Dorado Liñan, Isabel


Coexistence in the Mediterranean-Temperate transitional border: Multi-century dynamics of a mixed old-growth forest under global change

  • Dorado-Linan, Isabel
  • Canellas, Isabel
  • Valbuena-Carabana, Maria
  • Gil, Luis
  • Gea-Izquierdo, Guillermo;

Dendrochronologia (p. 48-57) - 1/6/2017

10.1016/j.dendro.2017.03.007 View at source

  • ISSN 11257865

Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species

  • Hacket-Pain AJ
  • Ascoli D
  • Vacchiano G
  • Biondi F
  • Cavin L
  • Conedera M
  • Drobyshev I
  • Liñán ID
  • Friend AD
  • Grabner M
  • Hartl C
  • Kreyling J
  • Lebourgeois F
  • Levanič T
  • Menzel A
  • van der Maaten E
  • van der Maaten-Theunissen M
  • Muffler L
  • Motta R
  • Roibu CC
  • Popa I
  • Scharnweber T
  • Weigel R
  • Wilmking M
  • Zang CS
... View more Collapse

Ecology Letters (p. 1833-1844) - 1/12/2018

10.1111/ele.13158 View at source

  • ISSN 1461023X

Climatic marginality: a new metric for the susceptibility of tree species to warming exemplified by Fagus sylvatica (L.) and Ellenberg’s quotient

  • Mellert K
  • Ewald J
  • Hornstein D
  • Dorado-Liñán I
  • Jantsch M
  • Taeger S
  • Zang C
  • Menzel A
  • Kölling C
... View more Collapse

European Journal Of Forest Research (p. 137-152) - 1/1/2016

10.1007/s10342-015-0924-9 View at source

  • ISSN 16124669

Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests

  • Martinez del Castillo E
  • Zang CS
  • Buras A
  • Hacket-Pain A
  • Esper J
  • Serrano-Notivoli R
  • Hartl C
  • Weigel R
  • Klesse S
  • Resco de Dios V
  • Scharnweber T
  • Dorado-Liñán I
  • van der Maaten-Theunissen M
  • van der Maaten E
  • Jump A
  • Mikac S
  • Banzragch BE
  • Beck W
  • Cavin L
  • Claessens H
  • Čada V
  • Čufar K
  • Dulamsuren C
  • Gričar J
  • Gil-Pelegrín E
  • Janda P
  • Kazimirovic M
  • Kreyling J
  • Latte N
  • Leuschner C
  • Longares LA
  • Menzel A
  • Merela M
  • Motta R
  • Muffler L
  • Nola P
  • Petritan AM
  • Petritan IC
  • Prislan P
  • Rubio-Cuadrado Á
  • Rydval M
  • Stajić B
  • Svoboda M
  • Toromani E
  • Trotsiuk V
  • Wilmking M
  • Zlatanov T
  • de Luis M
... View more Collapse

Commun Biol - 1/1/2022

10.1038/s42003-022-03107-3 View at source

  • ISSN 23993642

Climate threats on growth of rear-edge European beech peripheral populations in Spain

  • Dorado-Liñán I
  • Akhmetzyanov L
  • Menzel A

International Journal Of Biometeorology (p. 2097-2110) - 1/12/2017

10.1007/s00484-017-1410-5 View at source

  • ISSN 14321254

Climate signals derived from cell anatomy of scots pine in NE Germany

  • Liang W
  • Heinrich I
  • Simard S
  • Helle G
  • Liñán I
  • Heinken T

Tree Physiology (p. 833-844) - 1/8/2013

10.1093/treephys/tpt059 View at source

  • ISSN 0829318X

Climate sensitivity and drought seasonality determine post-drought growth recovery of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in Europe

  • Bose, Arun K.
  • Scherrer, Daniel
  • Camarero, J. Julio
  • Ziche, Daniel
  • Babst, Flurin
  • Bigler, Christof
  • Bolte, Andreas
  • Dorado-Linan, Isabel
  • Etzold, Sophia
  • Fonti, Patrick
  • Forrester, David I.
  • Gavinet, Jordane
  • Gazol, Antonio
  • de Andres, Ester Gonzalez
  • Karger, Dirk Nikolaus
  • Lebourgeois, Francois
  • Levesque, Mathieu
  • Martinez-Sancho, Elisabet
  • Menzel, Annette
  • Neuwirth, Burkhard
  • Nicolas, Manuel
  • Sanders, Tanja G. M.
  • Scharnweber, Tobias
  • Schroder, Jens
  • Zweifel, Roman
  • Gessler, Arthur
  • Rigling, Andreas;
... View more Collapse

Science Of The Total Environment - 1/1/2021

10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147222 View at source

  • ISSN 00489697

Climate change increases drought stress of juniper trees in the mountains of central Asia

