Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia alicia.gonzalezb@uam.es


A prospective cohort study of neurocognitive function in aviremic HIV-infected patients treated with 1 or 3 antiretrovirals

  • Pérez-Valero I., González-Baeza A., Estébanez M., Monge S., Montes-Ramírez M., Bayón C., Pulido F., Bernardino J., Zamora F., González-García J., Lagarde M., Hernando A., Arnalich F., Arribas J.

Clinical Infectious Diseases (p. 1627-1634) - 1/12/2014

10.1093/cid/ciu640 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10584838

Brief transdiagnostic group intervention for people living with HIV and emotional disorders: feasibility and clinical utility

  • Gonzalez-Baeza A, Osma JJ, Rua-Cebrian G, Cano-Smith J, Suso-Ribera C, Perez-Valero I

Aids Care-Psychological And Socio-Medical Aspects Of Aids/Hiv (p. 1-9) - 1/1/2023


  • ISSN 13600451
  • iMarina

COVID-19 in hospitalized HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients: A matched study

  • Diez, Cristina
  • Del Romero-Raposo, Jorge
  • Mican, Rafael
  • Lopez, Juan C
  • Blanco, Jose R
  • Calzado, Sonia
  • Samperiz, Gloria
  • Portilla, Joaquin
  • Garcia-Fraile, Lucio J
  • Gutierrez, Felix
  • Gomez-Sirvent, Juan L
  • Suarez-Garcia, Ines
  • Amador, Concha
  • Novella, Maria
  • Arribas, Jose R
  • Moreno, Santiago
  • Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan
  • Jarrin, Inmaculada
  • Berenguer, Juan
... Ver más Contraer

Hiv Medicine (p. 867-876) - 1/10/2021

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1111/hiv.13145 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14642662
  • ISSN/ISBN 1468-1293

Central nervous system penetration and effectiveness of darunavir/ritonavir monotherapy

  • Pérez Valero I., González-Baeza A., Montes Ramírez M.

Aids Reviews (p. 101-108) - 1/1/2014

  • ISSN 11396121
  • iMarina

Changes in Quality of Sleep, Mood, and Other Neuropsychiatric Symptoms After Switching Dolutegravir/Lamivudine/Abacavir to Darunavir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in a Randomized Study of People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus With Poor Sleep Quality: GESIDA 10418

  • Cabello-Ubeda, Alfonso
  • Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia
  • Troya Garcia, Jesus
  • de la Fuente Moral, Sara
  • Novella Mena, Maria
  • Pinto Martinez, Adriana
  • Mican, Rafael
  • Gorgolas, Miguel
  • Cuevas Tascon, Guillermo
  • Diaz de Santiago, Alberto
  • Sanz Morerno, Jose
  • Rial Crestelo, David
  • Busca Arenzana, Carmen
  • Bernardino Serna, Jose Ignacio
  • Diaz Almiron, Mariana
  • Cano, Joanna
  • Esteban, Herminia
  • Perez-Valero, Ignacio;
... Ver más Contraer

Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 1/9/2022

10.1093/ofid/ofac345 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23288957

Consumo de drogas recreativas y practicas de chemsex en varones seronegativos: Datos desde un screening VIH comunitario

  • Valencia Delgadillo, Jorge
  • Gutiérrez, Jorge
  • Troya, Jesús
  • González Baeza, Alicia
  • Dolengevich Segal, Helen
  • Cuevas, Guillermo
  • Ryan Murúa, Pablo
... Ver más Contraer

Revista Multidisciplinar Del Sida (p. 7-19) - 1/1/2018

  • ISSN 23403365
  • iMarina

Drug-related and psychopathological symptoms in HIV-positive men who have sex with men who inject drugs during sex (slamsex): Data from the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study

  • Dolengevich-Segal H, Gonzalez-Baeza A, Valencia J, Valencia-Ortega E, Cabello A, Tellez-Molina MJ, Perez-Elias MJ, Serrano R, Perez-Latorre L, Martin-Carbonero L, Arponen S, Sanz-Moreno J, De la Fuente S, Bisbal O, Santos I, Casado JL, Troya J, Cervero-Jimenez M, Nistal S, Cuevas G, Correas-Lauffer J, Torrens M, Ryan P, U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study

