Barrera Lopez De Turiso, Eduardo


Data processing in fusion experiments with remote participation

  • Barrera, E
  • Ruiz, M
  • Lopez, S
  • Vega, J
  • Sanchez, E

Review Of Scientific Instruments (p. 1791-1794) - 1/3/2003

10.1063/1.1538365 View at source

  • ISSN 00346748

Distributed real time data processing architecture for the TJ-II data acquisition system

  • Ruiz, M
  • Barrera, E
  • Lopez, S
  • Machon, D
  • Vega, J
  • Sanchez, E

Review Of Scientific Instruments (p. 4261-4264) - 1/10/2004

10.1063/1.1789614 View at source

  • ISSN 00346748

Multi-tier approach for data acquisition programming in the TJ-II remote participation system

  • Vega, J
  • Sanchez, E
  • Portas, A
  • Ruiz, M
  • Barrera, E
  • Lopez, S

Review Of Scientific Instruments (p. 4251-4253) - 1/10/2004

10.1063/1.1787610 View at source

  • ISSN 00346748

Real-time data acquisition and processing platform for fusion experiments

  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Sergio López
  • Daniel Machón
  • Jesús Vega
  • Sanchez, E

Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 135-140) - 1/6/2004

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2004.04.024 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

Simulation platform for remote participants in fusion experiments

  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Sergio López
  • Jesús Vega
  • Edilberto Sánchez

Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 269-274) - 1/6/2004

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2004.04.045 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

Autonomous acquisition systems for TJ-II: controlling instrumentation with a fourth generation language

  • Sanchez, E
  • Portas, AB
  • Vega, J
  • Agudo, JM
  • McCarthy, KJ
  • Ruiz, M
  • Barrera, E
  • Lopez, S
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Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 123-127) - 1/6/2004

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2004.04.022 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

A distributed synchronization system for the TJ-II local area network

  • J Vega
  • E Sanchez
  • A Portas
  • M Ochando,
  • A Mollinedo
  • J Munoz
  • M Ruiz
  • E Barrera
  • S Lopez
... View more Collapse

Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 117-121) - 1/6/2004

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2004.04.021 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

PXI-based architecture for real-time data acquisition and distributed dynamic data processing

  • Barrera, E
  • Ruiz, M
  • Lopez, S
  • Machon, D
  • Vega, J

Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science (p. 923-926) - 1/6/2006

10.1109/tns.2006.874372 View at source

  • ISSN 00189499

Overview of the TJ-II remote participation system

  • Vega, J
  • Sanchez, E
  • Portas, A
  • Pereira, A
  • Mollinedo, A
  • Munoz, JA
  • Ruiz, M
  • Barrera, E
  • Lopez, S
  • Machon, D
  • Castro, R
  • Lopez, D
... View more Collapse

Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 2045-2050) - 1/7/2006

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2006.04.015 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

Real-time data acquisition and parallel data processing solution for TJ-II bolometer arrays diagnostic

  • Barrera, E
  • Ruiz, M
  • Lopez, S
  • Machon, D
  • Vega, J
  • Ochando, A

Fusion Engineering And Design (p. 1863-1867) - 1/7/2006

10.1016/j.fusengdes.2006.04.046 View at source

  • ISSN 09203796

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Validation of Structural Health Monitoring Techniques in a Complex Composite Structure

  • Rodrigo Alonso Poza
  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo

11th International Symposium "Ndt In Aerospace" (p. 1-10) - 13/11/2019

  • iMarina

Methodology to standardize the development of FPGA-based intelligent DAQ and processing systems on heterogeneous platforms using OpenCL

  • Miguel Astrain
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Sergio Esquembri
  • Antonio Carpeño
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Jesus Vega

Proceedings 12th Edition Of The Iaea (p. 1-6) - 13/5/2019

  • iMarina

Using NDS and OpenCL to simplify the development and integration of high-performance FPGA-based DAQ and processing systems in EPICS

  • Autores: Miguel Astrain
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Sergio Esquembri
  • Antonio Carpeño
  • Eduardo Barrera

Proceedings Epics Collaboration Meeting 2019 Spring 3th To 7st June 2019 (p. 1-4) - 3/6/2019

  • iMarina

SHERLOC: Innovative Manufacturing and Structural Health Monitoring of Thermoplastic Structures

  • Miguel Jiménez
  • María Mora
  • Kirsa Muñoz
  • Joaquín Tortosa
  • Francisco Chamorro
  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo
... View more Collapse

Iccm22 2019. Melbourne, Vic: Engineers Australia, 2019 (p. 4.575-4.585) - 11/8/2019

  • iMarina

Enhanced algorithm for damage location on composite material

  • Azuara, Guillermo
  • Barrera, Eduardo
  • Ruiz, Mariano;

Procedia Structural Integrity (p. 774-779) - 2/9/2019

10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.103 View at source

  • ISSN 24523216

(Aceptada ponencia ORAL) Advanced Integrated Platform for Ultrasonic Guided Waves Based Structural Health Monitoring

  • Guillermo Azuara
  • Jose Carlos Ocaña
  • Angel Alcaide
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Antonio Carpeño
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Jose Luis Arcas
... View more Collapse


  • iMarina

(Aceptada ponencia ORAL) Integration of algorithms for damage detection in thermoplastic materials inside electronic embedded devices

