Rodriguez Doncel, Victor


An optimal detector structure for the Fourier descriptors domain watermarking of 2D vector graphics

  • Doncel, Victor Rodriguez
  • Nikolaidis, Nikos
  • Pitas, Ioannis;

Ieee Transactions On Visualization And Computer Graphics (p. 851-863) - 1/1/2007

10.1109/tvcg.2007.1050 View at source

  • ISSN 10772626

A Media Value Chain Ontology for MPEG-21

  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor
  • Delgado, Jaime;

Ieee Multimedia (p. 44-50) - 1/12/2009

10.1109/mmul.2009.78 View at source

  • ISSN 1070986X

Accelerating the Media Business with MPEG Extensible Middleware

  • Timmerer, Christian
  • Chiariglione, Filippo
  • Preda, Marius
  • Rodriguez Doncel, Victor;

Ieee Multimedia (p. 74-78) - 1/1/2010

10.1109/mmul.2010.52 View at source

  • ISSN 1070986X

Accelerating Media Business Developments with the MPEG Extensible Middleware

  • Christian Timmerer
  • Filippo Chiariglione
  • Marius Preda
  • Victor Rodriguez Doncel

Ieee Multimedia (p. 74-78) - 1/9/2010

  • ISSN 1070986X
  • iMarina

Interoperable digital rights management based on the MPEG Extensible Middleware

  • Rodriguez Doncel, Victor
  • Delgado, Jaime
  • Chiariglione, Filippo
  • Preda, Marius
  • Timmerer, Christian;

Multimedia Tools And Applications (p. 303-318) - 1/5/2011

10.1007/s11042-010-0513-3 View at source

  • ISSN 13807501

Semantic characterization of tweets using topic models: A use case in the entertainment domain

  • García-Silva A
  • Rodríguez-Doncel V
  • Corcho O

International Journal On Semantic Web And Information Systems (p. 1-13) - 1/1/2013

10.4018/ijswis.2013070101 View at source

  • ISSN 15526283

MPEG-M: A digital media ecosystem for interoperable applications

  • Kudumakis, Panos
  • Sandler, Mark
  • Anadiotis, Angelos-Christos G.
  • Venieris, Lakovos S.
  • Difino, Angelo
  • Wang, Xin
  • Tropea, Giuseppe
  • Grafi, Michael
  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor
  • Llorente, Silvia
  • Delgado, Jaime;
... View more Collapse

Signal Processing-Image Communication (p. 150-166) - 1/1/2014

10.1016/j.image.2013.10.006 View at source

  • ISSN 09235965

Media Contract Formalization Using a Standardized Contract Expression Language

  • E. Rodríguez
  • J. Delgado
  • L. Boch
  • V. Rodríguez-Doncel

Ieee Multimedia (p. 64-74) - 1/4/2015

10.1109/mmul.2014.22 View at source

  • ISSN 1070986X

Legal aspects of linked data – The European framework

  • Víctor Rodríguez Doncel
  • Cristiana Santos
  • Pompeu Casanovas Romeu
  • Asunción Gómez Pérez

Computer Law & Security Review (p. 799-813) - 1/12/2016

10.1016/j.clsr.2016.07.005 View at source

  • ISSN 02673649

Overview of the MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology

  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor
  • Delgado, Jaime
  • Llorente, Silvia
  • Rodriguez, Eva
  • Boch, Laurent;

Semantic Web (p. 311-332) - 23/3/2016

10.3233/sw-160215 View at source

  • ISSN 22104968

Inception of a Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO).Inception of a Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO)

  • Victor Rodriguez
  • Jaime Delgado

(p. 1-204) - 1/9/2010

  • iMarina

Linked Democracy.Linked Democracy

  • Marta Poblet
  • Pompeu Casanovas
  • Víctor Rodríguez

(p. 1-140) - 1/4/2018

  • ISBN 9783030133634
  • iMarina

Accelerating media business developments with the MPEG extensible middleware

  • Timmerer C
  • Chiariglione F
  • Preda M
  • Doncel VR

Towards The Future Internet: Emerging Trends From European Research (p. 217-226) - 1/1/2010

10.3233/978-1-60750-539-6-217 View at source

Accelerating Media Business Developments with the MPEG Extensible Middleware

  • Christian Timmerer
  • Filippo Chiariglione
  • Marius Preda
  • Victor Rodriguez Doncel

Towards The Future Internet: Emerging Trends From European Research (p. 216-226) - 1/4/2010

  • iMarina

Enhancing Electronic Contracts with Semantics. The Case of Multimedia Content Distribution.

