Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja


25th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS-2016

  • Sharpee TO, Destexhe A, Kawato M, Sekulić V, Skinner FK, Wójcik DK, Chintaluri C, Cserpán D, Somogyvári Z, Kim JK, Kilpatrick ZP, Bennett MR, Josić K, Elices I, Arroyo D, Levi R, Rodriguez FB, Varona P, Hwang E, Kim B, Han HB, Kim T, McKenna JT, Brown RE, McCarley RW, Choi JH, Rankin J, Popp PO, Rinzel J, Tabas A, Rupp A, Balaguer-Ballester E, Maturana MI, Grayden DB, Cloherty SL, Kameneva T, Ibbotson MR, Meffin H, Koren V, Lochmann T, Dragoi V, Obermayer K, Psarrou M, Schilstra M, Davey N, Torben-Nielsen B, Steuber V, Ju H, Yu J, Hines ML, Chen L, Yu Y, Kim J, Leahy W, Shlizerman E, Birgiolas J, Gerkin RC, Crook SM, Viriyopase A, Memmesheimer RM, Gielen S, Dabaghian Y, DeVito J, Perotti L, Kim AJ, Fenk LM, Cheng C, Maimon G, Zhao C, Widmer Y, Sprecher S, Senn W, Halnes G, Mäki-Marttunen T, Keller D, Pettersen KH, Andreassen OA, Einevoll GT, Yamada Y, Steyn-Ross ML, Alistair Steyn-Ross D, Mejias JF, Murray JD, Kennedy H, Wang XJ, Kruscha A, Grewe J, Benda J, Lindner B, Badel L, Ohta K, Tsuchimoto Y, Kazama H, Kahng B, Tam ND, Pollonini L, Zouridakis G, Soh J, Kim D, Yoo M, Palmer SE, Culmone V, Bojak I, Ferrario A, Merrison-Hort R, Borisyuk R, Kim CS, Tezuka T, Joo P, Rho YA, Burton SD, Bard Ermentrout G, Jeong J, Urban NN, Marsalek P, Kim HH, Moon SH, Lee DW, Lee SB, Lee JY, Molkov YI, Hamade K, Teka W, Barnett WH, Markin S, Rybak IA, Forro C, Dermutz H, Demkó L, Vörös J, Babichev A, Huang H, Verduzco-Flores S, Dos Santos F, Andras P, Metzner C, Schweikard A, Zurowski B, Roach JP, Sander LM, Zochowski MR, Skilling QM, Ognjanovski N, Aton SJ, Zochowski M, Wang SJ, Ouyang G, Guang J, Zhang M, Michael Wong KY, Zhou C, Robinson PA, Sanz-Leon P, Drysdale PM, Fung F, Abeysuriya RG, Rennie CJ, Zhao X, Choe Y, Yang HF, Mi Y, Lin X, Wu S, Liedtke J, Schottdorf M, Wolf F, Yamamura Y, Wickens JR, Rumbell T, Ramsey J, Reyes A, Draguljić D, Hof PR, Luebke J, Weaver CM, He H, Yang X, Ma H, Xu Z, Wang Y, Baek K, Morris LS, Kundu P, Voon V, Agnes EJ, Vogels TP, Podlaski WF, Giese M, Kuravi P, Vogels R, Seeholzer A, Podlaski W, Ranjan R, Vogels T, Torres JJ, Baroni F, Latorre R, Gips B, Lowet E, Roberts MJ, de Weerd P, Jensen O, van der Eerden J, Goodarzinick A, Niry MD, Valizadeh A, Pariz A, Parsi SS, Warburton JM, Marucci L, Tamagnini F, Brown J, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Kleberg FI, Triesch J, Moezzi B, Iannella N, Schaworonkow N, Plogmacher L, Goldsworthy MR, Hordacre B, McDonnell MD, Ridding MC, Zapotocky M, Smit D, Fouquet C, Trembleau A, Dasgupta S, Nishikawa I, Aihara K, Toyoizumi T, Robb DT, Mellen N, Toporikova N, Tang R, Tang YY, Liang G, Kiser SA, Howard JH, Goncharenko J, Voronenko SO, Ahamed T, Stephens G, Yger P, Lefebvre B, Spampinato GLB, Esposito E, et Olivier Marre MS, Choi H, Song MH, Chung S, Lee DD, Sompolinsky H, Phillips RS, Smith J, Chatzikalymniou AP, Ferguson K, Alex Cayco Gajic N, Clopath C, Angus Silver R, Gleeson P, Marin B, Sadeh S, Quintana A, Cantarelli M, Dura-Bernal S, Lytton WW, Davison A, Li L, Zhang W, Wang D, Song Y, Park S, Choi I, Shin HS, Pasupathy A, Shea-Brown E, Huh D, Sejnowski TJ, Vogt SM, Kumar A, Schmidt R, Van Wert S, Schiff