  • Guillermo Azuara
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Ranting Cui
  • Francesco Lanza di Scalea

Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering - 4/7/2022

  • ISSN 9783031073212
  • iMarina

(Aceptada ponencia ORAL) iSUM (Integrated Smart Ultrasonic Monitoring)

  • Angel Alcaide
  • Guillermo Azuara
  • Jose Luis Arcas
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Mariano Ruiz


  • iMarina

Use of Deep Learning Techniques for Damage Localization in Aeronautical Composite Structures

  • Azuara G
  • Ruiz M
  • Barrera E
  • Cui R
  • di Scalea FL

Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering (p. 44-51) - 1/1/2023

10.1007/978-3-031-07322-9_5 View at source

  • ISSN 23662557

Using high-level synthesis languages to accelerate DAQ and processing applications for AMD-XILINX MPSoC-based AMCs


12th Microtca Workshop: Welcome And Introduction - 7/12/2023

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Sistema de banco de pruebas de motores basado en ordenador personal

  • Antonio Carpeño Ruiz
  • Sergio Lopez
  • Juan Manuel López
  • Mariano Ruiz (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-04-1995

  • iMarina

Diseño y realización de un osciloscopio digital basado ordenador personal

  • Mariano Ruiz González
  • Alberto Martín
  • Juan Manuel López
  • Sergio López
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Antonio Carpeño (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)
... View more Collapse

Period: From 01-10-1997

  • iMarina

Diseño y realización de un sistema de adquisición de datos y control para aplicaciones del control del frío para el proyecto CICYT (ALI96-1146)

  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Sergio López
  • Juan Manuel López (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-04-1997

  • iMarina

Redacción de las especificaciones del sistema de control de la celda Nº 5 de ITP S.A l

  • Mariano Ruiz González (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-09-1997

  • iMarina


  • Juan Manuel López
  • eduardo Barrera
  • Sergio López
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Antonio Carpeño
  • Angel Mora (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)
... View more Collapse

Period: From 01-04-1998

  • iMarina

Sistema de adquisición de datos y control para la medida del efecto hall cuántico

  • Juan Manuel López Navarro
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Sergio López
  • Eduardo Barrera (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-04-1998

  • iMarina

Ampliación del sistema de adquisición de datos y control para la medida del efecto hall cuántico

  • Juan Manuel López Navarro
  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Sergio López
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Antonio Carpeño (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-06-1998

  • iMarina

Software de control de instrumentación programable en unidades móviles de televisión digital para RETEVISIÓN

  • Eduardo Barrera
  • Sergio Lopez
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Juan Manuel López
  • Antonio Carpeño
  • Guillermo de Arcas (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)
... View more Collapse

Period: From 01-11-1999

  • iMarina

Investigación y Desarrollo de sistemas de adquisición de datos, gestión y procesado rápido de datos para la puesta en marcha de métodos de participación remota para la explotación científica del TJ-II”. Subproyecto 2. FTN01-1587-C2-2

  • Ruiz M.
  • Barrera E.
  • Lopez J.M.
  • Martin A.
  • Arriaga J, (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Period: From 01-12-2001

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 70108,06 Euros.

  • iMarina

Ampliación del Desarrollo del sistema de control para cumplimiento de la norma UNE12668-1, sobre ensayos no destructivos para caracterización y verificación del equipo de examen por ultrasonidos (ensayos periódicos y después de verificación)

  • Sergio López
  • Mariano Ruiz
  • Eduardo Barrera (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-06-2003

  • iMarina

Arquitectura orientada a servicios para sistemas adaptativos e inteligentes de adquisición y procesamiento de datos empleados en experimentos de fusión de pulso largo

  • Mariano Ruiz (Codirector)
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Director) Doctorando: Joaquin Gonzalez


Reading institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Methodology for the integration of high-throughput data and image acquisition systems in EPICS

  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Director)
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Director) Doctorando: Esquembri Martínez, Sergio


  • iMarina

Metodologías para la integración de sistemas de adquisición de datos e imágenes de alta velocidad en EPICS

  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Director) Doctorando: Sergio Esquembri martínez


  • iMarina

Development of innovative techniques for Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring systems in aeronautics

  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Director) Doctorando: Azuara de Pablo, Guillermo


  • iMarina


  • VILLEGAS BRONCANO MARIA ANGELES (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • GARCIA HERAS MANUEL (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • PENA POZA JAVIER (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • ARCAS CASTRO, GUILLERMO DE (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • López Navarro, Juan Manuel (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • LLORENTE ALONSO ALVARO (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
... View more Collapse


  • iMarina


  • LLORENTE ALONSO, Álvaro (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • GARCÍA HERAS, Manuel (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • VILLEGAS BRONCANO, María Ángeles (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • López Navarro, Juan Manuel (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • ARCAS CASTRO, GUILLERMO DE (Inventores/autores/obtentores)


  • iMarina

IRIO: Intelligent Reconfigurable Input Output software tools for the development of advanced data acquisition solutions for EPICS

  • CARPEÑO RUIZ, ANTONIO (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • NIETO VALHONDO, JULIAN (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • Barrera López de Turiso, Eduardo (Inventores/autores/obtentores)
  • Ruiz González, Mariano (Inventores/autores/obtentores)


  • iMarina
Last data update: 8/28/24 9:28 AM