  • Victor Rodriguez
  • Jaime Delgado

Intelligent Multimedia. Managing Creative Works In A Digital World (p. 289-305) - 1/5/2010

  • iMarina

Applications to Improve Privacy on Online Social Networks

  • Víctor Rodríguez Doncel
  • Anna Carreras
  • Eva Rodríguez
  • Jaime Delgado

Privacy And Protection In Web Based Social Networks (p. 17-34) - 1/9/2010

  • ISSN 20135017
  • iMarina

Análisis de sentimientos en un corpus de redes sociales


Comunicación, Cognición, Cibernétic@: Actas = Communication, Cognition & Cybernetics : Proceedings (p. 522-534) - 1/1/2014

  • iMarina

Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing

  • Krisnadhi, Adila
  • Karima, Nazifa
  • Hitzler, Pascal
  • Amini, Reihaneh
  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Vctor
  • Janowicz, Krzysztof;

Benchmarking Semantic Web Technology (p. 201-232) - 1/1/2016

  • ISSN 18681158
  • iMarina

The Role of Pragmatics in the Web of Data

  • Pompeu Casanovas
  • Víctor Rodríguez
  • Jorge González

Pragmatics And Law (p. 293-330) - 1/1/2017

  • iMarina

Complaint ontology pattern - COP

  • Santos C
  • Pruski C
  • Da Silveira M
  • Rodriguez-Doncel V
  • Gangemi A
  • Van der Torre L
  • Casanovas P
... View more Collapse

Advances In Ontology Design And Patterns (p. 69-83) - 27/12/2017

  • iMarina

Towards a Linked Democracy Model

  • Poblet, Marta
  • Casanovas, Pompeu
  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor;

Linked Democracy: Foundations, Tools, And Applications (p. 75-86) - 1/1/2019

10.1007/978-3-030-13363-4_4 View at source

Deliberative and Epistemic Approaches to Democracy

  • Poblet, Marta
  • Casanovas, Pompeu
  • Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor;

Linked Democracy: Foundations, Tools, And Applications (p. 27-49) - 1/1/2019

10.1007/978-3-030-13363-4_2 View at source

Watermarking polygonal lines using an optimal detector on fourier descriptors domain

  • Doncel VR
  • Nikolaidis N
  • Pitas I

13th European Signal Processing Conference, Eusipco 2005 (p. 1287-1290) - 1/9/2005

  • iMarina

From narrative contracts to electronic licenses: A guided translation process for the case of audiovisual content management

  • Rodriguez, Victor
  • Delgado, Jaime
  • Rodriguez, Eva;

Axmedis 2007: Third International Conference On Automated Production Of Cross Media Content For Multi-Channel Distribution, Proceedings (p. 171-178) - 1/1/2007

10.1109/axmedis.2007.18 View at source

From Narrative Contracts to Electronic Licenses: A Guided Translation Process for the Case of Audiovisual Content Management

  • Víctor Rodríguez
  • Jaime Delgado
  • Eva Rodríguez

3rd International Conference On Automated Production Of Cross Media Content For Multi-Channel Distribution - 1/11/2007