SJ, Veale R, Scheutz M, Lee SW, Gallinaro J, Rotter S, Rubchinsky LL, Cheung CC, Ratnadurai-Giridharan S, Shomali SR, Ahmadabadi MN, Shimazaki H, Nader Rasuli S, Rasch MJ, Wilting J, Priesemann V, Levina A, Rudelt L, Lizier JT, Spinney RE, Rubinov M, Wibral M, Bak JH, Pillow J, Zaho Y, Park IM, Kang J, Park HJ, Jang J, Paik SB, Choi W, Lee C, Song M, Lee H, Park Y, Yilmaz E, Baysal V, Ozer M, Saska D, Nowotny T, Chan HK, Diamond A, Herrmann CS, Murray MM, Ionta S, Hutt A, Lefebvre J, Weidel P, Duarte R, Morrison A, Lee JH, Iyer R, Mihalas S, Koch C, Petrovici MA, Leng L, Breitwieser O, Stöckel D, Bytschok I, Martel R, Bill J, Schemmel J, Meier K, Esler TB, Burkitt AN, Kerr RR, Tahayori B, Nolte M, Reimann MW, Muller E, Markram H, Parziale A, Senatore R, Marcelli A, Skiker K, Maouene M, Neymotin SA, Seidenstein A, Lakatos P, Sanger TD, Menzies RJ, McLauchlan C, van Albada SJ, Kedziora DJ, Neymotin S, Kerr CC, Suter BA, Shepherd GMG, Ryu J, Lee SH, Lee J, Lee HJ, Lim D, Wang J, Jung N, Anh Quang L, Maeng SE, Lee TH, Lee JW, Park CH, Ahn S, Moon J, Choi YS, Jun SB, Lee S, Lee HW, Jo S, Jun E, Yu S, Goetze F, Lai PY, Kim S, Kwag J, Jang HJ, Filipović M, Reig R, Aertsen A, Silberberg G, Bachmann C, Buttler S, Jacobs H, Dillen K, Fink GR, Kukolja J, Kepple D, Giaffar H, Rinberg D, Shea S, Koulakov A, Bahuguna J, Tetzlaff T, Kotaleski JH, Kunze T, Peterson A, Knösche T, Kim M, Kim H, Park JS, Yeon JW, Kim SP, Kang JH, Spiegler A, Petkoski S, Palva MJ, Jirsa VK, Saggio ML, Siep SF, Stacey WC, Bernar C, Choung OH, Jeong Y, Lee YI, Kim SH, Jeong M, Kwon J, Kralik JD, Jahng J, Hwang DU, Kwon JH, Park SM, Kim PS, Yoon S, Lim S, Park C, Miller T, Clements K, Ji EH, Issa FA, Baek J, Oba S, Yoshimoto J, Doya K, Ishii S, Mosqueiro TS, Strube-Bloss MF, Smith B, Huerta R, Hadrava M, Hlinka J, Bos H, Helias M, Welzig CM, Harper ZJ, Kim WS, Shin IS, Baek HM, Han SK, Richter R, Vitay J, Beuth F, Hamker FH, Toppin K, Guo Y, Graham BP, Kale PJ, Gollo LL, Stern M, Abbott LF, Fedorov LA, Giese MA, Ardestani MH, Faraji MJ, Preuschoff K, Gerstner W, van Gendt MJ, Briaire JJ, Kalkman RK, Frijns JHM, Lee WH, Frangou S, Fulcher BD, Tran PHP, Fornito A, Gliske SV, Lim E, Holman KA, Fink CG, Kim JS, Mu S, Briggman KL, Sebastian Seung H,, Wegener D, Bohnenkamp L, Ernst UA, Devor A, Dale AM, Lines GT, Edwards A, Tveito A, Hagen E, Senk J, Diesmann M, Schmidt M, Bakker R, Shen K, Bezgin G, Hilgetag CC, Sun H, Sourina O, Huang GB, Klanner F, Denk C, Glomb K, Ponce-Alvarez A, Gilson M, Ritter P, Deco G, Witek MAG, Clarke EF, Hansen M, Wallentin M, Kringelbach ML, Vuust P, Klingbeil G, De Schutter E, Chen W, Zang Y, Hong S, Takashima A, Zamora C, Gallimore AR, Goldschmidt D, Manoonpong P, Karoly PJ, Freestone DR, Soundry D, Kuhlmann L, Paninski L, Cook M, Fishman YI, Cohen YE, Roberts JA, Cocchi L, Sweeney Y, Jung WS, Kim Y, Jung Y, Song YK, Chavane F, Soman K, Muralidharan V, Srinivasa Chakravarthy V, Shivkumar S, Mandali A, Pragathi Priyadharsini B, Mehta H, Davey CE, Brinkman BAW, Kekona T, Rieke F, Buice M, De Pittà M, Berry H, Brunel N, Breakspear M, Marsat G, Drew J, Chapman PD, Daly KC, Bradle SP, Seo SB, Su J, Kavalali ET, Blackwell J, Shiau L, Buhry L, Basnayake K, Levy BA, Baker CI, Leleu T, Philips RT, Chhabria K the EyeWirers

