Torre Toledano, Doroteo


Whisper-based spoken term detection systems for search on speech ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge

  • Tejedor J
  • Toledano DT

Eurasip Journal On Audio Speech And Music Processing - 1/12/2024

10.1186/s13636-024-00334-w View at source

  • ISSN 16874714

Usability evaluation of multi-modal biometric verification systems

  • Toledano, Doroteo T.
  • Fernandez Pozo, Ruben
  • Hernandez Trapote, Alvaro
  • Hernandez Gomez, Luis;

Interacting With Computers (p. 1101-1122) - 1/1/2006

10.1016/j.intcom.2006.01.004 View at source

  • ISSN 09535438

Towards automatic inspection of nuclear fuel elements in spent fuel pools: Audio analysis

  • Segovia S
  • Ramos Á
  • Izard D
  • Toledano DT

Nuclear Engineering And Technology - 1/1/2024

10.1016/ View at source

  • ISSN 17385733

The multi-domain international search on speech 2020 ALBAYZIN evaluation: Overview, systems, results, discussion and post-evaluation analyses

  • Tejedor J
  • Toledano DT
  • Ramirez JM
  • Montalvo AR
  • Alvarez-Trejos JI

Applied Sciences-Basel - 1/9/2021

10.3390/app11188519 View at source

  • ISSN 20763417

Spoken term detection ALBAYZIN 2014 evaluation: overview, systems, results, and discussion

  • Tejedor J., Toledano D.T., Lopez-Otero P., Docio-Fernandez L., Garcia-Mateo C., Cardenal A., Echeverry-Correa J.D., Coucheiro-Limeres A., Olcoz J., Miguel A.

Eurasip Journal On Audio Speech And Music Processing - 8/12/2015

10.1186/s13636-015-0063-8 View at source

  • ISSN 16874714

Speech Signal and Facial Image Processing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Assessment

  • Espinoza-Cuadros F
  • Fernández-Pozo R
  • Toledano D
  • Alcázar-Ramírez J
  • López-Gonzalo E
  • Hernández-Gómez L

Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine - 1/1/2015

10.1155/2015/489761 View at source

  • ISSN 1748670X

Speaker recognition - The ATVS-UAM system at NIST SRE 05

  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Joaquin
  • Ramos Castro, Daniel
  • Toledano, Doroteo Torre
  • Montero-Asenjo, Alberto
  • Gonzalez-Dominguez, Javier
  • Lopez-Moreno, Ignacio
  • Fierrez Aguilar, Julian
  • Garcia-Romero, Daniel
  • Ortega Garcia, Javier
... View more Collapse

Ieee Aerospace And Electronic Systems Magazine (p. 15-21) - 1/1/2007

10.1109/maes.2007.327534 View at source

  • ISSN 08858985

Search on speech from spoken queries: the Multi-domain International ALBAYZIN 2018 Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection Evaluation

  • Tejedor, Javier
  • Toledano, Doroteo T.
  • Lopez-Otero, Paula
  • Docio-Fernandez, Laura
  • Penagarikano, Mikel
  • Javier Rodriguez-Fuentes, Luis
  • Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio;
... View more Collapse

Eurasip Journal On Audio Speech And Music Processing - 1/12/2019

10.1186/s13636-019-0156-x View at source

  • ISSN 16874714

Score-based Bayesian network structure learning algorithms for modeling radioisotope levels in nuclear power plant reactors

  • Ramirez-Hereza P
  • Ramos D
  • Toledano DT
  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez J
  • Ariza-Velazquez A
  • Doncel N

Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems - 15/6/2023

10.1016/j.chemolab.2023.104811 View at source

  • ISSN 01697439

Reviewing the connection between speech and obstructive sleep apnea

  • Espinoza-Cuadros F
  • Fernández-Pozo R
  • Toledano DT
  • Alcázar-Ramírez JD
  • López-Gonzalo E
  • Hernández-Gómez LA

Biomedical Engineering Online - 20/2/2016

10.1186/s12938-016-0138-5 View at source

  • ISSN 1475925X

This researcher has no books.

