Hidalgo (dir. tes.)
  • María Teresa Villalba de Benito (pres.)
  • María Cruz Gaya López (secr.)
  • Carlos Laorden Gómez (voc.)
  • Luis Martín Martín (voc.)
  • Juan Martínez Romo (voc.)
... Ver más Contraer


Defensa realizada en: Universidad Europea de Madrid

Biomedical Information Extraction: Exploring new entities and relationships

  • Hermenegildo Fabregat
  • Lourdes Araujo (dir. tes.)
  • Juan Martínez Romo (dir. tes.)
  • Isabel Segura Bedmar (pres.)
  • Víctor Fresno Fernández (secr.)
  • Arkaitz Zubiaga (voc.)


Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 24/08/24 7:46