The data shown for the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are partial, as they are intended to answer 2 questions:

  • Who is researching a specific topic?
  • What is an expert, group or particular department researching?

The search results will adhere to the following limits: active Researchers at Carlos III University of Madrid, Projects since 2006 and Publications, Theses, Patents and Software since 2008.

Veiga Lopez, Fernando


Open Access

The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambers

  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Fernandez Galisteo, Daniel
  • Kurdyumov, Vadim N.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Combustion And Flame (p. 187-199) - 1/11/2019

10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.07.019 View at source

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180
Open Access

Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Combustion And Flame (p. 1-11) - 1/3/2019

10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.12.005 View at source

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180

Effect of ozone addition on curved detonations

  • Weng, Zifeng
  • Melguizo Gavilanes, Josue
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Mevel, Remy

Combustion and Flame (p. 1-9) - 1/2023 View at source

  • EISSN 1556-2921
  • ISSN 0010-2180
Open Access

Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Fuel (p. 1-10) - 15/10/2020

10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118212 View at source

  • EISSN 1873-7153
  • ISSN 00162361
Open Access

La sigilosa combustión del hidrógeno

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Investigación y Ciencia (p. 14-17) - 11/2020

  • ISSN 0210-136X

Minimum tube diameters for detonation propagation in CH4/H2-air mixtures: Implications for natural gas cooktop burners

  • Mejia Botero, Cristian C.
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Melguizo Gavilanes, Josue


  • ISSN 0950-4230
Open Access

Characterization of unconventional hydrogen flame propagation in narrow gaps

  • Yañez Escanciano, Jorge
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

PHYSICAL REVIEW E (p. 1-9) - 3/2021 View at source

  • EISSN 2470-0053
  • ISSN 2470-0045

On the velocity, size, and temperature of gaseous dendritic flames

  • Yanez, Jorge
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

PHYSICS OF FLUIDS (p. 113601-1-113601-8) - 11/2022 View at source

  • EISSN 1089-7666
  • ISSN 1070-6631
Open Access

Theoretical analysis of the condensation of combustion products in thin gaseous layers

  • Yañez, Jorge
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

PHYSICS OF FLUIDS - 8/2021 View at source

  • EISSN 1089-7666
  • ISSN 1070-6631
Open Access

Unexpected Propagation of Ultra-Lean Hydrogen Flames in Narrow Gaps

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, Mike
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Grune, Joachim
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Physical Review Letters - 1/5/2020

10.1103/physrevlett.124.174501 View at source

  • EISSN 1079-7114
  • ISSN 00319007

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Thermoacoustic analysis of lean H2-air premixed flames in thin layers

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez-ruiz, M.
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) - 2019

Open Access

Premixed-flame oscillations in narrow channels

  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

Physical Review Fluids (p. 1-3) - 24/10/2019

10.1103/physrevfluids.4.100503 View at source

  • ISSN 2469990X

Near-limit hydrogen flame propagation in a thin layer geometry

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Yanez, J.
  • Grune, J.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

The 2nd International Workshop on Near Limit Flames - 2019

Flame propagation near the limiting conditions in a thin layer geometry

  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Kuznetsov, M.
  • Yanez, J.
  • Grune, J.
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario

The 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2019) - 2019

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Combustibles alternativos en condiciones de alta velocidad.

  • Huete Ruiz De Lira, Cesar
  • Sanchez Perez, Antonio Luis
  • Vera Coello, Marcos
  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Williams, Forman Arthur
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel
  • Millan Merino, Alejandro
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-09-2017 - 31-12-2018

Type of funding: National


Study on Fibre Optic Temperature Sensor

  • Fernandez Tarrazo, Eduardo Antonio
  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Ruiz Martin, Desiree
  • Palomeque Santiago, Ruben

Period: 18-02-2022 - 18-11-2022

Type of funding: Regional

Funding entity: AIRBUS OPERATIONS, S.L.

Caracterización de la composición de gas en un electrolizador comercial

  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando

Period: 12-05-2022 - 12-06-2022

Type of funding: Regional


H2 Fire Tests with Optical Technologies

  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Rubio Rubio, Mariano
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Palomeque Santiago, Ruben

Period: 01-09-2022 - 10-12-2023

Type of funding: International

Funding entity: AIRBUS OPERATIONS, S.L.

Flame propagation in narrow channels

  • Sanchez Sanz, Mario
  • Veiga Lopez, Fernando
  • Martinez Ruiz, Daniel


Reading date: 15-06-2020

Reading institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/24/24 12:58 PM