Voice Device

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin
  • Ortega Garcia, Javier

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1377-1382) - 1/1/2009

10.1007/978-0-387-73003-5_15 View at source

Voice Device

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin
  • Ortega Garcia, Javier

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1581-1587) - 1/1/2015

10.1007/978-1-4899-7488-4_15 View at source

Voice Biometrics

  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Ortega Garcia, Javier

Handbook Of Biometrics (p. 151-173) - 1/1/2008

10.1007/978-0-387-71041-9_8 View at source

Speech Analysis

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Ramos Castro, Daniel
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1284-1289) - 1/1/2009

10.1007/978-0-387-73003-5_200 View at source

Speech Analysis

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Ramos Castro, Daniel
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1487-1493) - 1/1/2015

10.1007/978-1-4899-7488-4_200 View at source

Speaker Features

  • Ramos Castro, Daniel
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1455-1459) - 1/1/2015

10.1007/978-1-4899-7488-4_203 View at source

Speaker Features

  • Ramos Castro, Daniel
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin

Encyclopedia Of Biometrics (p. 1254-1258) - 1/1/2009

10.1007/978-0-387-73003-5_203 View at source

Resultados de la aplicación de técnicas de modelado de alto nivel al reconocimiento de locutores en ámbito de acústica forense dentro del proyecto ILAF

  • Fernández Pozo, Rubén
  • Fombella Mourelle, Carlos
  • Hernández Trapote, Álvaro
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • González Rodríguez, Joaquín
  • Lucena Molina, José Juan
  • Hernández Gómez, Luis Alfonso
... View more Collapse

Iii Congreso Da Sociedade Española De Acústica Forense: Actas Do Congreso (p. 183-196) - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina

Fundamentals of voice biometrics: Classical and machine learning approaches

  • Lozano-Diez A
  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez J
  • Ramos D
  • Toledano DT

Voice Biometrics: Technology, Trust And Security (p. 7-38) - 1/1/2021

10.1049/pbse012e_ch2 View at source

Develloping a Phonemic and Syllabic Frequency Inventory for Spontaneous Spoken Castilian Spanishand their Comparison to Text-Based Inventories

  • Sandoval A., Toledano D., De La Torre R., Garrote M., Guirao J.

Lrec 2008 : Proceedings (p. 1097-1100) - 1/2/2008

  • iMarina

Using data-driven and phonetic units for speaker verification

  • Hannani A
  • Toledano D
  • Petrovska-Delacrétaz D
  • Montero-Asenjo A
  • Hennebert J

Ieee Odyssey 2006: Workshop On Speaker And Language Recognition - 1/12/2006

10.1109/odyssey.2006.248134 View at source

Using HMM to Detect Speakers with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome

  • Montero Benavides, Ana
  • Luis Blanco, Jose
  • Fernandez, Alejandra
  • Fernandez Pozo, Ruben
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Hernandez Gomez, Luis

Communications In Computer And Information Science (p. 121-128) - 28/12/2012

10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8_13 View at source

  • ISSN 18650929

Unsupervised class-based feature compensation for time-variable bandwidth-limited speech

  • Morales, Nicolas
  • Toledano, Doroteo T.
  • Hansen, John H. L.
  • Garrido, Javier
  • Colas, Jose;

Icassp, Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing - Proceedings (p. 533-536) - 1/12/2006

  • ISBN 1-4244-0469-X
  • ISSN 15206149
  • iMarina

Trying to Mimic Human Segmentation of Speech Using HMM and Fuzzy Logic Post-correction Rules

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Rodríguez Crespo, Miguel Ángel
  • Escalada Sardina, José Gregorio

Third ESCA/COCOSDA Workshop on Speech Synthesis (p. 207-212) - 29/11/1998

  • iMarina


  • Toledano DT
  • Crespo MAR
  • Sardina JGE

3rd Esca/Cocosda Workshop On Speech Synthesis, Ssw 1998 (p. 207-212) - 1/1/1998

  • iMarina

T-Norm y Desajuste Léxico y Acústico en Reconocimiento de Locutor Dependiente de Texto

  • Hernández López, Daniel
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Esteve Elizalde, Cristina
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin
  • Fernández Pozo, Rubén
  • Hernández Gómez, Luis

Actas de las V Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla (JTH 2008) (p. 62-65) - 12/11/2008

  • iMarina

Statistical Class-Based MFCC Enhancement of Filtered and Band-Limited Speech for Robust ASR

  • Morales N
  • Toledano DT
  • Hansen JHL
  • Colás J
  • Garrido J

Interspeech'2005 - Eurospeech, 9th European Conference On Speech Communication And Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September 4-8, 2005 Isca Archive (p. 2629-2632) - 1/12/2005

  • iMarina

Speech signal- and term-based feature contribution to hit/false alarm classification in a spoken term detection system

  • Tejedor Noguerales, Javier
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo
  • Bautista, Miguel
  • Colas Pasamontes, Jose

Proceedings of FALA 2010 (p. 101-104) - 10/11/2010

  • ISBN 9788481585100
  • iMarina

Source Separation for Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments using Jointly Trained Models

  • De Benito-Gorron D
  • Zmolikova K
  • Toledano DT

International Workshop On Acoustic Signal Enhancement, Iwaenc 2022 - Proceedings - 1/1/2022

10.1109/iwaenc53105.2022.9914755 View at source

Severe Apnoea Detection using Speaker Recogniton Techniques

  • Fernández R
  • Blanco JL
  • Hernández LA
  • López E
  • Alcázar J
  • Toledano DT