Bmc Neuroscience (p. 54-54) - 1/1/2016

10.1186/s12868-016-0283-6 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14712202

A Low-Cost Computational Method for Characterizing Event-Related Potentials for BCI Applications and beyond

  • Changoluisa V., Varona P., De Borja Rodriguez F.

Ieee Access (p. 111089-111101) - 1/1/2020

10.1109/access.2020.3000187 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 21693536

A formal methodology for integral security design and verification of network protocols

  • Diaz, Jesus
  • Arroyo, David
  • Rodriguez, Francisco B.;

Journal Of Systems And Software (p. 87-98) - 1/3/2014

10.1016/j.jss.2013.09.020 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01641212

A two-step neural-network based algorithm for fast imagesuper-resolution

  • Miravet, Carlos
  • Rodriguez, Francisco B.;

Image And Vision Computing (p. 1449-1473) - 1/9/2007

10.1016/j.imavis.2006.12.016 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02628856

Algorithmic clustering based on string compression to extract P300 structure in EEG signals

  • Sarasa, G.
  • Granados Fontecha, Ana
  • Rodriguez, F.b.

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (p. 225-235) - 1/1/2019

10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.03.009 Ver en origen

  • EISSN 1872-7565
  • ISSN 0169-2607

An active, inverse temperature modulation strategy for single sensor odorant classification

  • Herrero-Carron, Fernando
  • Yanez, David J.
  • de Borja Rodriguez, Francisco
  • Varona, Pablo;

Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical (p. 555-563) - 1/1/2015

10.1016/j.snb.2014.09.085 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09254005

An approach to build JSON-based Domain Specific Languages solutions for web applications

  • Chavarriaga, E
  • Jurado, F
  • Rodríguez, FD

Journal Of Computer Languages - 1/6/2023

10.1016/j.cola.2023.101203 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 25901184

An inverse problem solution for undetermined electrostatic force microscopy setups using neural networks

  • Varona Martinez, Pablo
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja
  • Gomez Moñivas, Sacha

Nanotechnology (p. 085702-NA) - 7/5/2009

10.1088/0957-4484/20/8/085702 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09574484

An overview process analysis of the aromatic-aliphatic separation by liquid-liquid extraction with ionic liquids

  • Navarro, P.
  • Moreno, D.
  • Larriba, M.
  • García, J.
  • Rodríguez, F.
  • Canales, R.I.
  • Palomar, J.
... Ver más Contraer

Separation And Purification Technology - 15/4/2023

10.1016/j.seppur.2023.123848 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13835866

Analysis of perfect mappings of the stimuli through neural temporal sequences

  • Rodriguez, FB
  • Huerta, R;

