Gabande Rodriguez, Enrique


High sphingomyelin levels induce lysosomal damage and autophagy dysfunction in Niemann Pick disease type A

  • Gabandé-Rodríguez E
  • Boya P
  • Labrador V
  • Dotti CG
  • Ledesma MD

CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (p. 864-875) - 1/1/2014

10.1038/cdd.2014.4 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13509047

Glycolysis - a key player in the inflammatory response

  • Soto-Heredero, Gonzalo
  • Gomez de las Heras, Manuel M.
  • Gabande-Rodriguez, Enrique
  • Oller, Jorge
  • Mittelbrunn, Maria;

FEBS Journal (p. 3350-3369) - 1/8/2020

10.1111/febs.15327 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1742464X

Extracellular Tuning of Mitochondrial Respiration Leads to Aortic Aneurysm

  • Oller J, Gabandé-Rodríguez E, Ruiz-Rodríguez MJ, Desdín-Micó G, Aranda JF, Rodrigues-Diez R, Ballesteros-Martínez C, Blanco EM, Roldan-Montero R, Acuña P, Forteza Gil A, Martín-López CE, Nistal JF, Lino Cardenas CL, Lindsay ME, Martín-Ventura JL, Briones AM, Redondo JM, Mittelbrunn M

Circulation (p. 2091-2109) - 25/5/2021


  • ISSN 00097322
  • iMarina

Control of Inflammation by Calorie Restriction Mimetics: On the Crossroad of Autophagy and Mitochondria

  • Gabande-Rodriguez, Enrique
  • Gomez de las Heras, Manuel M.
  • Mittelbrunn, Maria;

Cells - 1/1/2020

10.3390/cells9010082 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20734409

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Última actualización de los datos: 19/03/24 0:29