Proceedings Of The International Conference On Bio-Inspired Systems And Signal Processing (p. 1-8) - 14/1/2009

10.5220/0001546601240130 View at source

  • ISBN 978-989-8111-65-4

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

CSD2008-00068 - Terahertz Techonology for Electromagnetic Sensing Applications

  • Segovia Vargas, Daniel
  • Rajo Iglesias, Eva
  • Vazquez Roy, Jose Luis
  • Garcia Muñoz, Luis Enrique
  • Salazar Palma, Magdalena
  • Garcia Castillo, Luis Emilio
  • Garcia Lamperez, Alejandro
  • Gonzalez Posadas, Vicente
... View more Collapse

Period: 15-12-2008 - 14-12-2013


Redes profundas y modelos de subespacios para detección y seguimiento de locutor, idioma y enfermedades degenerativas a partir de la voz

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2018

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 73810,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Reconocimiento eficiente multinivel del locutor y del idioma para su uso policial operativo como evidencia forense y como control de acceso

  • Ramos Castro, Daniel (Investigador/a)
  • Alberto Montero Asenjo (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier (Investigador/a)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 10-01-2006 - 30-09-2007

  • iMarina

PriorSpeech: un enfoque bayesiano para sistemas basados en voz e interactivos aprovechando el conocimiento a priori y contextual

  • Ignacio Lopez Moreno (Investigador/a)
  • Ana Rosa Gonzalez Sanz (Investigador/a)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier (Becario/a)
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Ramos Castro, Daniel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2009 - 01-01-2012

  • iMarina

Nuevas tecnologías lingüísticas y adaptativas para la enseñanza de idiomas.

  • Carro Salas, Rosa Maria (Investigador/a)
  • Paredes Barragan, Pedro (Investigador/a)
  • Alfonseca Cubero, Enrique (Investigador/a)
  • Alvaro Ortigosa (Investigador/a)
  • Ortigosa Juarez, Alvaro Manuel (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2005 - 31-12-2005

  • iMarina

González Rguez., Joaquín. Un enfoque bayesiano para sistemas basados en voz e interactivos aprovechando el conocimiento a priori y contextual.

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2012

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 236555,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Diseño y fabricación de sistema de audio multicanal

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2011 - 31-12-2011

  • iMarina

Diseño de la base de datos preliminar para la evaluación de la tecnología de reconocimiento de locutor de cara a su uso en el servicio Burovoz

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-06-2011 - 31-10-2011

  • iMarina

Detección de Idioma en Voz Espontánea.

  • Morales Mombiela, Nicolas (Investigador/a)
  • Ortega Garcia, Javier (Investigador/a)
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, David (Investigador/a)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2006 - 31-12-2006

  • iMarina

Desarrollo de programa de control de tarjeta de audio multicanal

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2010

  • iMarina

Técnicas y caracterización de voces como apoyo a la detección automática de la apnea del sueño.

  • Rubén Fernández (Director)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Rubén Fernández


  • iMarina

Técnicas de caracterización de voces en aplicaciones dependientes del texto: Biometría vocal y detección de la apnea de sueño

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Director)


  • iMarina

Sintetizador paramétrico multidispositivo de lengua de signos española

  • Colas Pasamontes, Jose (Director) Doctorando: LOPEZ COLINO, FERNANDO JESUS


  • iMarina

Session variability compensation in automatic speaker and language recognition

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Autor o Coautor)
  • Gallardo Antolin, Ascension (Autor o Coautor)
  • Javier González Domínguez (Director)
  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin (Director) Doctorando: GONZALEZ DOMINGUEZ, JAVIER


  • iMarina

Robust speech recognition under band-limited channels and other channel distortions

  • Nicolás Morales Mombiela (Director)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Nicolás Morales Mombiela


  • iMarina

Phonotactic speaker and language recognition

  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Director)


  • iMarina

Exploiting temporal context in speech technologies using lstm recurrent neural networks

  • Gonzalez Rodriguez, Joaquin (Director)
  • Gonzalez Dominguez, Javier (Director)
  • Zazo Candil, Ruben (Autor o Coautor)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Autor o Coautor)
  • Gallardo Antolin, Ascension (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Ruben Zazo Candil


  • iMarina

Contributions to keyword spotting and spoken term detection for information retrieval in audio minig

  • Colas Pasamontes, Jose (Director) Doctorando: TEJEDOR NOGUERALES, JAVIER


  • iMarina

Avances en el estudio, diseño y evaluación de sistemas interactivos multimodales en escenarios de seguridad biométrica

  • Álvaro Hernández Trapote (Director)
  • Torre Toledano, Doroteo (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Álvaro Hernández Trapote


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 2:11 PM