Neural Networks (p. 963-973) - 1/9/2004

10.1016/j.neunet.2003.12.003 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 08936080

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

A methodology for retrofitting privacy and its application to e-shopping transactions

  • Diaz J
  • Choi S
  • Arroyo D
  • Keromytis A
  • Rodriguez F
  • Yung M

Advances In Cyber Security: Principles, Techniques, And Applications (p. 143-183) - 6/12/2018

10.1007/978-981-13-1483-4_7 Ver en origen

Evaluating the impact of information distortion on normalized compression distance

  • Granados Fontecha, Ana
  • Cebrián Ramos, Manuel
  • Camacho Fernández, David
  • Rodríguez Ortiz, Francisco de Borja

Evaluating The Impact Of Information Distortion On Normalized Compression Distance (p. 69-79) - 1/1/2008

  • iMarina

Online Event Detection Requirements in Closed-Loop Neuroscience

  • Varona, Pablo
  • Arroyo Guardeño, David
  • Nowotny, Thomas
  • Rodríguez Ortiz, Francisco de Borja

Online Event Detection Requirements In Closed-Loop Neuroscience (p. 81-91) - 29/9/2016


  • ISBN 9780128024522
  • iMarina

Activity-dependent infrared laser stimulation to assess its biophysical effects on single neurons

  • Garrido-Peña, A
  • Sánchez-Martín, P
  • Reyes-Sanchez, M
  • Castilla, J
  • Tornero, J
  • Levi, R
  • Rodriguez, FB
  • Varona, P
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Computational Neuroscience (p. S6-S6) - 1/1/2023

  • ISSN 09295313
  • iMarina

Advanced Dynamic-Clamp Software for the Stimulation of Excitable Cells

  • Muniz, Carlos
  • Arganda, S.
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja
  • Garcia de Polavieja Embid, Gonzalo
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo

Society of Neuroscience Abstract - 12/11/2005

  • iMarina

An Approach for Adapting Moodle into a Secure Infrastructure

  • Diaz, Jesus
  • Arroyo, David
  • Rodriguez, Francisco B.;

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 214-221) - 14/6/2011

10.1007/978-3-642-21323-6_27 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 978-3-642-21322-9
  • ISSN 03029743

An approach of algorithmic clustering based on string compression to identify bird songs species in xeno-canto database

  • Granados Fontecha, Ana
  • Sarasa, G.
  • Rodriguez, F.b.
  • Szczypiorski K.

3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2017 (p. 101-104) - 3/11/2017

10.1109/icfsp.2017.8097150 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 9781538610374

An electrode selection approach in P300-based BCIs to address inter- A nd intra-subject variability

  • Changoluisa, Vinicio
  • Varona, Pablo
  • Rodriguez, Francisco B.;

2018 6th International Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, BCI 2018 (p. 1-4) - 9/3/2018

10.1109/iww-bci.2018.8311497 Ver en origen

Analysis of Electroreception with Temporal Code-Driven Stimulation

  • Lareo A., Forlim C.G., Pinto R.D., Varona P., Rodríguez F.B.

14th Conference On Artificial Intelligence In Medicine, Aime 2013 (p. 101-111) - 14/6/2017

10.1007/978-3-319-59153-7_9 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16113349

Anonymity revocation through standard infrastructures

  • Arroyo Guardeño, David
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 112-127) - 1/12/2013

10.1007/978-3-642-40012-4_8 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 978-3-642-40011-7
  • ISSN 03029743

Artificial neural networks applied to the characterization of undetermined electrostatic force microscopy setups

  • Gomez Moñivas, Sacha
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo


  • iMarina

Assessing the electromotor neural network topology through modeling and genetic algorithm optimization

  • Lareo, A
  • Varona, P
  • Rodriguez, FB

Journal Of Computational Neuroscience (p. S82-S83) - 1/1/2023

  • ISSN 09295313
  • iMarina

Assisted Closed-Loops for Subject-Specific BCI Adaptation

  • Fernandez-Vargas, Jacobo
  • Pfaff, Hanns Uwe
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo

Neurotecnología de Interfaces Cerebro Computador en España - 21/6/2013

  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

A study of multicoding in spiking-bursting neurons (HH2006-0004, Acciones Integradas Hispano-Húngaras 2006)

