Marabini Ruiz, Roberto


Electron tomography of biological specimens

  • Marabini R
  • Carmen San Martin M
  • Carazo JM

Studies In Health Technology And Informatics (p. 53-77) - 1/1/1997

10.3233/978-1-60750-874-8-53 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09269630

Electron tomography of complex biological specimens on the Grid

  • Fernández J
  • García I
  • Carazo J
  • Marabini R

Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal Of Escience (p. 435-446) - 1/3/2007

10.1016/j.future.2006.07.010 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0167739X

Epitope insertion at the N-terminal molecular switch of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus T=3 capsid protein leads to larger T=4 capsids

  • Luque D, González JM, Gómez-Blanco J, Marabini R, Chichón J, Mena I, Angulo I, Carrascosa JL, Verdaguer N, Trus BL, Bárcena J, Castón JR

Journal Of Virology (p. 6470-6480) - 1/7/2012

10.1128/jvi.07050-11 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0022538X

Exploiting desktop supercomputing for three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstructions using ART with blobs

  • Bilbao-Castro JR
  • Marabini R
  • Sorzano COS
  • García I
  • Carazo JM
  • Fernández JJ

Journal Of Structural Biology (p. 19-26) - 1/1/2009

10.1016/j.jsb.2008.09.009 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10478477

FASTDEF: Fast defocus and astigmatism estimation for high-throughput transmission electron microscopy

  • Vargas J
  • Otón J
  • Marabini R
  • Jonic S
  • de la Rosa-Trevín JM
  • Carazo JM
  • Sorzano COS
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Structural Biology (p. 136-148) - 1/2/2013

10.1016/j.jsb.2012.12.006 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10478477

FSC-Q: a CryoEM map-to-atomic model quality validation based on the local Fourier shell correlation

  • Ramírez-Aportela E
  • Maluenda D
  • Fonseca YC
  • Conesa P
  • Marabini R
  • Heymann JB
  • Carazo JM
  • Sorzano COS
... Ver más Contraer

Nature Communications - 1/12/2021

10.1038/s41467-020-20295-w Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20411723

Fast and accurate conversion of atomic models into electron density maps

  • Sorzano C
  • Vargas J
  • Otón J
  • Abrishami V
  • de la Rosa-Trevín J
  • Riego S
  • Fernández-Alderete A
  • Martínez-Rey C
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo J
... Ver más Contraer

Aims Biophysics (p. 8-20) - 1/1/2015

10.3934/biophy.2015.1.8 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23779098

Fast and automatic identification of particle tilt pairs based on Delaunay triangulation

  • Vilas JL, Navas J, Gómez-Blanco J, de la Rosa-Trevín JM, Melero R, Peschiera I, Ferlenghi I, Cuenca J, Marabini R, Carazo JM, Vargas J, Sorzano COS

Journal Of Structural Biology (p. 525-533) - 1/12/2016

10.1016/j.jsb.2016.10.007 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10478477

Flexible workflows for on-the-fly electron-microscopy single-particle image processing using Scipion

  • Maluenda D
  • Majtner T
  • Horvath P
  • Vilas JL
  • Jiménez-Moreno A
  • Mota J
  • Ramírez-Aportela E
  • Sánchez-García R
  • Conesa P
  • Del Caño L
  • Rancel Y
  • Fonseca Y
  • Martínez M
  • Sharov G
  • García CA
  • Strelak D
  • Melero R
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo JM
  • Sorzano COS
... Ver más Contraer

Acta Crystallographica Section D-Structural Biology (p. 882-894) - 1/10/2019


  • ISSN 20597983
  • iMarina

Image formation in cellular X-ray microscopy

  • Oton J
  • Sorzano C
  • Pereiro E
  • Cuenca-Alba J
  • Navarro R
  • Carazo J
  • Marabini R
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Structural Biology (p. 29-37) - 1/4/2012

10.1016/j.jsb.2012.01.006 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10478477

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

A GA-optimized neural network for classification of biological particles from electron-microscopy images

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto

Biological And Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience To Technology: International Work-Conference On Artificial And Natural Neural Networks, Iwann'97 (p. 1174-1182) - 1/1/1997

10.1007/bfb0032577 Ver en origen

Algorithms for three-dimensional reconstruction from the imperfect projection data provided by electron microscopy

