The data shown for the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are partial, as they are intended to answer 2 questions:

  • Who is researching a specific topic?
  • What is an expert, group or particular department researching?

The search results will adhere to the following limits: active Researchers at Carlos III University of Madrid, Projects since 2006 and Publications, Theses, Patents and Software since 2008.

Garcia Diez, Marta


Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in Kindler syndrome

  • Zapatero Solana, Elisabet
  • Garcia-gimenez, Jose Luis
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Toll, Agusti
  • Baselga Torres, Eulalia
  • Duran-moreno, Maria
  • Markovic, Jelena
  • Garcia-verdugo, Jose Manuel
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Has, Cristina
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Pallardo, Federico V.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

Orphanet journal of rare diseases (p. 1-10) - 12/2014 View at source

  • EISSN 1750-1172
Open Access

Preclinical model for phenotypic correction of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa by in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 delivery using adenoviral vectors

  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Martinez Palacios, Jesus
  • Xu, Rudan
  • Turchiano, Giandomenico
  • Svensson, Stina
  • Thrasher, Adrian J.
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Hernandez Alcoceba, Ruben
  • Garin, Marina I.
  • Mencia, Angeles
  • Murillas Angoiti, Rodolfo
... View more Collapse

Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development (p. 96-108) - 12/2022 View at source

  • ISSN 2329-0501
Open Access

Preclinical corrective gene transfer in Xeroderma pigmentosum human skin stem cells

  • Warrick, Emilie
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Chagnoleau, Corinne
  • Chevallier, Odile
  • Bergoglio, Valerie
  • Sartori, Daniela
  • Mavilio, Fulvio
  • Angulo, Jaime F.
  • Avril, Marie-francoise
  • Sarasin, Alain
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Bernerd, Francoise
  • Magnaldo, Thierry
... View more Collapse

MOLECULAR THERAPY (p. 798-807) - 4/2012 View at source

  • EISSN 1525-0024
  • ISSN 1525-0016
Open Access

Paired nicking-mediated COL17A1 reframing for junctional epidermolysis bullosa

  • Bischof, Johannes
  • March, Oliver Patrick
  • Liemberger, Bernadette
  • Haas, Simone Alexandra
  • Hainzl, Stefan
  • Petkovic, Igor
  • Leb-reichl, Victoria
  • Illmer, Julia
  • Korotchenko, Evgeniia
  • Klausegger, Alfred
  • Hoog, Anna
  • Binder, Heide-marie
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Duarte Gonzalez, Blanca
  • Strunk, Dirk
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Reichelt, Julia
  • Guttmann-gruber, Christina
  • Wally, Verena
  • Piñon Hofbauer, Josefina
  • Bauer, Johann Wolfgang
  • Cathomen, Toni
  • Kocher, Thomas
  • Koller, Ulrich
... View more Collapse

MOLECULAR THERAPY (p. 2680-2692) - 8/2022 View at source

  • EISSN 1525-0024
  • ISSN 1525-0016
Open Access

Correction of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa by homology-directed repair-mediated genome editing

  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Mencia Rodriguez, Angeles
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Srifa, Wai
  • Vaidyanathan, Sriram
  • Romano, Rosa
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Hervas Salcedo, Rosario
  • Ugalde, Laura
  • Duarte Gonzalez, Blanca
  • Porteus, Matthew H.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Murillas Angoiti, Rodolfo
... View more Collapse

MOLECULAR THERAPY (p. 2008-2018) - 2/2021 View at source

  • EISSN 1525-0024
  • ISSN 1525-0016
Open Access

Correction of laminin-5 deficiency in human epidermal stem cells by transcriptionally targeted lentiviral vectors

  • Di Nunzio, Francesca
  • Maruggi, Giulietta
  • Ferrari, Stefano
  • Di Iorio, Enzo
  • Poletti, Valentina
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • De Luca, Michele
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Pellegrini, Graziella
  • Mavilio, Fulvio
... View more Collapse

MOLECULAR THERAPY (p. 1977-1985) - 12/2008 View at source

  • EISSN 1525-0024
  • ISSN 1525-0016
Open Access

Mechanistic interrogation of mutation-independent disease modulators of RDEB identifies the small leucine-rich proteoglycan PRELP as a TGF-beta antagonist and inhibitor of fibrosis

  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Carretero, M.
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Sanchez Dominguez, R.
  • Quero, F.
  • Mendez Jimenez, Estela
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Ruiz Mezcua, Maria Belen
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

MATRIX BIOLOGY (p. 189-206) - 6/2022

10.1016/j.matbio.2022.06.007 View at source

  • EISSN 1569-1802
  • ISSN 0945-053X
Open Access

3D human skin bioprinting: a view from the bio side

  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Quilez Lopez, Cristina
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Del Cañizo Lopez, Juan Francisco
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis

Journal of 3D printing in medicine (p. 115-127) - 8/2018 View at source

  • ISSN 2059-4755

Assessment of optimal virus-mediated growth factor gene delivery for human cutaneous wound healing enhancement

