Acevedo Martin, Maria Belen


Vulvovaginitis infantil

  • Roberto Ortiz Movilla, B Acevedo Martín

Pediatria De Atencion Primaria (p. 601-609) - 1/1/2011

  • ISSN 11397632
  • iMarina

Timing ovulation for intrauterine insemination with a GnRH antagonist

  • Gómez-Palomares JL, Juliá B, Acevedo-Martín B, Martínez-Burgos M, Hernández ER, Ricciarelli E

Human Reproduction (p. 368-372) - 1/1/2005

10.1093/humrep/deh602 View at source

  • ISSN 02681161

Strategies to manage refractory endometrium: state of the art in 2016

  • Garcia-Velasco JA, Acevedo B, Alvarez C, Alvarez M, Bellver J, Fontes J, Landeras J, Manau D, Martinez F, Muñoz E, Robles A, Rodriguez-Tabernero L

Reproductive Biomedicine Online (p. 474-489) - 1/5/2016

10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.02.001 View at source

  • ISSN 14726483

Revisión del tratamiento médico de la endometriosis

  • B Acevedo Martín
  • R Abad
  • MA Chávez
  • E Alguacil
  • JL Dargallo
  • JM Salmeán

Ciencia Ginecologika (p. 1-6) - 1/1/2002

  • ISSN 11372273
  • iMarina

Response: in reference to 'Strategies to manage refractory endometrium: state of the art 2016'

  • Garcia-Velasco J., Acevedo B., Alvarez C., Alvarez M., Bellver J., Fontes J., Landeras J., Manau D., Martinez F., Muñoz E., Robles A., Rodriguez-Tabernero L.

Reproductive Biomedicine Online (p. 605-605) - 1/10/2016

10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.08.014 View at source

  • ISSN 15735141

Requerimientos de LH en estimulación ovárica: la ventana terapéutica

  • JL Gómez Palomares
  • B Acevedo Martín
  • E Ricciarelli
  • ER Hernández

Cuadernos De Medicina Reproductiva (p. 59-68) - 1/1/2005

  • ISSN 11350970
  • iMarina

Reproducción asistida y salud infantil

  • Roberto Ortiz Movilla, B Acevedo Martín

Pediatria De Atencion Primaria (p. 651-671) - 1/1/2010

  • ISSN 11397632
  • iMarina

Polycystic ovary syndrome throughout a woman's life

  • Bellver J, Rodríguez-Tabernero L, Robles A, Muñoz E, Martínez F, Landeras J, García-Velasco J, Fontes J, Álvarez M, Álvarez C, Acevedo B, Group of interest in Reproductive Endocrinology (GIER) of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF)

Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics (p. 25-39) - 1/1/2018

10.1007/s10815-017-1047-7 View at source

  • ISSN 10580468

Multifollicular recruitment in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist increased pregnancy rates in intrauterine insemination cycles

  • Gómez-Palomares JL, Acevedo-Martín B, Chávez M, Manzanares M, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER

Fertility And Sterility (p. 620-624) - 1/3/2008

10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.03.035 View at source

  • ISSN 00150282

Medical treatment of endometriosis: A review

  • Acevedo Martín B
  • Abad R
  • Chávez M
  • Alguacil E
  • Dargallo J
  • Salmeán J

Ciencia Ginecologika (p. 1-6) - 1/1/2002

  • ISSN 11372273
  • iMarina

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