Vegas Hernandez, Sira


Message from EASE 2023 General and Track Chairs

  • Turhan B
  • Vegas S
  • Baldassarre MT
  • Ralph P
  • Erdogmus H
  • Tözön E
  • Aleti A
  • Cruzes D
  • Janes A
  • Lenarduzzi V
  • Harrison R
  • Travassos GH
  • Abrahão S
  • Seaman C
  • Dieste O
  • Tosun A
... View more Collapse

Acm International Conference Proceeding Series (p. xv-xvi) - 1/1/2023

  • iMarina

A family of experiments on test-driven development

  • Santos, Adrian
  • Vegas, Sira
  • Dieste, Oscar
  • Uyaguari, Fernando
  • Tosun, Ayse
  • Fucci, Davide
  • Turhan, Burak
  • Scanniello, Giuseppe
  • Romano, Simone
  • Karac, Itir
  • Kuhrmann, Marco
  • Mandic, Vladimir
  • Ramac, Robert
  • Pfahl, Dietmar
  • Engblom, Christian
  • Kyykka, Jarno
  • Rungi, Kerli
  • Palomeque, Carolina
  • Spisak, Jaroslav
  • Oivo, Markku
  • Juristo, Natalia;
... View more Collapse

Empirical Software Engineering - 1/5/2021

10.1007/s10664-020-09895-8 View at source

  • ISSN 13823256

Comparing the results of replications in software engineering

  • Santos, Adrian
  • Vegas, Sira
  • Oivo, Markku
  • Juristo, Natalia;

Empirical Software Engineering - 2/2/2021

10.1007/s10664-020-09907-7 View at source

  • ISSN 13823256

Evaluating Model-Driven Development Claims with respect to Quality: A Family of Experiments

  • Panach Navarrete J
  • Dieste O
  • Marin B
  • Espana S
  • Vegas S
  • Pastor O
  • Juristo N
... View more Collapse

Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering (p. 130-145) - 1/1/2021

10.1109/tse.2018.2884706 View at source

  • ISSN 00985589

A Procedure and Guidelines for Analyzing Groups of Software Engineering Replications

  • Santos, Adrian
  • Vegas, Sira
  • Oivo, Markku
  • Juristo, Natalia;

Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering (p. 1742-1763) - 1/1/2021

10.1109/tse.2019.2935720 View at source

  • ISSN 00985589

Investigating the Impact of Development Task on External Quality in Test-Driven Development: An Industry Experiment

  • Tosun, Ayse
  • Dieste, Oscar
  • Vegas, Sira
  • Pfahl, Dietmar
  • Rungi, Kerli
  • Juristo, Natalia;

Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering (p. 2438-2456) - 1/1/2021

10.1109/tse.2019.2949811 View at source

  • ISSN 00985589

Message from the Doctoral Symposium Chairs of ICSE 2021

  • Uchitel S
  • Vegas S

Proceedings - International Conference On Software Engineering - 1/1/2021

10.1109/icse-companion52605.2021.00011 View at source

  • ISSN 02705257

On (Mis)perceptions of testing effectiveness: an empirical study

  • Vegas S
  • Riofrío P
  • Marcos E
  • Juristo N

Empirical Software Engineering (p. 2844-2896) - 1/7/2020

10.1007/s10664-020-09805-y View at source

  • ISSN 13823256

Increasing validity through replication: an illustrative TDD case

  • Santos A
  • Vegas S
  • Uyaguari F
  • Dieste O
  • Turhan B
  • Juristo N

Software Quality Journal (p. 371-395) - 1/6/2020

10.1007/s11219-020-09512-3 View at source

  • ISSN 09639314

Impact of usability mechanisms: An experiment on efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction

  • Ferreira, Juan M
  • Acuña, Silvia T
  • Dieste Tubío, Oscar
  • Vegas Hernández, Sira
  • Santos, Adrián
  • Rodríguez, Francy
  • Juristo Juzgado, Natalia
... View more Collapse

Information And Software Technology (p. 1-17) - 1/1/2020

10.1016/j.infsof.2019.106195 View at source

  • ISSN 09505849

This researcher has no books.