  • iMarina

Multimedia Content Distribution Governed by Ontology-Represented Contracts

  • Víctor Rodríguez
  • Jaime Delgado


  • iMarina

An Ontology for the Expression of Intellectual Property Entities and Relations

  • Rodríguez V
  • Gauvin M
  • Delgado J

Security In Information Systems (p. 196-203) - 1/4/2007

  • iMarina

Semantic expression and execution of B2B contracts on multimedia content

  • Víctor Rodríguez
  • Jaime Delgado

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 89-100) - 11/12/2009

10.1007/978-3-642-10543-2_10 View at source

  • ISSN 03029743

A case study on interoperability for language resources and applications

  • Villegas, Marta
  • Bel, Nuria
  • Bel, Santiago
  • Rodriguez, Victor;

Lrec 2010 - Seventh International Conference On Language Resources And Evaluation (p. 3512-3519) - 1/1/2010

  • iMarina

A case study on interoperability for language resources and applications

  • Villegas M
  • Bel N
  • Bel S
  • Rodríguez V

Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference On Language Resources And Evaluation, Lrec 2010 (p. 3512-3519) - 1/1/2010

  • iMarina

Towards a Contract Expression Language for Audiovisual Content

  • Boch L
  • Di Carlo A
  • Delgado J
  • Rodríguez E
  • Rodríguez V
  • Gallo F

9th International Workshop For Technical, Economic And Legal Aspects Of Business Models For Virtual Goods, Virtual Goods + Odrl 2011, Incorporating The 7th Odrl Workshop (p. 45-58) - 1/9/2011

  • iMarina

Towards an Expression Language for Licensing Content in the Connected Semantic

  • Rodriguez-Doncel V
  • Delgado J

9th International Workshop For Technical, Economic And Legal Aspects Of Business Models For Virtual Goods, Virtual Goods + Odrl 2011, Incorporating The 7th Odrl Workshop (p. 91-102) - 1/9/2011

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

VISNET (Networked audiovisual media technologies)

  • DR. IOANNIS PITAS (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-05-2004

  • iMarina

AXMEDIS (Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution)

  • DR. JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-09-2004

  • iMarina

DRM-MM (Gestión de derechos digitales en e-servicios multimedia)

  • DR. JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 15-10-2005

  • iMarina

VISNET-II (Networked Audiovisual Media Technologies)

  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-07-2006

  • iMarina

GILDDA (Gestión Integral para el Libro Digital: Derechos de Autor, contenidos y negocio)

  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-10-2007

  • iMarina

CMOnto (Creation Model Ontology) - LinkedWork

  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-05-2007

  • iMarina

E2E-RM (End to End Rights Management)

  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-07-2007

  • iMarina

SEGUR@ (CENIT en el área de seguridad)

  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-07-2007

  • iMarina


  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-01-2009

  • iMarina


  • DR: JAIME DELGADO MERCE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-01-2009

  • iMarina

Ontologies for legal relevance and consumer complaints. A case study in the air transport passenger domain

  • Pompeu Casanovas (Codirector)
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Director) Doctorando: Cristiana Santos Texeira


  • iMarina

Processing, Identification and Representation of Temporal Expressions and Events in Legal Documents

  • Gómez Pérez, Asunción (Director)
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Director) Doctorando: Navas Loro, María


  • iMarina

Decentralized Systems for the Protection and Portability of Personal Data

  • Ferretti, Stefano (Director) Doctorando: Zichichi, Mirko


  • iMarina

SemanticWeb-Driven Terminology Generation : Enrichment and Representation

  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Director) Doctorando: Martin-Chozas, Patricia


  • iMarina

Editor del estándar Internacional ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology



  • iMarina

Editor del estándar Internacional ISO/IEC 23006-4 Multimedia Service Platform Technologies (Part 4: Elementary services)



  • iMarina

Editor del estándar Internacional ISO/IEC 21000-21: Media Contract Ontology



  • iMarina

Editor de "ODRL Vocabulary & Expression 2.2", W3C Recommendation



  • iMarina

Añotador - M-000922/2021

  • NAVAS LORO, MARIA (Autor o Coautor)
  • RODRIGUEZ DONCEL, VICTOR (Autor o Coautor)


  • iMarina

Editor del estándar Internacional ISO/IEC 21000-23 Smart Contracts for Media



  • iMarina
Last data update: 8/28/24 1:34 PM