Fernandez-balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel juanmiguel.fernandezbalboa@uam.es


¿Debemos contribuir a la convergencia europea a través de un modelo de formación de futuros docentes por competencias?

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel

Tándem: Didáctica De La Educación Física (p. 19-33) - 1/1/2008

  • ISSN 15770834
  • iMarina

Trends in the sport marketing industry and in the demographics of the United States: their effect on the strategic role of grassroots sport sponsorship in corporate America

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Sport Marketing Quarterly (p. 35-48) - 1/1/1998

  • ISSN 10616934
  • iMarina

The practice of critical pedagogy: critical self-reflection as praxis

  • Fernández-Balboa J

Teaching Education (p. 47-53) - 1/1/1998

10.1080/10476210.1998.10335494 View at source

  • ISSN 10476210

The impact of a peer-tutoring program on quality standards in higher education

  • Arco-Tirado J
  • Fernández-Martín F
  • Fernández-Balboa J

Higher Education (p. 773-788) - 1/12/2011

10.1007/s10734-011-9419-x View at source

  • ISSN 00181560

The generic nature of pedagogical content knowledge among college professors

  • Fernández-Balboa J
  • Stiehl J

Teaching And Teacher Education (p. 293-306) - 1/1/1995

10.1016/0742-051x(94)00030-a View at source

  • ISSN 0742051X

The conscious system for the movement technique: an ontological and holistic alternative for (Spanish) physical education in troubled times

  • Fernández-Balboa JM
  • Prados Megías E

Sport Education And Society (p. 1089-1106) - 1/11/2014

10.1080/13573322.2012.735652 View at source

  • ISSN 13573322

The Structure and Content of Flow Experience Narratives in Sport: The Tale of an Elite Sportsman

  • Sicilia Camacho, Álvaro
  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel
  • Orta, Antonio

Universitas Psychologica (p. 23-0) - 1/1/2017

10.11144/javeriana.upsy16-1.scfe View at source

  • ISSN 16579267

The Hegemonic Triumvirate¿Ideologies, Discourses, and Habitus in Sport and Physical Education: Implications and Suggestions

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel
  • Muros Ruiz, Beatriz

Quest (p. 197-221) - 1/5/2006

10.1080/00336297.2006.10491879 View at source

  • ISSN 00336297
  • ISSN/ISBN 1543-2750

Students' self-grading, professor's grading and negotiated final grading at three university programmes: Analysis of reliability and grade difference ranges and tendencies

  • Fraile, A.
  • Fernández-Balboa, J.M.
  • López, V.M
  • Santos Pastor, M? Luisa

Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education (p. 453-464) - 1/6/2012

10.1080/02602938.2010.545868 View at source

  • ISSN 02602938

Sociocultural characteristics of the hidden curriculum in physical education

  • Fernández-Balboa J

Quest (p. 230-254) - 1/1/1993

10.1080/00336297.1993.10484086 View at source

  • ISSN 00336297

Where the Boys Are

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 0909184992
  • iMarina

Useful Theory: Making Critical Education Practical

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 0820463078
  • iMarina

Universidad, Currículo y Educación Física

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 9789587143003
  • iMarina

The sociology of sport in practice

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 0582419123
  • iMarina

The ongoing development of teacher education: exchange of ideas

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 9657182131
  • iMarina

The future of physical education: building a new pedagogy

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 0415288924
  • iMarina

Research methogs in physical education and youth sport

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 9780415618854
  • iMarina

Palabras caballo: fuerza vital para el día a día

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel

(p. - ) - 1/1/2013

  • ISBN 9788433026514
  • iMarina

Materiales de formación del profesorado universitario¿Guía III

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 8468810843
  • iMarina

Los últimos diez años de la educación física escolar

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • ISBN 8468863602
  • iMarina

Transcending masculinities: linking personhood and pedagogy

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Where The Boys Are (p. 121-140) - 1/1/1998

  • iMarina

The human movement profession: from modernism to postmodernism

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Critical Postmodernism In Human Movement, Physical Education, And Sport: Rethinking The Profession (Suny Series On Sport, Culture And Social Relations) (p. 3-10) - 1/1/1997

  • iMarina

Sailing toward ¿Happycity¿: Adding ethics to education

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Educating The Young: The Ethics Of Care (p. 39-60) - 1/1/2011

  • iMarina

Reflexiones sobre pedagogía y principios: un dialogo entre dos educadores de maestros

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel
  • Muros Ruiz, Beatriz

La Otra Cara De La Enseñanza : La Educación Física Desde Una Perspectiva Crítica (p. 115-126) - 1/1/2005

Editor: INDE Publicaciones

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-9729-072-0

Reflexiones sobre la educación en valores

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Uem: Actividad Física Y Deporte En La Sociedad Del Siglo Xxi - 1/1/2006

  • iMarina

Recuperando el valor ético-político de la Pedagogía: las diferencias entre la Pedagogía y la Didáctica

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel

Didáctica De La Educación Física. Una Perspectiva Crítica Y Transversal (p. 315-330) - 1/1/2004

