O'donnell, Michael James michael.odonnell@uam.es


A Dynamic Model of Exchange

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Word: Journal Of The Linguistic Circle Of New York (p. 293-328) - 1/1/1990

  • ISSN 00437956
  • iMarina

Appraisal Analysis and the Computer

  • ODonnell, Mick

Revista Canaria De Estudios Ingleses (p. 115-130) - 1/1/2012

  • ISSN 02115913
  • iMarina

Are we under-estimating the association between autism symptoms?: The importance of considering simultaneous selection when using samples of individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for an autism spectrum disorder

  • Murray A
  • McKenzie K
  • Kuenssberg R
  • O’Donnell M

Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders (p. 2921-2930) - 11/10/2014

10.1007/s10803-014-2154-2 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01623257

Content, accuracy and completeness of patient consent in a regional vascular surgery unit

  • McGrogan D
  • Mark D
  • Lee B
  • O’Donnell M

Irish Journal Of Medical Science (p. 521-529) - 1/6/2015

10.1007/s11845-014-1160-x Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00211265

Conversation in the museum: experiments in dynamic hypermedia with the intelligent labelling explorer

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

New Review Of Hypermedia And Multimedia (p. 11-32) - 1/1/1998

  • ISSN 13614568
  • iMarina

Dynamic modelling of context: Field, Tenor and Mode revisited

  • ODonnell, Mick

Lingua (p. 5-0) - 1/10/2021

10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102952 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00243841

Evidence for Symbolic Language Processing in a Bonobo (Pan paniscus)

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Journal Of Consciousness Studies (p. 33-56) - 1/1/2002

  • ISSN 13558250
  • iMarina

Evolution of replication machines

  • Yao N
  • O’Donnell M

Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology (p. 135-149) - 3/5/2016

10.3109/10409238.2015.1125845 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10409238

Experience with Sequential Intravesical Gemcitabine and Docetaxel as Salvage Therapy for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

  • Velaer K
  • Steinberg R
  • Thomas L
  • O’Donnell M
  • Nepple K

Current Urology Reports - 1/5/2016

10.1007/s11934-016-0594-2 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15346285

Flexible statistical construction of bilingual dictionaries

  • ODonnell, Mick
  • Pascual Nieto, Ismael

Procesamiento De Lenguaje Natural (p. 249-255) - 1/1/2007

  • ISSN 11355948
  • iMarina

Sixties radicalism and social movement activism: Retreat or resurgence?

  • Jones B
  • O’Donnell M

(p. 1-264) - 1/1/2010

10.7135/upo9781843313403 Ver en origen

A dynamic view of choice in writing: Composition as text evolution

  • O’Donnell M

Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice (p. 247-266) - 1/1/2012

10.1017/cbo9781139583077.016 Ver en origen

A survey of process type classification over difficult cases

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

From Language To Multimodality: New Developments In The Study Of Ideational Meaning - 1/1/2008

  • iMarina

Annotating a Learner Corpus of English

  • ODonnell, Mick
  • García Martínez, Rebeca
  • Murcia, Susana

Proceedings Of The Corpus Linguistics Conference 2009 (Cl2009), (p. 371-371) - 1/1/2009

  • iMarina

Automatic Recognition of Generic Structure: Medical Discharge Notices

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Text And Texture: Systemic Functional Viewpoints On The Nature And Structure Of Text (p. 329-353) - 1/1/2004

  • iMarina

Beyond elaboration: The interaction of relations and focus in coherent text

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Text Representation: Linguistic And Psycholinguistic Aspect (p. 181-196) - 1/1/2001

  • iMarina

Chapter 2: The ideational dimension

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Functional Dimensions Of Ape-Human Discourse (p. 46-75) - 1/1/2005

  • iMarina

Conclusion: Resurgence? The legacy of the sixties to contemporary social movements

  • Jones B
  • O’Donnell M

Sixties Radicalism And Social Movement Activism: Retreat Or Resurgence? (p. 225-240) - 1/1/2010

10.7135/upo9781843313403.014 Ver en origen

Context in Dynamic Modelling

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Text And Context In Functional Linguistics (p. 63-99) - 1/1/1999

  • iMarina

Demonstration of the UAM CorpusTool for text and image annotation

  • O'Donnell, Michael James

Proceedings Of The Acl-08:Hlt Demo Session (Companionvolume) (p. 13-16) - 1/1/2008

  • iMarina

Editorials vs. front page news: differences in realis and tense across newspapers genres

  • ODonnell, Mick

Studies In Contrastive Linguistics: Proceedings Of The 4th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (p. 755-765-765) - 1/1/2002

  • iMarina

Exploring complexities of meaning through corpus analysis

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Exploring second language development using learner corpora: the TREACLE project

  • O'Donnell, Michael James
  • Murcia Bielsa, Susana


  • iMarina

Exploring word order in learner corpora: the WOSLAC project

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Grammatical Metaphor: Incongruence in the Mapping of Semantics and Grammar

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Hands-on Experience with UAM CorpusTool

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

How to organise choices to support the annotation of text: a workshop in system network construction for computer-assisted corpus analysis

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Inter-coder reliability and process type

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Introduction to the UAM CorpusTool

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Levels of technicality in product documentation and its realisation in syntactic forms used to express directions and warnings

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Linking generic structure to exchange in a dynamic discourse model

  • O'Donnell, Michael James


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

ACAMED: Automatic Content Analyser for Medical Documents

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2001 - 31-12-2002

  • iMarina


  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2018

Tipo: Internacional

Importe financiado: 37510,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Agreement for The Open University in having extensions to the software UAM CorpusTool, developed for use in their courses.