What can go wrong in software engineering experiments?

  • Vegas S
  • Juristo N

Perspectives On Data Science For Software Engineering (p. 341-345) - 1/1/2016

10.1016/b978-0-12-804206-9.00062-3 View at source

Un experimento sobre el comportamiento de tres técnicas de evaluación de código

  • Sira Vegas Hernández

Viii Jornadas De Ingeniería Del Software Y Bases De Datos: Actas : (Jisbd'03), Alicante, Del 12 Al 14 De Noviembre De 2003 (p. 389-400) - 1/1/2003

  • iMarina

Limitaciones sobre el conocimiento empírico de técnicas de pruebas

  • Ana Maria Moreno
  • Sira Vegas Hernández

Vii Jornadas De Ingeniería Del Software Y Bases De Datos (Jisbd 2002) (p. 271-282) - 1/1/2002

  • iMarina

Valoración de métodos de análisis de dominios

  • Sira Vegas Hernández

Iv Jornadas De Ingeniería Del Software Y Bases De Datos (Jisbd'99) (p. 417-429) - 1/1/1999

  • iMarina

Cohort Studies for Mining Software Repositories

  • Saarimaki N
  • Vegas S
  • Lenarduzzi V
  • Taibi D
  • Robredo M

Proceedings - 2024 Ieee/Acm 21st International Conference On Mining Software Repositories, Msr 2024 (p. 569-570) - 1/1/2024

10.1145/3643991.3649103 View at source

General co-Chair de la 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2023)

  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Presidencia del comité organizador)

Ease 2023: Proceedings Of The 27th International Conference On Evaluation And Assessment In Software Engineering - 14/6/2023

  • iMarina

Importance of Methodology in Empirical Studies



  • iMarina

Chair del Journal First Track de la 24th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2023)

  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Presidencia del comité organizador)

Product-Focused Software Process Improvement 24th International Conference, Profes 2023 - 10/12/2023

  • iMarina

Comparing 2D and Augmented Reality Visualizations for Microservice System Understandability: A Controlled Experiment

  • Abdelfattah, AS
  • Cerny, T
  • Taibi, D
  • Vegas, S

Ieee International Conference On Program Comprehension (p. 135-145) - 1/1/2023

10.1109/icpc58990.2023.00028 View at source

Pitfalls in Experiments with DNN4SE: An Analysis of the State of the Practice

  • Vegas S
  • Elbaum S

Esec/Fse 2023 - Proceedings Of The 31st Acm Joint Meeting European Software Engineering Conference And Symposium On The Foundations Of Software Engineering (p. 528-540) - 1/1/2023

10.1145/3611643.3616320 View at source

Tutorial 3: Pitfalls in the Measurement Methods Applied in Experimental Software Engineering - Assessment and Suggestions for Improvement

  • Dieste O
  • Vegas S

Acm International Conference Proceeding Series (p. 465-466) - 1/1/2022

10.1145/3530019.3533680 View at source

Towards a methodology for participant selection in software engineering experiments a vision of the future

  • Lenarduzzi V
  • Dieste O
  • Fucci D
  • Vegas S

International Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering And Measurement - 1/1/2021

10.1145/3475716.3484273 View at source

  • ISSN 19493789

Cohort studies in software engineering: A vision of the future

  • Saarimäki N
  • Lenarduzzi V
  • Vegas S
  • Juristo N
  • Taibi D

International Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering And Measurement - 5/10/2020

10.1145/3382494.3422160 View at source

  • ISSN 19493789

Analyzing Software Engineering Experiments: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask


Proceedings 2018 Ieee/Acm 40th International Conference On Software Engineering - Companion (Icse-Companion (p. 534-535) - 27/5/2018

10.1145/3183440.3183466 View at source

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Análisis de la Calidad de los Estudios Experimentales en Minería de Repositorios Software