  • Seim A
  • Omurova G
  • Azisov E
  • Musuraliev K
  • Aliev K
  • Tulyaganov T
  • Nikolyai L
  • Botman E
  • Helle G
  • Liñan ID
  • Jivcov S
  • Linderholm HW
... View more Collapse

Plos One - 1/4/2016

10.1371/journal.pone.0153888 View at source

Climate Change Synchronizes Growth and iWUE Across Species in a Temperate-Submediterranean Mixed Oak Forest

  • Dorado-Liñán I
  • Valbuena-Carabaña M
  • Cañellas I
  • Gil L
  • Gea-Izquierdo G

Frontiers In Plant Science - 11/6/2020

10.3389/fpls.2020.00706 View at source

  • ISSN 1664462X

Changes in surface solar radiation in Northeastern Spain over the past six centuries recorded by tree-ring δ13C

  • Dorado-Liñán I
  • Sanchez-Lorenzo A
  • Gutiérrez Merino E
  • Planells O
  • Heinrich I
  • Helle G
  • Zorita E
... View more Collapse

Climate Dynamics (p. 937-950) - 1/8/2016

10.1007/s00382-015-2881-x View at source

  • ISSN 09307575

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Site Adaptation Prevails Over Species Determinism at Mediterranean Rear-edge Forests

  • Vladimir Shishov
  • Guillermo Gea

No Se Publicaron Actas (p. 0-0) - 7/5/2019

  • iMarina

Potential application of the Vaganov?Shashkin model to broadleaf tree species

  • Vladimir Shishov
  • Guillermo Gea Izquierdo

Sin Actas (p. 0-0) - 7/5/2019

  • iMarina

No Evidence of Species-specific Differences in Growth and iWUE in a Temperate-Submediterranean Mixed Oak Forest

  • Isabel Cañellas
  • Guillermo Gea Izquierdo
  • Valbuena Carabaña, María

Sin Actas (p. 0-0) - 9/12/2019

  • iMarina

Links between genetic structure, phenotype and the response to climate change in a mixed oak stand

  • Isabel Cañellas
  • Guillermo Gea
  • Valbuena Carabaña, María

Sin Actas (p. 0-0) - 7/5/2019

  • iMarina

Investigating the interaction between carbon and water budgets derived from tree-ring series

  • Patrick Fonti
  • I Heinrich
  • G Helle
  • E Martínez-Sancho
  • A Menzel

No Se Publicaron Actas (p. 0-0) - 9/12/2019

  • iMarina

European Dendroecological Fieldweek (EDF) 2021 in Val Müstair, Switzerland: International education and research during the pandemic

  • Treydte, K
  • Martínez-Sancho, E
  • Dorado-Liñán, I
  • Kaczka, RJ
  • Feichtinger, L
  • Verstege, A
  • Bassett, KR
  • Cassitti, P
  • D'Andrea, R
  • Facchinetti, O
  • Fileccia, CM
  • Islam, N
  • Kessler, A
  • Korolyova, N
  • Kunz, N
  • Marus, M
  • Mas, J
  • Obojes, N
  • Oxley, L
  • Rennhard, V
  • Schaad, E
  • Schmied, G
  • Seifert, M
  • Serrano-León, H
  • Sever, K
  • Spînu, AP
  • Vuerich, M
  • Piermattei, A
  • Crivellaro, A
... View more Collapse

Dendrochronologia - 1/4/2023

10.1016/j.dendro.2022.126047 View at source

  • ISSN 11257865

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Reduciendo incertidumbres en la modelización de Bosques, Carbono y Clima

  • AGUIRRE ARNAIZ, ANA (Participante)
  • MUNTAN BORDAS, ELENA (Participante)
  • Moreno Fernández, Daniel (Participante)
  • DORADO LIÑAN, ISABEL (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 13-07-2021 - 31-12-2023

Type of funding: Regional

  • iMarina

Proyección de la absorción y acumulación de carbono en los bosques ibéricos bajo cambio climático

  • ALBERDI ASENSIO, ICIAR (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • SAHAN, EVRIM AYSE (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • DORADO LIÑAN, ISABEL (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Condés Ruiz, Sonia (Participante)
  • AGUIRRE ARNAIZ, ANA (Participante)

Period: 01-09-2022 - 31-08-2025

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina

Aprovechando los datos de isótopos y grosor de anillos de crecimineto de árboles del Mediterráneo para mejorar las predicciones del futuro de los bosques en modelos terrestres

  • GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, BERTA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • AGUIRRE ARNAIZ, ANA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • DORADO LIÑAN, ISABEL (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-09-2023 - 31-08-2025

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 199126,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/1/24 6:56 PM