Perez Castellanos, Maria Mercedes


Health effects of indoor emissions combining outdoor and indoor pollution simulations

  • José R
  • Pérez J
  • Pérez L
  • González R

International Journal Of Environmental Sciences And Development (p. 394-398) - 1/1/2019

10.18178/ijesd.2019.10.11.1205 View at source

  • ISSN 20100264

Global climate driven effects on urban air pollution simulations using very high spatial resolution

  • San Jose, Roberto
  • Luis Perez, Juan
  • Perez, Libia
  • Gonzalez Barras, Rosa Maria;

International Journal Of Environment And Pollution (p. 143-161) - 1/1/2019

10.1504/ijep.2019.104536 View at source

  • ISSN 09574352

Effects of traffic emission reduction on urban air quality episode using WRF/Chem

  • José R
  • Pérez J
  • Pérez L
  • González R

International Journal Of Environment And Pollution (p. 265-282) - 1/1/2018

10.1504/ijep.2018.099164 View at source

  • ISSN 09574352

Impacts of global climate scenarios over three European cities using mesoscale and CFD simulations with very high horizontal resolution

  • José R
  • Pérez J
  • Pérez L
  • Barras R

International Journal Of Environment And Pollution (p. 341-357) - 1/1/2018

10.1504/ijep.2018.099467 View at source

  • ISSN 09574352

Effects of climate change on the health of citizens modelling urban weather and air pollution

  • San Jose, Roberto
  • Luis Perez, Juan
  • Perez, Libia
  • Gonzalez Barras, Rosa Maria;

Energy (p. 53-62) - 15/12/2018

10.1016/ View at source

  • ISSN 03605442

Robótica y control inteligente

  • María Mercedes Pérez Castellanos
  • Valentín Palencia Alejandro


  • ISBN 8485646398
  • iMarina

Parallel computing of robot coordinate transformations by minimal number of processors

  • Jorge Buezo
  • María Mercedes Pérez Castellanos
  • José e No No

Mini And Microcomputers And Their Applications (p. 634-636) - 1/1/1988

  • iMarina

Modelling of urban climate impacts using regional and urban CFD models. Application to madrid (Spain) and London (UK)

  • Jose R
  • Perez J
  • Perez L
  • Barras R

Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference (p. 446-456) - 28/6/2017

10.1109/wsc.2017.8247806 View at source

  • ISSN 08917736

DSP-based modular architecture for noise cancellation and speech recognition

  • Gomez P
  • Alvarez A
  • Martinez R
  • Perez-Castellanos M
  • Rodellar V
  • Nieto V

Proceedings - Ieee International Symposium On Circuits And Systems (p. D178-D181) - 1/1/1998

  • ISSN 02714310
  • iMarina

Sensitivity analysis of building energy demand for downscaled climate scenarios

  • San Jose R
  • Perez Camano JL
  • Perez L
  • Gonzalez-Barras RM

Proceedings - 2018 International Conference On Computational Science And Computational Intelligence, Csci 2018 (p. 513-518) - 1/12/2018

10.1109/csci46756.2018.00105 View at source

Expected Changes in the Demand for Electrical Energy in Buildings due to Climate Change and its Economic Impact: Madrid Case Study

  • José RS
  • Pérez-Camaño JL
  • Pérez L
  • González-Barras RM

Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science - 24/7/2020

10.1088/1755-1315/544/1/012014 View at source

  • ISSN 17551315

Analysis of health impact assessment to outdoor and indoor air pollution in a prototype building in Madrid (Spain)

  • José RS
  • Pérez JL
  • Pérez L
  • Gonzalez Barras RM

Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science - 27/5/2020

10.1088/1755-1315/489/1/012010 View at source

  • ISSN 17551315

A Health Impact Assessment of Traffic Restrictions during Madrid NO2 Episode

  • San Jose, R.
  • Perez, J. L.
  • Perez, L.
  • Gonzalez, R. M.;

Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science - 7/9/2018

10.1088/1755-1315/182/1/012003 View at source

  • ISSN 17551315

Visual representation of the speech trace on a real time platform

  • Gomez, P
  • PerezCastellanos, M
  • Mayo, N
  • Rubio, F
  • Alvarez, A
  • Martinez, R
  • Rodellar, V
  • Nieto, V
  • Zangheri, U
  • Pisani, P;
... View more Collapse

Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems, Sips: Design And Implementation (p. 283-292) - 1/12/1997

10.1109/sips.1997.626146 View at source

  • ISSN 15206130

Air quality modelling of 2016 Madrid air pollution episode

  • José RS
  • Pérez-Camanõ JL
  • Pérez L
  • Gonzalez-Barras RM

23rd International Congress On Modelling And Simulation - Supporting Evidence-Based Decision Making: The Role Of Modelling And Simulation, Modsim 2019 (p. 664-670) - 1/1/2019

  • iMarina

Glottal-Source Spectral Biometry for Voice Characterization

  • Gómez Vilda, Pedro

2013 21st European Signal Processing Conference, Eusipco 2013 (p. 1-5) - 27/6/2007

  • ISSN 22195491
  • iMarina

Health impact assessment of human exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution

  • José RS
  • Pérez JL
  • Pérez L
  • González Barras RM

19th International Conference On Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling For Regulatory Purposes, Harmo 2019 - 1/1/2019

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

Optimización del computo de la función de distribución de Wigner discreta mediante un nuevo algoritmo iterativo. Propuesta de una estructura dedicada para aplicaciones en tiempo real

  • Consuelo Gonzalo Martin (Director) Doctorando: María Isabel García Muñoz


  • iMarina

Controlador borroso universal distribuido: base de conocimientos, modelo computacional y herramientas de software

  • Pérez Castellanos, Mercedes (Director) Doctorando: Carvalho de Andrade, Marco Túlio


Reading institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Estudio de las características espectrales de los grupos oclusivos y fricativos del español mediante algoritmos de predicción lineal

  • Gómez Vilda, Pedro (Director)


  • iMarina

Segmentación y proyección de algoritmos de red neural con retardo temporal sobre procesadores específicos de alta escala de integración para el tratamiento de voz

  • PEREZ CASTELLANOS, MARIA MERCEDES (Director) Doctorando: PEINADO BOLOS, Virginia Lidia


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/1/24 6:08 PM