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 17-12-2013 - 01-09-2015

Tipo: Internacional

Importe financiado: 10438,93 Euros.

  • iMarina

Búsqueda semántica personalizada y escalable de contenidos de texto y habla en la web semántica.

  • Ruiz Casado, Maria Jose (Investigador/a)
  • Miguel Angel Corella Montoya (Investigador/a)
  • Tejedor Noguerales, Javier (Investigador/a)
  • Jose Maria Fuentes Lopez (Investigador/a)
  • Vallet Weadon, David Jordi (Investigador/a)
  • Fernandez Sanchez, Miriam (Investigador/a)
  • Rosa Maria Gil Iranzo (Investigador/a)
  • Roberto Garcia Gonzalez (Investigador/a)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador/a)
  • Marta Oliva Sole (Investigador/a)
  • Rico Almodovar, Mariano (Investigador/a)
  • Colas Pasamontes, Jose (Investigador/a)
  • Macias Iglesias, Jose Antonio (Investigador/a)
  • Cantador Gutierrez, Ivan (Investigador/a)
  • Ferran Perdrix Sapiña (Investigador/a)
  • Diez Rubio, Fernando (Investigador/a)
  • David Bolaños Alonso (Investigador/a)
  • Castells Azpilicueta, Pablo (Investigador principal (IP))
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 01-01-2006 - 30-12-2008

  • iMarina

Desarrollo de un corpus de aprendices de inglés anotado con fines pedagógicos.

  • Penny Macdonald Lightbound (Investigador/a)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador/a)
  • Maria Esther Mediero Duran (Investigador/a)
  • Maria Boquera Matarredona (Investigador/a)
  • Laura Cardona Sanchis (Investigador/a)
  • Keith Douglas Charles Stuart (Investigador/a)
  • Molina Avila, Clara (Investigador/a)
  • Ana Paloma Botella Trelis (Investigador/a)
  • Murcia Bielsa, Susana (Investigador principal (IP))
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 01-01-2010 - 30-06-2013

  • iMarina

Desarrollo de una plataforma virtual para la mejora de las competencias gramaticales de los estudiantes de inglés

  • Vinagre Laranjeira, Margarita Gloria (Investigador/a)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Jimenez Briones, Rocio (Investigador/a)
  • Molina Avila, Clara (Investigador/a)
  • Murcia Bielsa, Susana (Investigador/a)

Ejecución: 01-04-2011 - 31-12-2011

  • iMarina


  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-09-1992 - 01-01-1993

  • iMarina

Electronic discourse analyser

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-12-1990 - 01-09-1992

  • iMarina

HIPS: Hyper-Interaction in Physical Space

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 22-07-1997 - 30-06-2000

  • iMarina

ILEX: Intelligent Label Explorer

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-10-1995 - 01-09-1998

  • iMarina

Definición y análisis de parámetros lingüísticos cuantitativos para herramientas automáticas de evaluación aplicables al español lengua extranjera (ele)

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Rachel Whittaker (Director) Doctorando: María Paz Ferrero García de Jalón


  • iMarina

Language use and knowledge construction in clil group work activities

  • MORTON, THOMAS MUNDELL (Autor o Coautor)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Ana Llinares (Director) Doctorando: Amanda Pastrana Izquierdo


  • iMarina

Modality in Spoken Spanish and Japanese: a corpus-based study and automatic annotation

  • Samy-Sayed Khalil, Doaa (Autor o Coautor)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Takagi Takanashi, Kayoko (Autor o Coautor)
  • Carlos Herrero-Zorita (Director)
  • Moreno Sandoval, Antonio (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Carlos Herrero-Zorita


  • iMarina

Modelling agrregation motivated interactions in descriptive text generation

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Director)


  • iMarina

Personalized inormation retrieval in cotext by exploting semanticknowledge and implicit user feedback

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Moriyon Salomon, Roberto (Autor o Coautor)
  • Pablo Castells Azpilicueta (Director) Doctorando: David Vallet Weadon


  • iMarina

The discourse of tourism and national heritage: A contrastive study from a cultural perspective / el discurso del turismo y patrimonio nacional: Estudio contrastivo desde una perspectiva cultural

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Molina Avila, Clara (Autor o Coautor)
  • Rachel Whittaker (Director) Doctorando: Claudia Elena Stoian


  • iMarina

Una metodología para gestión de la interacción entre los estudiantes, los profesores y el contenido en aplicaciones en línea de aprendizaje hibrido usando modelos conceptuales

  • Rodriguez Marin, Pilar (Autor o Coautor)
  • Moriyon Salomon, Roberto (Autor o Coautor)
  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Autor o Coautor)
  • Ismael Pascual Nieto (Director) Doctorando: Ismael Pascual Nieto


  • iMarina

Using generated conceptual models in tutoring

  • O'Donnell, Michael James (Director)


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 14:10