Paredes Sansinenea, Borja


Assessing changes associated in well-being after a psychological intervention for people with paranoid tendencies: An ESM application in clinical practice

  • Espinosa, R
  • Valiente, C
  • Contreras, A
  • Trucharte, A
  • Paredes, B
  • Peinado, V

CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY (p. NULL-14462) - 1/1/2022

10.1007/s12144-021-02625-3 View at source

  • ISSN 10461310

Attitudes and attitude certainty guiding pro-social behaviour as a function of perceived elaboration

  • Moreno, Lorena
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Santos, David
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Brinol, Pablo
  • Petty, Richard E.;


10.1002/ejsp.2798 View at source

  • ISSN 00462772

Attitudes toward hiring people with disabilities: A meta-cognitive approach to persuasion

  • Requero B., Santos D., Paredes B., Briñol P., Petty R.E.

Journal Of Applied Social Psychology (p. 276-288) - 1/5/2020

10.1111/jasp.12658 View at source

  • ISSN 00219029

Behavioral extremity moderates the association between certainty in attitudes about COVID and willingness to engage in mitigation-related behaviors

  • Siev, JJ
  • Petty, RE
  • Paredes, B
  • Brinol, P

Social And Personality Psychology Compass - 1/1/2023

10.1111/spc3.12767 View at source

  • ISSN 17519004

Brief Version of the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scales for Children and Adolescents: Evidence of Validity

  • Stavraki, Maria
  • García Márquez, Ricardo
  • Bajo Romero, Miriam
  • Callejas Albiñana, Ana Isabel
  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja
  • Díaz Méndez, Darío

Psicothema (p. 316-322) - 1/1/2022

10.7334/psicothema2021.235 View at source

  • ISSN 02149915

Censoring political opposition online: Who does it and why

  • Ashokkumar, Ashwini
  • Talaifar, Sanaz
  • Fraser, William T.
  • Landabur, Rodrigo
  • Buhrmester, Michael
  • Gomez, Angel
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Swann, William B., Jr.;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology - 1/1/2020

Editor: Academic Press Inc.

10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104031 View at source

  • ISSN 10960465
  • ISSN/ISBN 1096-0465

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: The unknown disease

  • Martinez-Perez, R.
  • Paredes, I.
  • Munarriz, P. M.
  • Paredes, B.
  • Alen, J. F.;

NEUROLOGIA (p. 185-191) - 1/4/2017

10.1016/j.nrl.2014.08.009 View at source

  • ISSN 15781968

Desde la fusión interpersonal a la fusión extendida: relaciones entre la fusión con los hermanos y la fusión con el país

  • Vázquez, Alexandra
  • Gómez Jiménez, Angel
  • Ordoñana Martín, Juan Ramón
  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja

Revista de Psicologia Social (p. 512-530) - 1/1/2015

Editor: Departamento de Psicologia Social y de las Organizaciones

10.1080/02134748.2015.1093755 View at source

  • ISSN 15793680
  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-4748

El efecto del foco regulatorio sobre el rendimiento y la evaluación de la formación en el contexto de las organizaciones

  • Requero, Blanca
  • Gandarillas, Beatriz
  • Santos, David
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Garcia, Laura
  • Brinol, Pablo;

Revista Mexicana De Psicologia (p. 134-141) - 1/1/2017

  • ISSN 01856073
  • iMarina

Identity fusion leads to willingness to fight and die for the group: The moderating impact of being informed of the reasons behind other members’ sacrifice

  • Paredes B., Briñol P., Gómez Á.

Self And Identity (p. 517-530) - 3/9/2018

Editor: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

10.1080/15298868.2017.1419503 View at source

  • ISSN 15298868
  • ISSN/ISBN 1529-8876

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Attitudes and certainty guiding behavior as a function of extremity

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

Confidence increases and decreases performance in academic settings and STEMM domains

  • Moreno, L. Briñol, P., Petty, R. E., Paredes, B., y Gandarillas, B.


  • iMarina


  • Fuentenebro, Filiberto
  • Espinosa, Regina
  • Valiente, Carmen
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Villavicencio, Patricia
  • Prados, Jose Maria;

SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH (p. S221-S221) - 1/1/2014

10.1016/s0920-9964(14)70636-x View at source

  • ISSN 09209964

Enhancing the effect of compassion toward others and the self through confidence

  • Santos, D., Moreno, L., Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

Situation extremity moderating the relationship between certainty and attitude-behavior correspondence

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., Siev, J., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

The extremity of the situation influences the use of mental construct

  • Paredes, B., Briñol, P., y Petty, R. E.


  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

El estudio de la identidad como vehículo del cambio individual y colectivo?

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2022 - 31-12-2023

Type of funding: Regional

Amount of funding: 42000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Identity fusion and metacognition: Nature, antecedents and metacognitive consequences of identity fusion

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja (Autor o Coautor)
  • Angel Gómez Jiménez (Director)
  • Pablo Briñol Turnes (Director) Doctorando: Borja Paredes Sansinenea


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 11:40 PM