Ripa Peralta, Ines


The role of extracellular vesicles in demyelination of the central nervous system

  • López-Guerrero JA
  • Ripa I
  • Andreu S
  • Bello-Morales R

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences (p. 9111-18) - 1/12/2020

10.3390/ijms21239111 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14220067

Valproic Acid and Its Amidic Derivatives as New Antivirals against Alphaherpesviruses

  • Andreu S, Ripa I, Bello-Morales R, López-Guerrero JA

Viruses-Basel - 1/12/2020


  • ISSN 19994915
  • iMarina

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Última actualización de los datos: 18/03/24 23:16