Plos One (p. e0220272-e0220272) - 1/12/2019

Editor: Public Library of Science

10.1371/journal.pone.0220272 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203
  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203

Facial Emotion Processing in Aviremic HIV-infected Adults

  • González-Baeza A, Carvajal F, Bayón C, Pérez-Valero I, Montes-Ramírez M, Arribas JR

Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology (p. 401-10-410) - 1/8/2016

10.1093/arclin/acw023 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 08876177

HIV-infected Latin American asylum seekers in Madrid, Spain, 2022: A prospective cohort study from a major gateway in Europe.

  • Ryan P
  • Manzano S
  • Deihim-Rahampour N
  • Cuevas G
  • Martin-Gonzalez L
  • Gonzalez-Baeza A
  • Torres P
  • Lazarus JV
  • Torres-Macho J
  • Valencia J
  • Sanchez-Conde M
... Ver más Contraer

Eurosurveillance - 1/7/2024


  • ISSN 15607917
  • iMarina

How well are we performing the initial assessment of HIV-positive patients? Results from a multicentre cohort in Spain

  • Suárez-García I, Alejos B, Delgado E, Rivero M, Pineda JA, Jarrin I, Cohort of the Spanish HIV/AIDS Network (CoRIS) study group

Hiv Medicine (p. 128-134) - 1/2/2020

Editor: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

10.1111/hiv.12817 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14642662
  • ISSN/ISBN 1468-1293

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.

A comparative study of neurocognitively impaired patients receiving protease inhibitor monotherapy or triple-drug antiretroviral therapy

  • Estébanez M., Stella-Ascariz N., Mingorance J., Pérez-Valero I., González-Baeza A., Bayón C., Lakatos B., Borobia A., Arnalich F., Arribas J.

Journal Aids And Human Retrovirology (p. 419-423) - 1/1/2014


  • ISSN 10779450
  • iMarina

Aplicación de un programa de intervención grupal breve para el tratamiento de trastornos emocionales en personas que viven con VIH

  • González Baeza, Alicia, Rua Cebrián, Guadalupe, Cano Smith, Joanna y Osma López, Jorge


  • iMarina

Early sexual abuse, insecure attachment in childhood, emotional dysregulation and poor self-care among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men engaged in chemsex

  • Gonzalez-Baeza, A
  • Ibarguchi, L
  • Barrio, P
  • Curto, J
  • Dolengevich, H
  • Kessel, D
  • de Albornoz, AG
  • Garcia-Fraile, L
  • Garrido, J
  • Bernardino, JI
  • Cano, J
... Ver más Contraer

Hiv Medicine (p. 280-280) - 1/10/2021

  • ISSN 14642662
  • iMarina

Effects of an online-based cognitive stimulation training as a preventive programme in patients with HIV: a proof of concept study

  • Cano-Smith, J.
  • Gonzalez-Baeza, A.
  • Rua-Cebrian, G.
  • Mican, R.
  • Bernardino, J.
  • Busca, C.
  • Martin-Carbonero, L.
  • Gonzalez-Garcia, J.
  • Moreno, V.
  • Valencia, E.
  • Montes, M.
  • Ramos, L.
  • Perez-Valero, I.;
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of The International Aids Society (p. 160-161) - 1/10/2022

  • ISSN 17582652
  • iMarina

Psychological benefits of a brief transdiagnostic group intervention for people living with HIV and emotional disorders: the UPER-HIV pilot study

  • Gonzalez-Baeza, A
  • Osma, J
  • Rua-Cebrian, G
  • Cano-Smith, J
  • Suso-Ribera, C
  • Martin-Carbonero, L
  • Montes, ML
  • Gonzalez-Garcia, J
  • Perez-Valero, I
... Ver más Contraer

Hiv Medicine (p. 291-291) - 1/10/2021

  • ISSN 14642662
  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.


  • Gonzalez Baeza, Alicia (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-10-2022 - 30-04-2024

Tipo: Interno

Importe financiado: 29590,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 12/08/24 14:24