  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Carretero Trillo, Marta
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Mirones, Isabel
  • Duarte Gonzalez, Blanca
  • Holguin Fernandez, Almudena
  • García, Eva
  • García, Verónica
  • Meana, Alvaro
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY (p. 1565-1575) - 6/2008 View at source

  • EISSN 1523-1747
  • ISSN 0022-202X
Open Access

Revertant mosaicism due to second-site mutation in COL7A1 in patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

  • Pasmooij, Anna M. G.
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Nijenhuis, A. Miranda
  • Azon, Antoni
  • Cuadrado-corrales, Natividad
  • Jonkman, Marcel F.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY (p. 2407-2411) - 10/2010 View at source

  • EISSN 1523-1747
  • ISSN 0022-202X

This researcher has no books.

Bioengineered Skin. In: Skin Biopsy: Perspectives

  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Carretero Trillo, Marta
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Meana Infiesta, Alvaro Enrique
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

Skin Biopsy: Perspectives (p. 261-296) - 11/2011

Editor: INTECH View at source

  • ISBN 978-953-307-290-6

Bioprinting for Skin. In: 3D Bioprinting

  • Quilez Lopez, Cristina
  • Aranda Izuzquiza, Gonzalo De
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Lopez, Veronica
  • Montero Simon, Andres
  • Valencia Blanco, Leticia
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
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3D Bioprinting (p. 217-228) - 3/2020

Editor: SPRINGER View at source

  • ISBN 978-1-0716-0519-6

Tecnologías de impresión 3d en la medicina regenerativa

  • Cubo Mateo, Nieves
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis
  • Del Cañizo Lopez, Juan Francisco

XXXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales - 2014

Mechanical modulation of human plasma-based skin scaffold via reactive multi-arm polyethylene glycols

  • Sikorski, M.
  • Corrales, R.
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis

XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales (p. 65-65) - 2016


  • ISBN 978-84-9773-855-2

La identificación de las mutaciones causantes de epidermolisis bullosa juntural con atresia de píloro en el neonato permite pronosticar la evolución de la enfermedad

  • Mencia Rodriguez, Angeles
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • De Lucas, R.
  • Coto, P.
  • Costa, M.
  • García, E
  • Llames, Sara
  • Illera Esteban, Nuria
  • Holguin Fernandez, Almudena
  • Meana Infiesta, Alvaro Enrique
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

XXVII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Genética Humana - 2013

Identificación de nuevos mecanismos fisiopatológicos en el síndrome de Kindler

  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Zapatero Solana, Elisabet
  • Garcia-jimenez, J.l.
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Toll, A.
  • Baselga Torres, Eulalia
  • Verdugo, J.m.
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Pallardo, F.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
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VII Reunión Científica Anual CIBERER - 2014

Role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of kindler syndrome

  • García, S.c. (crespo García)
  • Malik, G.r.
  • Moro Muñoz, Rosa Maria
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando

The European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy and the Spanish Society for Gene and Cell Therapy Collaborative Congress ((ESGCT and SETGyC Collaborative Congress) (p. 130-130) - 2013

Editor: Mary Anne Liebert View at source

  • ISBN 1043-0342

Estrés oxidativo en el fenotipo del síndrome de Kindler

  • Zapatero, E.
  • Garcia Gimenez, J.l.
  • Aguirregoicoa, E.
  • Holguin Fernandez, Almudena
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Pallardo, F.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

Jornadas de Formación CIBERER 2011 (p. 13-13) - 2011

Open Access

Novel players in the establishment and progression of fibrosis in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Quero, Francisco
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Nystrom, Alexander
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
... View more Collapse

EB2020 1st World Congress on Epidermolysis Bullosa (p. 71-71) - 2020

  • ISBN 0001-5555
Open Access

Preliminary safety and efficacy outcomes of a phase I trial of systemic mesenchymal stromal cells for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Masseda, R.
  • Sacedon, R.
  • De Arriba, M.c.
  • Jimenez, E.
  • Garcia Sevilla, Monica
  • Chacon, E.
  • Suarez Sancho, S.
  • Fernandez Bello, I.
  • Carretero, M.
  • Yañez, R.
  • Lwin, S.m.
  • Martinez Queipo, M.
  • Liu, L.
  • Mee, J.
  • De Paz, R.
  • Borobia, A.
  • Fernandez Santos, M.e.
  • Butta, N.
  • Yuste, V.
  • Macgrath, J.a.
  • Del Rio, M.
  • Vice, A.
  • De Lucas, R.
  • Escamez, M.j.
... View more Collapse

EB2020 1st World Congress on Epidermolysis Bullosa (p. 57-57) - 2020

  • ISBN 0001-5555

Development of a hyaluronic acid/plasma-derived hydrogels for the optimization of dermo-epidermal autologus equivalents.

