Rojas Pupo, Daniel


Heat capacity of nanocrystalline Yb2O3

  • Rojas DP
  • Espeso JI
  • Fernández LR
  • Barquín LF

Ceramics International (p. 879-886) - 1/1/2022

10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.09.170 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02728842

Influence of Anomalous Changes in the Crystal Structure on the Transport Properties of YbNi1−x Cux Al Series of Alloys

  • Pupo DR
  • Gandra FG
  • Barquín LF

Materials - 1/1/2022

10.3390/ma15051688 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19961944

Effect of Boron in the Coarsening Rate of Chromium-Rich Carbides in 9%–12% Chromium Martensitic Creep-Resistant Steel: Experiment and Modeling at 650 °C

  • Sanhueza JP
  • Rojas D
  • García J
  • Melendrez MF
  • Toledo E
  • Castro Cerda FM
  • Montalba C
  • Jaramillo AF
... Ver más Contraer

Metals And Materials International (p. 3097-3104) - 1/9/2021

10.1007/s12540-020-00676-y Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15989623

Investigating the size and microstrain influence in the magnetic order/disorder state of gdcu2 nanoparticles

  • Jefremovas EM
  • Alfonso Masa J
  • de la Fuente Rodríguez M
  • Rodríguez Fernández J
  • Espeso JI
  • Rojas DP
  • García-Prieto A
  • Fernández-Gubieda ML
  • Fernández Barquín L
... Ver más Contraer

Nanomaterials (p. 1-16) - 1/6/2020

10.3390/nano10061117 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20794991

Improvement of thermomechanical properties of composite based on hydroxyapatite functionalized with alkylsilanes in epoxy matrix

  • Jaramillo AF
  • Medina C
  • Flores P
  • Canales C
  • Maldonado C
  • Castaño Rivera P
  • Rojas D
  • Meléndrez MF
... Ver más Contraer

Ceramics International (p. 8368-8378) - 15/4/2020

10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.12.069 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02728842

Exploring the different degrees of magnetic disorder in TbxR1−xCu2 nanoparticle alloys

  • Jefremovas EM
  • Rodríguez MdlF
  • Alonso J
  • Fernández JR
  • Espeso JI
  • Puente-Orench I
  • Rojas DP
  • García-Prieto A
  • Fdez-Gubieda ML
  • Fernández LR
  • Barquín LF
... Ver más Contraer

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? Security Force Defection During Regime Crises In Belarus And Venezuela (p. 1-17) - 1/11/2020

10.3390/nano10112148 Ver en origen

Unusual magnetic behaviour of binary YbNi3 alloy

  • Rojas D
  • Espeso J
  • Rodríguez Fernández J
  • Jefremovas E

Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials - 15/1/2020

10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.165815 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03048853

Influence of the concentration of copper nanoparticles on the thermo-mechanical and antibacterial properties of nanocomposites based on poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)

  • Felipe Jaramillo A
  • Riquelme S
  • Montoya L
  • Sánchez-Sanhueza G
  • Medinam C
  • Rojas D
  • Salazar F
  • pablo Sanhueza J
  • Francisco Meléndrez M
... Ver más Contraer

Polymer Composites (p. 1870-1882) - 1/5/2019

10.1002/pc.24949 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02728397

Coexistence of ferromagnetism and spin glass state in YbNi2 nanoparticles

  • Rojas, D. P.
  • Fernandez Barquin, L.
  • Espeso, J., I
  • Rodriguez Fernandez, J.
  • Alba Venero, D.
  • Gallastegui, J. A.
  • Castro, G. R.
  • Ivanshin, V. A.;
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (p. 264-270) - 1/4/2019

10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.11.123 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03048853

Study of anticorrosive coatings based on high and low molecular weight polyphenols extracted from the Pine radiata bark

  • Montoya L
  • Contreras D
  • Jaramillo A
  • Carrasco C
  • Fernández K
  • Schwederski B
  • Rojas D
  • Melendrez M
... Ver más Contraer

Progress In Organic Coatings (p. 100-109) - 1/2/2019

10.1016/j.porgcoat.2018.11.010 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03009440

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  • iMarina

Small-Angle Neutron Scattering reveals distortions in the long-range magnetic correlation in the antiferromagnetic structure of TbCu2


Book Of Abstracts 10th International Conference On Fine Particles Magnetism (p. 124-124) - 27/5/2019

  • iMarina

Magnetocaloric effect in nanostructured alloys for magnetic refrigeration applications


Book Of Abstracs 10th International Conference On Fine Particle Magnetism (p. 71-71) - 27/5/2019

  • iMarina

Superantiferromagnetic TbCu2 nanoparticles observed in inelastic neutron scattering experiments


Superantiferromagnetic Tbcu2 Nanoparticles Observed In Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments (p. 52-53) - 17/6/2018

  • iMarina

Anomalous thermal expansion of intermediate valence YbAl3 nanometric alloys


Anomalous Thermal Expansion Of Intermediate Valence Ybal3 Nanometric Alloys (p. 33-34) - 5/7/2015

10.1088/issn.1742-6596 Ver en origen

Magnetic, thermal and electronic properties of nanosized YbAl2 alloys


Magnetic, Thermal And Electronic Properties Of Nanosized Ybal2 Alloys (p. 34-35) - 5/7/2015

  • iMarina

Substitutional effects of In by Cu in CeIn2

  • Rojas, D. P.
  • Espeso, J. I.
  • Rodriguez Fernandez, J.;

Epj Web Of Conferences - 1/1/2014

10.1051/epjconf/20147507003 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 2100014X

Successive magnetic transitions in TbNiAl2 studied by neutron diffraction

  • Rojas D
  • Marcos J
  • Fernández J

Journal Of Physics: Conference Series (p. 60-60) - 1/1/2014

10.1088/1742-6596/549/1/012020 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 17426588

Substitutional effects on CeIn2: A ferromagnetic compound with a first order magnetic transition


Substitutional Effects Of In By Cu In Cein2 (p. 640-641) - 25/8/2013

10.1051/epjconf Ver en origen

Magnetic field dependence of the resistivity minimum of nanosized YbAl3


Magnetic Field Dependence Of The Resistivity Minimum Of Nanosized Ybal3 (p. 198-199) - 8/7/2012

  • iMarina

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Influencia de la reducción del tamaño en las propiedades electrónicas y magnéticas de aleaciones binarias de Tierras Raras: = Size induced electronic and magnetic changes in nanometric rare earth alloys

  • Luis Fernández Barquín (Director)
  • Daniel Rojas Pupo (Director) Doctorando: Cristina Echevarría Bonet


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 12/08/24 14:12