San Hipolito Luengo, Alvaro


The angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas receptor axis protects from endothelial cell senescence via klotho and Nrf2 activation

  • Romero A, San Hipólito-Luengo Á, Villalobos LA, Vallejo S, Valencia I, Michalska P, Pajuelo-Lozano N, Sánchez-Pérez I, León R, Bartha JL, Sanz MJ, Erusalimsky JD, Sánchez-Ferrer CF, Romacho T, Peiró C

Aging Cell (p. e12913-e12913) - 1/6/2019


  • ISSN 14749718
  • iMarina

The Angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas Axis Counteracts Angiotensin II-Dependent and -Independent Pro-inflammatory Signaling in Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

  • Villalobos LA, San Hipólito-Luengo Á, Ramos-González M, Cercas E, Vallejo S, Romero A, Romacho T, Carraro R, Sánchez-Ferrer CF, Peiró C

Frontiers In Pharmacology - 1/1/2016

10.3389/fphar.2016.00482 View at source

  • ISSN 16639812

Dual Effects of Resveratrol on Cell Death and Proliferation of Colon Cancer Cells.

  • San Hipólito-Luengo Á, Alcaide A, Ramos-González M, Cercas E, Vallejo S, Romero A, Talero E, Sánchez-Ferrer CF, Motilva V, Peiró C

Nutrition And Cancer-An International Journal (p. 1019-1027) - 3/10/2017


  • ISSN 15327914
  • iMarina

This researcher has no books.

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The adipokine visfatin induces endothelial dysfunction through TLR-4 and NLRP3 inflammasome activation

  • San Hipolito-Luengo, Alvaro
  • Ramos-Gonzalez, Mariella
  • Vallejo, Susana
  • Romero, Alejandra
  • Valencia, Ines
  • Francisco Gomez-Cerezo, J.
  • Peiro, Concepcion
  • Sanchez-Ferrer, Carlos F.
  • Tania, Romacho;
... View more Collapse


  • ISSN 17427835
  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

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This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 7/29/24 4:42 PM