  • Acuña NA, Silvia Teresita (Participante)
  • JURISTO JUZGADO, NATALIA (Investigador principal (IP))
  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Participante)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina

Mejora de la Calidad de los Experimentos en Ingeniería de Software para el Incremento de la Fiabilidad en los Resultados

  • Acuña Castillo, Silvia Teresita (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2019 - 31-12-2022

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 121000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina


  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Colaborador/a)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-06-2017 - 01-05-2018

Type of funding: Internal

  • iMarina

Realizando experimentos en la industria del software: comprensión del paso de laboratorio a la realidad

  • Acuña Castillo, Silvia Teresita (Participante)

Period: 01-01-2015 - 31-12-2017

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 62073,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Tecnologías para la replicación y síntesis de experimentos en IS

  • Acuña Castillo, Silvia Teresita (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2012 - 31-10-2015

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 134068,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Generación de Evidencias mediante Combinación de Resultados Experimentales

  • JURISTO JURADO, Natalia (Participante)
  • FERRE GRAU, XAVIER (Participante)
  • Medinilla Martínez, Nelson (Participante)
  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Participante)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Participante)
  • Moreno Sánchez-Capuchino, Ana María (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2009 - 31-12-2011

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 105260,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

A framework for improving technology adoption decision-making

  • SCHMITT ., MARIO (Participante)
  • JEDITSCHKA ., ANDREAS (Participante)
  • CIOLKOWSKI ., MARCUS (Participante)
  • ROMBACH ., DIETER (Participante)
  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Participante)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Participante)
  • JURISTO JUZGADO, NATALIA (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2009 - 31-12-2010

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina

Tratamiento de Mecanismos de Usabilidad en las Etapas de Requisitos y Diseño de Software

  • Moreno Sánchez-Capuchino, Ana María (Investigador principal (IP))
  • JURISTO JUZGADO, NATALIA (Investigador/a)
  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Investigador/a)
  • Silvia Teresita Acuña Castillo (Investigador/a)
  • Marta López Fernández (Investigador/a)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Investigador/a)
  • FERRE GRAU, XAVIER (Investigador/a)
... View more Collapse

Period: 30-12-2005 - 31-12-2008

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 41650,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Herramienta para la selección sistemática y formalizada de técnicas de prueba

  • FERRE GRAU, XAVIER (Investigador/a)
  • Medinilla Martínez, Nelson (Investigador/a)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Investigador principal (IP))
  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-06-2003 - 30-11-0204

  • iMarina

Applying Retrospective Cohort Study Methodology in Mining Software Repositories Studies

  • Valentina Lenarduzzi (Codirector)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Codirector) Doctorando: Nyyti Saarimäki


  • iMarina

Proceso para la agregación de familias de experimentos en ingeniería del software

  • JURISTO JUZGADO, NATALIA (Director) Doctorando: Riofrío Ojeda, Patricia


  • iMarina

Impacto de la instrumentación en los experimentos de Ingeniería del Software : aplicación a experimentos de Test-Driven Development

  • DIESTE TUBIO, OSCAR (Director)
  • VEGAS HERNANDEZ, SIRA (Director) Doctorando: Uyaguari Uyaguari, Fernando Manuel


  • iMarina

Gestión de Configuración y Línea de Productos para mejorar el Proceso Experimental en Ingeniería del Software.

  • Sira Vegas Hernández (Director)
  • Natalia Juristo Juzgado (Director) Doctorando: Edison Gonzalo Espinosa Gallardo


  • iMarina

Propuesta de paquete de laboratorio para experimentos de ingeniería de software.

  • Sira Vegas Hernández (Director)
  • Natalia Juristo Juzgado (Director) Doctorando: Martín Solari Buela


  • iMarina

Tipología de Replicaciones para la Síntesis de Experimentos en Ingeniería del Software.

  • Natalia Juristo Juzgado (Director)
  • Sira Vegas Hernández (Director) Doctorando: Omar S Gómez Gómez


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 1:23 PM