Fernández Agulló, Teresa teresa.fernandez.agullo@urjc.es


Up-regulation of parathyroid hormone-related protein in folic acid-induced acute renal failure

  • Santos, S.
  • Bosch, R.J.
  • Ortega, A.
  • Largo, R.
  • Fernández-Agulló, T.
  • Gazapo, R.
  • Egido, J.
  • Esbrit, P.
... Ver más Contraer

Kidney International (p. 982-995) - 1/1/2001

10.1046/j.1523-1755.2001.060003982.x Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00852538
  • ISSN/ISBN 0085-2538

Tissue-specific effects of central leptin on the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism in liver and white adipose tissue

  • Gallardo N
  • Bonzón-Kulichenko E
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • Moltó E
  • Gómez-Alonso S
  • Blanco P
  • Carrascosa JM
  • Ros M
  • Andrés A
... Ver más Contraer

Endocrinology (p. 5604-5610) - 1/12/2007

10.1210/en.2007-0933 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00137227

Regulation of Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake in Rat White Adipose Tissue upon Chronic Central Leptin Infusion: Effects on Adiposity

  • Carrascosa Baeza, Jose Maria
  • Bonzon-Kulichenko, Elena
  • Fernandez-Agullo, Teresa
  • Molto, Eduardo
  • Serrano, Rosario
  • Fernandez, Alejandro
  • Ros, Manuel
  • Carrascosa, Jose M
  • Arribas, Carmen
  • Martinez, Carmen
  • Andres, Antonio
  • Gallardo, Nilda
... Ver más Contraer

Endocrinology (p. 1366-1377) - 1/4/2011

10.1210/en.2010-0858 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00137227

Medical empathy in medical students in Madrid: A proposal for empathy level cut-off points for Spain

  • Blanco Canseco, J.M.
  • Blanco Alfonso, A.
  • Caballero Martínez, F.
  • Hawkins Solís, M.M.
  • Fernández Agulló, T.
  • Lledó García, L.
  • López Román, A.
  • Piñas Mesa, A.
  • Vara Ameigeiras, E.M.
  • Monge Martín, D.
... Ver más Contraer

Plos One (p. e0267172-e0267172) - 1/1/2022

Editor: Public Library of Science

10.1371/journal.pone.0267172 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203
  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203

Long-term food restriction prevents ageing-associated central leptin resistance in wistar rats

  • Carrascosa Baeza, Jose Maria

Diabetologia (p. 997-1003) - 1/7/2002

10.1007/s00125-002-0851-4 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14320428

Leptin impairs insulin signaling in rat adipocytes

  • Carrascosa Baeza, Jose Maria

Diabetes (p. 347-353) - 1/2/2004

10.2337/diabetes.53.2.347 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00121797

Leptin accumulation in hypothalamic and dorsal raphe neurons is inversely correlated with brain serotonin content

  • Carrascosa Baeza, Jose Maria

Brain Research (p. 194-202) - 6/5/2010

10.1016/j.brainres.2010.02.085 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00068993

Involvement of protein tyrosine phosphatases and inflammation in hypothalamic insulin resistance associated with ageing: Effect of caloric restriction

  • García-San Frutos M
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • Carrascosa J
  • Horrillo D
  • Barrús M
  • Oliveros E
  • Sierra J
  • Ros M
... Ver más Contraer

Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development (p. 489-497) - 1/7/2012

10.1016/j.mad.2012.06.001 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00476374

Impairment of skeletal muscle insulin action with aging in Wistar rats: Role of leptin and caloric restriction

  • De Solís AJ
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • García-SanFrutos M
  • Pérez-Pardo P
  • Bogónez E
  • Andrés A
  • Ros M
  • Carrascosa JM
... Ver más Contraer

Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development (p. 306-316) - 1/5/2012

10.1016/j.mad.2012.03.006 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00476374

Impaired central insulin response in aged Wistar rats: Role of adiposity

  • Frutos MGS
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • De Solís AJ
  • Andrés A
  • Arribas C
  • Carrascosa JM
  • Ros M
... Ver más Contraer

Endocrinology (p. 5238-5247) - 1/11/2007

10.1210/en.2007-0543 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00137227

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Changes in the neuroendocrine control of energy homeostasis by adiposity signals during aging

  • Carrascosa Baeza, Jose Maria

Experimental Gerontology (p. 20-25) - 1/2/2009

10.1016/j.exger.2008.05.005 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 05315565

Age-associated development of inflammation in Wistar rats: Effects of caloric restriction

  • Horrillo D
  • Sierra J
  • Arribas C
  • García-San Frutos M
  • Carrascosa J
  • Lauzurica N
  • Fernández-Agulló T
  • Ros M
... Ver más Contraer

Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry (p. 140-150) - 1/1/2011

10.3109/13813455.2011.577435 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13813455

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  • TOLÓN RAFAEL, ROSA (Codirector)
  • Fernández Agulló, Teresa (Tutor) Doctorando: ALICIA LOPEZ VIVO


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 29/07/24 21:49