  • iMarina

Positioning Yourself as a Researcher: Four Dimensions for Self-Reflection

  • Beverley H
  • Dudley G
  • Eimear E
  • O'Sullivan M
  • Richard T
  • Fitzpatrick K
  • Kathleen A
  • Macdonald D
  • Hall K
  • Chambers F
  • Hale B
  • Wakefield A
  • Leen H
  • Isabel T
  • Hastie P
  • Peter H
  • Rossi A
  • Tan W
  • Brandl-Bredenbeck H
  • Kämpfe A
  • Burrows L
  • McLachlan F
  • Spowart L
  • MacDonald D
  • McCuaig L
  • Trost SG
  • Rice K
  • Kirk D
  • Casey A
  • Templin T
  • Pearce G
  • Stephen S
  • Bernstein E
  • Holt N
  • Knight C
  • Tamminen K
  • Armour K
  • Griffiths M
  • Ennis C
  • Chen S
  • Beverley H
  • Dudley G
  • Eimear E
  • O'Sullivan M
  • Richard T
  • Fitzpatrick K
  • Kathleen A
  • Macdonald D
  • Hall K
... View more Collapse

Research Methogs In Physical Education And Youth Sport (p. 29-39) - 1/1/2012

10.4324/9780203807170 View at source

Poisonous pedagogy in physical education

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Actas Del Congreso Mundial De La Aiesep 1999 (p. 83-87) - 1/1/1999

  • iMarina

Poeths wanted! Reawakening the ethical conscience in PETE¿s pedagogy and research through acts of self-acquaintance

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Historic Traditions And Future Directions Of Research On Teaching And Teacher Education In Physical Education (p. 165-170) - 1/1/2009

  • iMarina

Physical education teacher education in the postmodern era: toward a critical pedagogy

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Critical Postmodernism In Human Movement, Physical Education, And Sport: Rethinking The Profession (Suny Series On Sport, Culture And Social Relations) (p. 121-138) - 1/1/1997

  • iMarina

¿Deporte unión de culturas? Del triunvirato hegemónico a la dignidad universal a través de una pedagogía crítica

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

¿Calidad o no calidad? ¿Es esa la cuestión en la formación de profesorado en Educación Física?.

  • Fernández-Balboa, Juan Miguel

Docencia, Innovación E Investigación En La Educación Física (p. 185-194) - 4/2/2010

  • iMarina

¿Bolonia en Latinoamérica? Reflexiones críticas sobre su planteamiento y aplicación

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel

Universidad, Currículo Y Educación Física (p. 17-28) - 27/10/2009

  • iMarina

Transcending masculinities: linking pedagogy and personhood

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

Towards a reconfiguration of the ethical-political connection in critical pedagogy in physical education teacher education: addressing the critiques with new theory and purposeful practice

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

The role of the teacher

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

The content of ¿conscientization¿: toward a practical critical pedagogy

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

The content and process of pedagogy in physical education teacher education

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

The body as a semiotic

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

Teaching for work in physical education: A new theory of reproduction

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel


  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Viaje a congreso

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1992

  • iMarina

Viaje a congreso

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1999

  • iMarina

Viaje a congreso

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1993

  • iMarina

Investigación en pedagogía y formación del profesorado

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1999

  • iMarina

Investigación en pedagogía

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1990

  • iMarina

Investigación en nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-2001

  • iMarina

Impartir cursos de educación e investigación

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-2001

  • iMarina

Desarrollo curricular internacional

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-1999

  • iMarina

Desarrollo curricular en educación e investigación

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 01-01-2001

  • iMarina

Youth Development in Schools: A Comparison of Classroom and Enrichment Environments

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

Validez y fiabilidad de instrumentos para la evaluación de la actividad física, el tiempo sedentario y la movilidad funcional en la población mayor

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Autor o Coautor)
  • Veiga Nuñez, Oscar Luis (Director)
  • Veiga, Oscar L. (Director) Doctorando: Cámara Serrano, Miguel Ángel de la


  • iMarina

The Political Economy of the Golf Boom in South Korea: Perceptions and Interpretations of its Sociocultural Consequences

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

The Effects of Varying the Sequence of Categories of Adventure Activities on the Development of Group Cohesion

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

The Effects of Exercise Training on Insulin Sensitivity and Glucose Tolerance: A Meta-Analysis

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

Students perspectives on mathematics anxiety: a qualitative study

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

Physical activity, physical fitness, body composition and academic perfomance in children and adolescents

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Autor o Coautor)
  • Veiga Nuñez, Oscar Luis (Autor o Coautor)
  • Irene Esteban Cornejo (Director)
  • Moya Morales, Jose Maria (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Irene Esteban Cornejo


  • iMarina

Muscle Strength in Osteoporotic Women with and without Vertebral Compression Fractures

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

Freedom and Possibility: A Critical Consciousness beyond a Critical Pedagogy in Physical Education

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

Facilitative and Debilitative Anxiety: An Intra-Individual Study of Pre-Performance Symptoms, Exceptions, and Temporal Patterns in Athletes

  • Fernandez-Balboa Balaguer, Juan Miguel (Director)


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 1:52 PM