Perez Cubillas, Carmelo


Implementation and Assessment of an Intervention to Debias Adolescents against Causal Illusions

  • Barberia I
  • Blanco F
  • Cubillas C
  • Matute H

PLoS ONE - 14/8/2013

10.1371/journal.pone.0071303 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203

A HTML5 open source tool to conduct studies based on Libet’s clock paradigm

  • Garaizar, Pablo
  • Cubillas, Carmelo P.
  • Matute, Helena;

Scientific Reports - 1/1/2016

10.1038/srep32689 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20452322

Learning to infer the time of our actions and decisions from their consequence

  • Matute, Helena
  • Cubillas, Carmelo P.
  • Garaizar, Pablo;


10.1016/j.concog.2017.09.009 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10538100

Changes in Cue Configuration Reduce the Impact of Interfering Information in a Predictive Learning Task

  • Cubillas, Carmelo P.
  • Vadillo, Miguel A.
  • Matute, Helena;

Frontiers In Psychology - 6/1/2017

10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02050 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16641078

Attentional Instructions Modulate Differential Context- Switch Effects After Short and Long Training in Human Predictive Learning

  • Callejas-Aguilera J.E., Cubillas C.P., Rosas J.M.


10.1037/xan0000214 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23298456

Methodological Factors Involved in the Study of Temporal Binding Using the Open Source Software Labclock Web

  • Cubillas CP
  • Landáburu Í
  • Matute H

Frontiers in Psychology - 27/5/2020

10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01040 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16641078

Ignored visual context does not induce latent learning

  • Vadillo MA, Giménez-Fernández T, Aivar MP, Cubillas CP

PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW (p. 512-519) - 1/6/2020


  • ISSN 10699384
  • iMarina

To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?

  • Jones BC
  • DeBruine LM
  • Flake JK
  • Liuzza MT
  • Antfolk J
  • Arinze NC
  • Ndukaihe ILG
  • Bloxsom NG
  • Lewis SC
  • Foroni F
  • Willis ML
  • Cubillas CP
  • Vadillo MA
  • Turiegano E
  • Gilead M
  • Simchon A
  • Saribay SA
  • Owsley NC
  • Jang C
  • Mburu G
  • Calvillo DP
  • Wlodarczyk A
  • Qi Y
  • Ariyabuddhiphongs K
  • Jarukasemthawee S
  • Manley H
  • Suavansri P
  • Taephant N
  • Stolier RM
  • Evans TR
  • Bonick J
  • Lindemans JW
  • Ashworth LF
  • Hahn AC
  • Chevallier C
  • Kapucu A
  • Karaaslan A
  • Leongómez JD
  • Sánchez OR
  • Valderrama E
... Ver más Contraer

Nature Human Behaviour (p. 159-169) - 1/1/2021

10.1038/s41562-020-01007-2 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23973374

Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

  • Bago B
  • Kovacs M
  • Protzko J
  • Nagy T
  • Kekecs Z
  • Palfi B
  • Adamkovic M
  • Adamus S
  • Albalooshi S
  • Albayrak-Aydemir N
  • Alfian IN
  • Alper S
  • Alvarez-Solas S
  • Alves SG
  • Amaya S
  • Andresen PK
  • Anjum G
  • Ansari D
  • Arriaga P
  • Aruta JJBR
  • Arvanitis A
  • Babincak P
  • Barzykowski K
  • Bashour B
  • Baskin E
  • Batalha L
  • Batres C
  • Bavolar J
  • Bayrak F
  • Becker B
  • Becker M
  • Belaus A
  • Białek M
  • Bilancini E
  • Boller D
  • Boncinelli L
  • Boudesseul J
  • Brown BT
  • Buchanan EM
  • Butt MM
  • Calvillo DP
  • Carnes NC
  • Celniker JB
  • Chartier CR
  • Chopik WJ
  • Chotikavan P
  • Chuan-Peng H
  • Clancy RF
  • Çoker O
  • Correia RC
  • Adoric VC
  • Cubillas CP
  • Czoschke S
  • Daryani Y
  • de Grefte JAM
  • de Vries WC
  • Burak EGD
  • Dias C
  • Dixson BJW
  • Du X
  • Dumančić F
  • Dumbravă A
  • Dutra NB
  • Enachescu J
  • Esteban-Serna C
  • Eudave L
  • Evans TR
  • Feldman G
  • Felisberti FM
  • Fiedler S
  • Findor A
  • Fleischmann A
  • Foroni F
  • Francová R
  • Frank DA
  • Fu CHY
  • Gao S
  • Ghasemi O
  • Ghazi-Noori AR
  • Ghossainy ME
  • Giammusso I
  • Gill T
  • Gjoneska B
  • Gollwitzer M
  • Graton A
  • Grinberg M
  • Groyecka-Bernard A
  • Harris EA
  • Hartanto A
  • Hassan WANM
  • Hatami J
  • Heimark KR
  • Hidding JJJ
  • Hristova E
  • Hruška M
  • Hudson CA
  • Huskey R
  • Ikeda A
  • Inbar Y
  • Ingram GPD
... Ver más Contraer

Nature Human Behaviour (p. 880-+) - 1/6/2022

10.1038/s41562-022-01319-5 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23973374

Myths in psychology: psychological misconceptions among Spanish psychology students

  • Cristina Rodríguez-Prada, Cristina Orgaz, Carmelo P. Cubillas

PeerJ - 11/8/2022

10.7717/peerj.13811 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 21678359

Psicología del aprendizaje por acondicionamiento

  • Froufé Torres, Manuel
  • Nieto Vizcaíno, María del Carmen
  • Sierra Díez, Benjamín
  • Pérez Cubillas, Carmelo


  • ISBN 9788413661025
  • iMarina

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Efectos de cambio de contexto y recuperación de información

  • PEREZ CUBILLAS, CARMELO (Autor o Coautor)
  • Vadillo, Miguel A (Director) Doctorando: Pérez Cubillas, Carmelo


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 12:17