Lin, Yue


Family entrepreneurship and succession: a survey in province of Zhejiang

  • Lin, Yue

China Perspectives (p. 28-38) - 1/1/2006

  • ISSN 20703449
  • iMarina

Entrepreneuriat familial et succession: enquête dans la province du Zhejiang

  • Lin, Yue

Perspectives Chinoises (p. 28-38) - 1/1/2006

  • ISSN 10219013
  • iMarina

Yiwu : le carrefour du « made in China »

  • Lin, Yue

Outre-Terre (p. 187-193) - 1/1/2006

10.3917/oute.015.0187 View at source

  • ISSN 16363671

¿Por qué China no cambia el mundo?

  • Lin, Yue

Contrastes: Revista Cultural (p. 145-153) - 1/1/2008

  • ISSN ISSN (11395680)
  • iMarina

Quelles entreprises sont privées?: note de recherche sur le problème du financement des entreprises privées chinoises

  • Lin, Yue

Zhongguo Yanjiu. (p. 429-448) - 1/1/2010

  • ISSN 16466748
  • iMarina

État, administration locale et initiatives populaires: linstitutionalisation dune pratique dans le district dYiwu (Zhejiang)

  • Lin, Yue

Études Chinoises. Bulletin De L'association Française D'études Chinoises (p. 271-288) - 1/1/2010

10.3406/etchi.2010.947 View at source

  • ISSN 07555857

Trusts and institutions: industrial clusters in Zhejiang province

  • Lin, Yue

Archiv Orientalni (p. 203-216) - 1/1/2011

  • ISSN 00448699
  • iMarina

Observations sur le commerce sino-africain des marchandises

  • Lin, Yue

Outre-Terre (p. 35-42) - 1/1/2011

10.3917/oute.030.0035 View at source

  • ISSN 16363671

Tres años después de la crisis: ¿dónde está China ahora?

  • Lin, Yue

Anuario De Relaciones Laborales En España (p. 63-65) - 1/1/2012

  • ISSN 22543112
  • iMarina

La lógica de las reformas económicas chinas y la nueva normalidad

  • Lin, Yue

Revista De Occidente (p. 78-92) - 1/1/2015

  • ISSN 00348635
  • iMarina

China and International Norms: Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative

  • Esteban M
  • Lin Y

(p. 1-200) - 1/1/2023

10.4324/9781003299387 View at source

Causas y consecuencias del desequilibrado crecimiento de China

  • Lin, Yue

China En El Escenario Internacional: Una Aproximación Multidisciplinar (p. 195-238) - 1/1/2013

  • iMarina

Inversión extranjera directa de China en América Latina

  • Lin, Yue

América Latina Y El Caribe. China: Economía, Comercio E Inversiones (p. 203-222) - 3/3/2013

  • ISBN 9786078066056
  • iMarina

Economic “highway” with three speed tracks and destinations between China and CEE

  • Lin, Yue

16+1 Cooperation And China-Eu Relationship (p. 80-113) - 1/1/2018

  • iMarina

The Belt and Road Initiative and Corporate Social Responsibility Development in China

  • Lin, Yue

China And International Norms: Evidence From The Belt And Road Initiative (p. 90-110) - 1/1/2023

10.4324/9781003299387-5 View at source

When the small and medium family enterprises meet the capital market

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Decoupling China in the global crisis: toward a more independent and balanced economy?

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Which enterprises are private? – Researching note on the financing problem of Chinese private firms

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

L’espace financier des petits entrepreneurs

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Los mitos del modelo de desarrollo de China

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Trust and Institution in the industrial cluster: a case from China

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

L'institution de l’expansion de la confiance dans la finance populaire en Chine contemporaine

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Profile of China’s investment in Latin America

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Political economy of defining private enterprises: ownership and property rights with Chinese characteristics

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

Inversión directa extranjera de China en América Latina

  • Lin, Yue


  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Espace populaire minjian

  • Lin, Yue (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2006 - 31-12-2009

  • iMarina

La Recreación de identidades en Asia Oriental

  • Janousch, Andreas Ernst (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez España, Pilar (Investigador/a)
  • Esteban Rodriguez, Mario (Investigador/a)
  • Roman Navarro, Maria Jose (Investigador/a)
  • Cervera Fernandez, Maria Isabel (Investigador/a)
  • Kayoko Takagi (Investigador/a)
  • Nieto Martinez, Gladys Rosario (Investigador/a)
  • Chieko Kimura (Investigador/a)
  • Tronu Montane, Carla (Investigador/a)
  • Anka Badurina Haemmerle (Investigador/a)
  • Goy Yamamoto, Ana Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Lin, Yue (Investigador/a)
  • Fisac Badell, Taciana (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 10-01-2007 - 04-05-2011

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 258335,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Initiatives économiques, liens sociaux et dynamiques des norme

  • Lin, Yue (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2013

  • iMarina


  • Lin, Yue (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2010 - 01-01-2013

  • iMarina

Textos, imágenes, y espacios: Construcción y negociación de discursos en Asia Oriental

  • Fisac Badell, Taciana (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Nieto Martinez, Gladys Rosario (Investigador/a)
  • Lin, Yue (Investigador/a)
  • Cervera Fernandez, Maria Isabel (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez España, Pilar (Investigador/a)
  • Tronu Montane, Carla (Investigador/a)
  • Goy Yamamoto, Ana Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Janousch, Andreas Ernst (Investigador/a)
  • Sastre de la Vega, Daniel (Investigador/a)
  • Esteban Rodriguez, Mario (Investigador/a)
  • Kayoko Takagi (Investigador/a)
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2012 - 01-01-2015

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 108900,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Crisis económica y desarrollo. El papel del Estado en una perspectiva bilateral: China y España

  • Lin, Yue (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-07-2013 - 01-01-2014

  • iMarina

La nueva ruta de la seda: influencia de china en la gobernanza global e implicaciones para España

  • Miguel Otero Iglesias (Investigador/a)
  • Lara Lázaro Touza (Investigador/a)
  • Iliana Olivié Aldasoro (Investigador/a)
  • Goy Yamamoto, Ana Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Steinberg Wechsler, Federico (Investigador/a)
  • Lin, Yue (Investigador/a)
  • Esteban Rodriguez, Mario (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 44770,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Dealing with a Resurgent China

  • Lin, Yue (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-11-2022 - 31-10-2025

  • iMarina

Beyond the balance of power: the logic of China's engagement in regional multilateralism

  • Lin, Yue (Autor o Coautor)
  • Esteban Rodriguez, Mario (Autor o Coautor)
  • Weifeng Zhou (Director) Doctorando: Weifeng Zhou


  • iMarina

Diccionario de terminología médica español-chino basado en corpus

  • Lin, Yue (Autor o Coautor)
  • Liu Yuanyi (Director)
  • Moreno Sandoval, Antonio (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Liu Yuanyi


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 1:45 PM