Cortes Montero, Elsa


The sigma 1 Receptor and the HINT1 Protein Control alpha 2 delta 1 Binding to Glutamate NMDA Receptors: Implications in Neuropathic Pain

  • Rodriguez-Munoz, Maria
  • Cortes-Montero, Elsa
  • Onetti, Yara
  • Sanchez-Blazquez, Pilar
  • Garzon-Nino, Javier;

Biomolecules - 1/11/2021

10.3390/biom11111681 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 2218273X

The Axonal Motor Neuropathy-Related HINT1 Protein Is a Zinc- and Calmodulin-Regulated Cysteine SUMO Protease

  • Cortes-Montero, Elsa
  • Rodriguez-Munoz, Maria
  • Sanchez-Blazquez, Pilar
  • Garzon, Javier;

Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (p. 503-520) - 1/9/2019

10.1089/ars.2019.7724 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15230864

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Última actualización de los datos: 15/07/23 0:58