  • Carazo J
  • Herman G
  • Sorzano C
  • Marabini R

Electron Tomography: Methods For Three-Dimensional Visualization Of Structures In The Cell (p. 217-243) - 1/1/2006

10.1007/978-0-387-69008-7_8 Ver en origen

Consistent and elastic registration of histological sections using vector-spline regularization

  • Arganda-Carreras I
  • Sorzano COS
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo JM
  • Ortiz-De-Solorzano C
  • Kybic J

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 85-95) - 1/1/2006

10.1007/11889762_8 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 9783540462576
  • ISSN 03029743

Discrete Tomography in Electron Microscopy

  • Carazo, JM
  • Sorzano COS
  • Rietzel, E
  • Schroder, R
  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto

Discrete Tomography: Foundations, Algorithms, And Applications (p. 405-416) - 1/1/1999

10.1007/978-1-4612-1568-4_18 Ver en origen

Grid computing in structure determination of biological specimens by electron microscope tomography

  • Fernández JJ
  • Bilbao-Castro JR
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo JM
  • García I

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 171-181) - 1/1/2004

10.1007/978-3-540-24689-3_22 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 9783540210481
  • ISSN 03029743

Image Processing in Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Single Particles: The Power of Combining Methods

  • Sorzano COS
  • Jiménez-Moreno A
  • Maluenda D
  • Ramírez-Aportela E
  • Martínez M
  • Cuervo A
  • Melero R
  • Conesa JJ
  • Sánchez-García R
  • Strelak D
  • Filipovic J
  • Fernández-Giménez E
  • de Isidro-Gómez F
  • Herreros D
  • Conesa P
  • del Caño L
  • Fonseca Y
  • de la Morena JJ
  • Macías JR
  • Losana P
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo JM
... Ver más Contraer

Methods In Molecular Biology (p. 257-289) - 1/1/2021

10.1007/978-1-0716-1406-8_13 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10643745

Interchanging geometry conventions in 3DEM: Mathematical context for the development of standards

  • Sorzano COS
  • Marabini R
  • Vargas J
  • Otón J
  • Cuenca-Alba J
  • Quintana A
  • de la Rosa-Trevín JM
  • Carazo JM
... Ver más Contraer

Applied And Numerical Harmonic Analysis (p. 7-42) - 1/1/2014

10.1007/978-1-4614-9521-5_2 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 22965009

Pattern recognition and classification of images of biological macromolecules using neural networks


Electron Microscopy 1994, Vol 1: Interdisciplinary Developments And Tools (p. 501-502) - 1/1/1994

  • iMarina

Soft X-ray tomography imaging for biological samples

  • Otón J
  • Sorzano COS
  • Chichón FJ
  • Carrascosa JL
  • Carazo JM
  • Marabini R

Applied And Numerical Harmonic Analysis (p. 187-220) - 1/1/2014

10.1007/978-1-4614-9521-5_8 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 22965009

3D reconstruction of 2D crystals from projections in real space

  • Marabini R
  • Herman G
  • Sorzano C
  • Carazo J
  • Fernandez J
  • Matej S

Proceedings (International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging) (p. 689-692) - 1/1/2002

10.1109/isbi.2002.1029351 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19457928

An image processing approach to the simulation of electron microscopy volumes of atomic structures

  • Sorzano C
  • Vargas J
  • Oton J
  • Abrishami V
  • De La Rosa-Trevin J
  • Del Riego S
  • Fernandez-Alderete A
  • Martinez-Rey C
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo J
... Ver más Contraer

2014 Ieee International Conference On Image Processing, Icip 2014 (p. 2095-2099) - 28/1/2014

10.1109/icip.2014.7025420 Ver en origen

Effects of the Downsampling Scheme on Three-dimensional Electron Microscopy of Single Particles

  • Sorzano C
  • Iriarte A
  • Marabini R
  • Carazo J

Wisp 2009: 6th Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent Signal Processing, Proceedings (p. 175-179) - 10/12/2009

10.1109/wisp.2009.5286563 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 978-1-4244-5059-6

Effects of uneven sampling in 3D reconstructions

  • Sorzano, COS
  • Marabini, R
  • Carazo, JM
  • Rietzel, E
  • Schroeder, R
  • Herman, GT
  • Boisset, N;
... Ver más Contraer