  • Montero Simon, Andres
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis

Development of a hyaluronic acid/plasma-derived hydrogels for the optimization of dermo-epidermal autologus equivalents. (p. 64-64) - 2016


  • ISBN 978-84-9773-855-2

Potential role of oxidative stress from mitochondria in Kindler Syndrome

  • Chamorro, C.
  • Almarza, D.
  • Llames, Sara
  • Murillas Angoiti, Rodolfo
  • Cigudosa, J.
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Mencia Rodriguez, Angeles
  • Garcia-escudero, R.
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
... View more Collapse

42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR 2012) (p. 82-82) - 2012 View at source

  • ISBN 0022-202X

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Cátedra de Investigación Fundación Jiménez Díaz de medicina regenerativa y bioingeniería de tejidos

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Acedo Gallardo, Pablo
  • Martin Mateos, Pedro
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Moreno Oyervides, Aldo Luis
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Almeida De Matos Baptista, Pedro Miguel
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Arriba Perez, Maria Del Carmen De
  • Corral Garcia-heras, Angelica
... View more Collapse

Period: 05-12-2019 - 31-12-2019

Type of funding: Regional


EIN2019-103239 - Apoyo a la propuesta FET: 3D Bioprinting of Sensorized Human Tissues and Organs

  • Acedo Gallardo, Pablo
  • Dios Fernandez, Cristina De
  • Martin Mateos, Pedro
  • Jorcano Noval, Jose Luis
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Lopez Ruiz, Nuria
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-06-2019 - 31-05-2021

Type of funding: National


Cátedra de Investigación Fundación Jiménez Díaz de medicina regenerativa y bioingeniería de tejidos

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Martin Mateos, Pedro
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Mencia Rodriguez, Angeles
  • Zapatero Solana, Elisabet
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Garcia Martin, Adela Maria
  • Moreno Oyervides, Aldo Luis
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Arriba Perez, Maria Del Carmen De
  • Muñoz Mayoral, Evangelina
  • Lopez Manzaneda, Sergio
  • Herraiz Gil, Sara
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-06-2014 - 31-12-2022

Type of funding: Regional


SAF2013-43475-R - Nuevas terapias para enfermedades raras de la piel basadas en mecanismos fisiopatologicos moleculares: terapia génica, celular y proteica

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Garcia Martin, Adela Maria
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Carretero Trillo, Marta
  • Murillas Angoiti, Rodolfo
  • De Lucas Laguna, Raul
  • Baselga Torres, Eulalia
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2014 - 31-12-2017

Type of funding: National



  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Mencia Rodriguez, Angeles
  • Meana Infiesta, Alvaro Enrique
  • Garcia Perez, Eva
  • Gonzalez Llames, Sara
  • Sanchez Jimeno, Carolina
  • Zapatero Solana, Elisabet
  • Conti, Claudio Jorge
  • Garcia Martin, Adela Maria
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Almeida De Matos Baptista, Pedro Miguel
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2012 - 30-04-2016

Type of funding: National


SAF2017-86810-R - Desarrollo y evaluación pre-clínica de terapias avanzadas multimodales para la Epidermolisis bullosa distrófica recesiva

  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Gonzalez Llames, Sara
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Carretero Trillo, Marta
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020

Type of funding: National


Pre-clinical development of a gene editing medicinal product for epidermolysis bullosa

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
... View more Collapse

Period: 20-03-2020 - 15-06-2022

Type of funding: European


662629 - NanoSmells: Artificial remote-controlled odorants

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Velasco Bayon, Diego
  • Leon Canseco, Carlos
  • Diaz Mayoral, Francisco Jose
  • Arriba Perez, Maria Del Carmen De
  • Pajuelo Lozano, Natalia
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-09-2015 - 30-09-2019

Type of funding: European


Generación de líneas celulares modificadas genéticamente conteniendo mutaciones sin sentido representativas en genes causantes de enfermedades genéticas de piel (epidermilosis bullosa y otras) y uso de un modelo organotípico para identificación de compuestos inductores de traducción de lectura (TRIDs)

  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Larcher Laguzzi, Fernando
  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Murillas Angoiti, Rodolfo
  • Bonafont Arago, Jose
  • Chacon Solano, Esteban Gonzalo
  • Duarte Gonzalez, Blanca
... View more Collapse

Period: 17-07-2019 - 31-12-2021

Type of funding: National

Funding entity: ALMIRALL, S.A

ICI14/00363 - Estudio de seguridad y eficacia preliminar de la infusión de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo para el tratamiento de l aEpidermolisis Bullosa Distrófica Recesiva

  • Escamez Toledano, Maria Jose
  • Rio Nechaevsky, Marcela Andrea Del
  • Garcia Diez, Marta
  • Guerrero Aspizua, Sara
  • Martinez Santamaria, Lucia
  • Garcia Martin, Adela Maria
  • Carretero Trillo, Marta
  • Arriba Perez, Maria Del Carmen De
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2015 - 30-06-2019

Type of funding: National


This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 2:49 PM