Paredes Sansinenea, Borja


The Effects of Overt Head Movements on Physical Performance After Positive Versus Negative Self-Talk

  • Horcajo J., Paredes B., Higuero G., Bri?ol P., Petty R.E.


Editor: Human Kinetics Publishers Inc.

10.1123/jsep.2018-0208 View at source

  • ISSN 15432904
  • ISSN/ISBN 1543-2904

La inducción sutil de sumar vs. restar: un efecto indirecto de las matemáticas

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja
  • Guyer, Joshua J
  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo
  • Petty, Richard E

Revista De Psicologia Social (p. 605-622) - 2/9/2019

Editor: Departamento de Psicologia Social y de las Organizaciones

10.1080/02134748.2019.1649890 View at source

  • ISSN 15793680
  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-4748

Introducción a los procesos metacognitivos de separación del propio pensamiento: una visión general ilustrativa

  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo
  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja
  • Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz

Revista De Psicologia Social (p. 490-505) - 2/9/2019

Editor: Departamento de Psicologia Social y de las Organizaciones

10.1080/02134748.2019.1651023 View at source

  • ISSN 15793680
  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-4748

Promoting healthy eating by enhancing the correspondence between attitudes and behavioral intentions

  • Requero, Blanca
  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo
  • Moreno Samaniego, Lorena
  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja
  • Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz

PSICOTHEMA (p. 60-66) - 1/1/2020

10.7334/psicothema2019.154 View at source

  • ISSN 02149915

Censoring political opposition online: Who does it and why

  • Ashokkumar, Ashwini
  • Talaifar, Sanaz
  • Fraser, William T.
  • Landabur, Rodrigo
  • Buhrmester, Michael
  • Gomez, Angel
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Swann, William B., Jr.;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology - 1/1/2020

Editor: Academic Press Inc.

10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104031 View at source

  • ISSN 10960465
  • ISSN/ISBN 1096-0465

The Neurosciences of Health Communication: An fNIRS Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex and Porn Consumption in Young Women for the Development of Prevention Health Programs (vol 11, 2132, 2020)

  • Cuesta U
  • Niño JI
  • Martinez L
  • Paredes B

Frontiers in Psychology - 1/1/2020

10.3389/fpsyg.2020.602857 View at source

  • ISSN 16641078

Recent advances, misconceptions, untested assumptions, and future research agenda for identity fusion theory

  • Gomez, Angel
  • Chinchilla, Juana
  • Vazquez, Alexandra
  • Lopez-Rodriguez, Lucia
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Martinez, Mercedes;

Social And Personality Psychology Compass - 1/1/2020

Editor: Wiley-Blackwell

10.1111/spc3.12531 View at source

  • ISSN 17519004
  • ISSN/ISBN 1751-9004

Why People Enter and Embrace Violent Groups

  • Gómez Á
  • Martínez M
  • Martel FA
  • López-Rodríguez L
  • Vázquez A
  • Chinchilla J
  • Paredes B
  • Hettiarachchi M
  • Hamid N
  • Swann WB
... View more Collapse

Frontiers in Psychology - 7/1/2020

Editor: Frontiers Media S.A.

10.3389/fpsyg.2020.614657 View at source

  • ISSN 16641078
  • ISSN/ISBN 1664-1078

The role of meta-cognitive certainty on the relationship between identity fusion and endorsement of extreme pro-group behavior

  • Paredes, Borja
  • Santos, David
  • Brinol, Pablo
  • Gomez, Angel
  • Pett, Richard E.;

Self And Identity (p. 804-824) - 2/10/2020

Editor: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

10.1080/15298868.2019.1681498 View at source

  • ISSN 15298868
  • ISSN/ISBN 1529-8876

Attitudes toward hiring people with disabilities: A meta-cognitive approach to persuasion

  • Requero B., Santos D., Paredes B., Briñol P., Petty R.E.

Journal Of Applied Social Psychology (p. 276-288) - 1/5/2020

10.1111/jasp.12658 View at source

  • ISSN 00219029

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.


  • Fuentenebro, Filiberto
  • Espinosa, Regina
  • Valiente, Carmen
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Villavicencio, Patricia
  • Prados, Jose Maria;

SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH (p. S221-S221) - 1/1/2014

10.1016/s0920-9964(14)70636-x View at source

  • ISSN 09209964

Situation extremity moderating the relationship between certainty and attitude-behavior correspondence

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., Siev, J., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

The extremity of the situation influences the use of mental construct

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

Confidence increases and decreases performance in academic settings and STEMM domains

  • Moreno, L. Briñol, P., Petty, R. E., Paredes, B., y Gandarillas, B.


  • iMarina

Attitudes and certainty guiding behavior as a function of extremity

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

Enhancing the effect of compassion toward others and the self through confidence

  • Santos, D., Moreno, L., Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

El estudio de la identidad como vehículo del cambio individual y colectivo?

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2022 - 31-12-2023

Type of funding: Regional

Amount of funding: 42000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Identity fusion and metacognition: Nature, antecedents and metacognitive consequences of identity fusion

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja (Autor o Coautor)
  • Angel Gómez Jiménez (Director)
  • Pablo Briñol Turnes (Director) Doctorando: Borja Paredes Sansinenea


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 11:40 PM