Electron Microscopy 1998, Vol 1: General Interest And Instrumentation (p. 771-772) - 1/1/1998

  • iMarina

FSC-Q: A method for quality analysis of cryoEM-derived models

  • Ramirez-Aportela, E
  • Maluenda, D
  • Fonseca, YC
  • Conesa, P
  • Marabini, R
  • Sorzano, COS
  • Carazo, JM
... Ver más Contraer

Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation And Advances (p. C56-C56) - 1/8/2021

  • ISSN 20532733
  • iMarina

Image processing for Cellular tomography using soft X-rays

  • Sorzano
  • C O S Oton
  • J Cuenca
  • J Zaldivar-Perez
  • A Caffarena
  • G Sanchez-Jimenez
  • J Messaoudi
  • C Marco
  • S Marabini
  • R Carazo
  • J M
... Ver más Contraer

2012 9th Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging (Isbi) (p. 1322-1322) - 1/4/2012


  • ISBN 9781457718571
  • ISSN 9781457718588
  • iMarina

Iterative reconstruction for pet scanners with continuous scintillators

  • Iriarte A
  • Caffarena G
  • Lopez-Fernandez M
  • Garcia-Carmona R
  • Otero A
  • Sorzano C
  • Marabini R
... Ver más Contraer

Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society. Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society. Conference (p. 2259-2262) - 4/11/2015

10.1109/embc.2015.7318842 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 978-142449271-8
  • ISSN 1557170X

On a prototype for a new distributed data base of volume data obtained by 3D imaging

  • FRANK, J;
... Ver más Contraer

Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering (p. 466-472) - 9/9/1994

10.1117/12.185208 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0277786X

Outlier detection for single particle analysis in Electron Microscopy

  • Sorzano, C. O. S.
  • Vargas, J.
  • de la Rosa-Trevin, J. M.
  • Zaldivar-Peraza, A.
  • Oton, J.
  • Abrishami, V.
  • Foche, I.
  • Marabini, R.
  • Caffarena, G.
  • Carazo, J. M.;
... Ver más Contraer

Proceedings Iwbbio 2014: International Work-Conference On Bioinformatics And Biomedical Engineering (p. 950-959) - 1/1/2014

  • ISBN 9788415814849
  • iMarina

Study of the collars extracted from T3 and 029 viral particles

  • MARCO, S

Electron Microscopy 1994, Vols 3a And 3b: Applications In Biological Sciences (p. 535-536) - 1/1/1994

  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Computación de altas prestaciones en tomografía

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2010 - 01-01-2013

  • iMarina

Hacia la proteomica visual: Herramientas para el cálculo y manejo de estructuras tridimensionales.

  • Ignacio Arganda Carreras (Investigador/a)
  • Ana Iriarte Ruiz (Investigador/a)
  • Simone Santini (Investigador/a)
  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 10-01-2007 - 04-04-2010

  • iMarina

Reconstrucción tridimensional de alta resolución en camaras pet de animales pequeños.

  • Iriarte Ruiz, Ana (Investigador/a)
  • Javier Velazquez Muriel (Investigador/a)
  • Monica Chagoyen Quiles (Investigador/a)
  • Carazo Garcia, Jose Maria S (Investigador/a)
  • Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano (Investigador/a)
  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Investigador principal (IP))
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 01-01-2005 - 31-05-2008

  • iMarina

Reconstrucción tridimensional de vírus icosahedricos preservando sus características no icosahedricas.

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2012

  • iMarina

High resolution three-dimensional reconstruction for small animal pet cameras

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Director) Doctorando: Iriarte Ruiz, Ana


  • iMarina

New computational methods toward atomic resolution in single particle cryo-electron microscopy

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Autor o Coautor)
  • José María Carazo García (Director)
  • Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano (Director)
  • Roberto Marabini Ruiz (Director) Doctorando: Vahid Abrishami


  • iMarina

Scipion: a software framework toward integration, reproducibility and validation in 3D Electron Microscopy

  • Marabini Ruiz, Roberto (Autor o Coautor)
  • Roberto Marabini Ruiz (Director)
  • José María Carazo García (Director) Doctorando: Miguel de la Rosa


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 12/08/24 13:10