Matesanz García, Silvia



  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Sultan, Sonia E.
  • Jones, Kenneth L.
  • Hagen, Cris
  • Lance, Stacey L.;

American Journal Of Botany (p. E180-E182) - 1/7/2011

10.3732/ajb.1100053 View at source

  • ISSN 00029122

Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species' abundance trends

  • Bowler, Diana E.
  • Hof, Christian
  • Haase, Peter
  • Kroencke, Ingrid
  • Schweiger, Oliver
  • Adrian, Rita
  • Baert, Leon
  • Bauer, Hans-Guenther
  • Blick, Theo
  • Brooker, Rob W.
  • Dekoninck, Wouter
  • Domisch, Sami
  • Eckmann, Reiner
  • Hendrickx, Frederik
  • Hickler, Thomas
  • Klotz, Stefan
  • Kraberg, Alexandra
  • Kuehn, Ingolf
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Meschede, Angelika
  • Neumann, Hermann
  • O'Hara, Robert
  • Russell, David J.
  • Sell, Anne F.
  • Sonnewald, Moritz
  • Stoll, Stefan
  • Sundermann, Andrea
  • Tackenberg, Oliver
  • Tuerkay, Michael
  • Valladares, Fernando
  • van Herk, Kok
  • van Klink, Roel
  • Vermeulen, Rikjan
  • Voigtlaender, Karin
  • Wagner, Ruediger
  • Welk, Erik
  • Wiemers, Martin
  • Wiltshire, Karen H.
  • Boehning-Gaese, Katrin;
... View more Collapse

Nature Ecology & Evolution - 1/3/2017

10.1038/s41559-016-0067 View at source

  • ISSN 2397334X

Coordination between water uptake depth and the leaf economic spectrum in a Mediterranean shrubland

  • Illuminati, Angela
  • Ignacio Querejeta, Jose
  • Pias, Beatriz
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia;

JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY (p. 1844-1856) - 1/8/2022

10.1111/1365-2745.13909 View at source

  • ISSN 00220477

Contrasting levels of evolutionary potential in populations of the invasive plant Polygonum cespitosum

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Horgan-Kobelski, Tim
  • Sultan, Sonia E.;

Biological Invasions (p. 455-468) - 1/2/2014

10.1007/s10530-013-0533-9 View at source

  • ISSN 13873547

Contrasting adaptive trait variation in response to drought in two Mediterranean shrubs

  • Blanco-Sanchez, Mario
  • Franks, Steven J.
  • Ramos-Munoz, Marina
  • Pias, Beatriz
  • Ramirez-Valiente, Jose Alberto
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia;
... View more Collapse

Environmental And Experimental Botany - 11/2/2023

10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105253 View at source

  • ISSN 00988472

Compromises in Data Selection in a Meta-Analysis of Biodiversity in Managed and Unmanaged Forests: Response to Halme et al.

  • Paillet, Yoan
  • Berges, Laurent
  • Hjalten, Joakim
  • Odor, Peter
  • Avon, Catherine
  • Bernhardt-Roemermann, Markus
  • Bijlsma, Rienk-Jan
  • De Bruyn, Luc
  • Fuhr, Marc
  • Grandin, Ulf
  • Kanka, Robert
  • Lundin, Lars
  • Luque, Sandra
  • Magura, Tibor
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Meszaros, Ilona
  • Sebastia, M. -Teresa
  • Schmidt, Wolfgang
  • Standovar, Tibor
  • Tothmeresz, Bela
  • Uotila, Anneli
  • Valladares, Fernando
  • Vellak, Kai
  • Virtanen, Risto;
... View more Collapse

Conservation Biology (p. 1157-1160) - 1/8/2010

10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01543.x View at source

  • ISSN 08888892

Competition may explain the fine-scale spatial patterns and genetic structure of two co-occurring plant congeners

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Gimeno, Teresa E.
  • de la Cruz, Marcelino
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Valladares, Fernando;

Journal Of Ecology (p. 838-848) - 1/5/2011

10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01812.x View at source

  • ISSN 00220477

Comparative landscape genetics of gypsum specialists with naturally-patchy distributions reveal their resilience to anthropogenic fragmentation

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Limon-Yelmo, Alicia
  • Gomez-Fernandez, Alicia
  • Escudero, Adrian;

Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics (p. 1-9) - 1/10/2018

10.1016/j.ppees.2018.07.001 View at source

  • ISSN 14338319

Climate-dependent variations in leaf respiration in a dry-land, low productivity Mediterranean forest: the importance of acclimation in both high-light and shaded habitats

  • Zaragoza-Castells, Joana
  • Sanchez-Gomez, David
  • Hartley, Iain P.
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Valladares, Fernando
  • Lloyd, Jon
  • Atkin, Owen K.;
... View more Collapse

Functional Ecology (p. 172-184) - 1/2/2008

10.1111/j.1365-2435.2007.01355.x View at source

  • ISSN 02698463

Biodiversity Differences between Managed and Unmanaged Forests: Meta-Analysis of Species Richness in Europe

  • Paillet, Yoan
  • Berges, Laurent
  • Hjalten, Joakim
  • Odor, Peter
  • Avon, Catherine
  • Bernhardt-Roemermann, Markus
  • Bijlsma, Rienk-Jan
  • De Bruyn, Luc
  • Fuhr, Marc
  • Grandin, Ulf
  • Kanka, Robert
  • Lundin, Lars
  • Luque, Sandra
  • Magura, Tibor
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Meszaros, Ilona
  • Teresa Sebastia, M. -
  • Schmidt, Wolfgang
  • Standovar, Tibor
  • Tothmeresz, Bela
  • Uotila, Anneli
  • Valladares, Fernando
  • Vellak, Kai
  • Virtanen, Risto;
... View more Collapse

Conservation Biology (p. 101-112) - 1/2/2010

10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01399.x View at source

  • ISSN 08888892

This researcher has no books.

Global change and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in plants

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Gianoli, Ernesto
  • Valladares, Fernando;

Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences (p. 35-55) - 1/1/2010

10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05704.x View at source

  • ISSN 00778923

An ideal weed: plasticity and invasiveness in Polygonum cespitosum

  • Sultan, Sonia E.
  • Matesanz, Silvia;

Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences (p. 101-119) - 1/1/2015

10.1111/nyas.12946 View at source

  • ISSN 00778923

This researcher has no conferences.

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

The importance of belowground processes in drylands: from an individual to a whole plant community perspective

  • Escudero Alcántara, Adrián (Tutor)
  • Matesanz García, Silvia (Codirector) Doctorando: ANGELA ILLUMINATI


  • iMarina

Genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in Mediterranean gypsum specialists: insights into climate change responses

  • Matesanz García, Silvia (Director)
  • Escudero Alcántara, Adrián (Codirector) Doctorando: MARIO BLANCO SANCHEZ


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/1/24 7:26 PM