  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador/a)
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-07-2007 - 31-12-2009

  • iMarina

Acción especial ICANN 2002, proyecto TIC 2001 4318 E

  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Investigador/a)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador/a)
  • Dorronsoro Ibero, Jose Ramon (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2002 - 30-09-2002

  • iMarina

Análisis de la percepción olfativa para el diseño de sensores de utilidad clínica e industrial.OLFATOSENSE

  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2007 - 31-12-2010

  • iMarina

Análisis y procesamiento de información dinámica

  • Lopez Martinez, Vicente (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-11-2001 - 01-11-2004

  • iMarina

Aplicación de redes neuronales en la ingeniería del conocimiento (PEIN III), 373/93

  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-1993 - 01-01-1994

  • iMarina

Aprendizaje dirigido por datos: discriminación y decisión

  • Montoro Manrique, German (Becario/a)
  • Alaman Roldan, Xavier (Investigador/a)
  • Martinez Muñoz, Gonzalo (Investigador/a)
  • Santa Cruz Fernandez, Carlos (Investigador/a)
  • Dorronsoro Ibero, Jose Ramon (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador/a)
  • Suarez Gonzalez, Alberto (Investigador/a)
  • Sierra Urrecho, Alejandro (Investigador/a)
  • Serrano Jerez, Eduardo (Investigador/a)
  • Perez Perez, Eduardo (Investigador/a)
  • Lopez Martinez, Vicente (Investigador/a)
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 01-09-1998 - 01-09-2001

Tipo: Nacional

Importe financiado: 63500,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Autenticación avanzada de usuarios en Moodle: autenticación mediante DNIe y autenticación anónima.

  • Arroyo Guardeño, David (Investigador/a)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 14-06-2012 - 31-12-2012

  • iMarina


  • Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Dominguez Carreta, David Renato (Participante)

Ejecución: 01-01-2015 - 31-12-2017

Tipo: Nacional

Importe financiado: 50578,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Effect of intracellular transient memory on the dynamics of neurons and neural networks

  • Latorre Camino, Roberto (Investigador/a)
  • Juusola Ilmari Mikko (Investigador/a)
  • Garcia de Polavieja Embid, Gonzalo (Investigador/a)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador/a)
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2004 - 31-12-2006

  • iMarina

Estudio de Nuevos Paradigmas de Computación Bioinspirados con Diversidad de Códigos, Neuronas y Topologías (COMPUBIODIVE)

  • Huerta Rico, Ramon (Investigador/a)
  • Serrano Jerez, Eduardo (Investigador/a)
  • Dominguez Carreta, David Renato (Investigador/a)
  • Camacho Fernandez, David (Investigador/a)
  • Miravet Fuster, Carlos Enrique (Investigador/a)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-10-2007 - 30-09-2010

  • iMarina

Analysis and Study on Text Representation to Improve the Accuracy of the Normalized Compression Distance

  • Camacho Fernandez, David (Director)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Codirector) Doctorando: Granados Fontecha, Ana


  • iMarina

Analysis and extension of hierarchical temporal memory for multivariable time series

  • Rozado Fernandez, David (Autor o Coautor)
  • David Rozado Fernández (Director)
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Director)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Director) Doctorando: David Rozado Fernández


  • iMarina

Design and implementation of secure protocols for practical authentication and fair anonymity systems

  • David Arroyo Guardeño (Director)
  • Arroyo Guardeño, David (Autor o Coautor)
  • Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz (Director) Doctorando: Jesus Diaz Vico


  • iMarina

Novel central pattern generator elements for autonomous modular robots

  • Vargas Nuñez, Juan Antonio (Autor o Coautor)
  • Fernando Herrero Carrón (Director)
  • Varona Martinez, Pablo (Director)
  • Rodriguez Ortiz, Francisco Borja (Director) Doctorando: Fernando Herrero Carrón


  • iMarina

Study of sequential information processing in electroreception through modelling and closed-loop stimulation techniques

  • Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz (Director) Doctorando: Ángel Lareo Fernández


  • iMarina

Study of the enhancement of computational capabilities in an olfactory system model by means of neuronal diversity and gain control mechanism

  • Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz (Director) Doctorando: Aarón Montero Montero


  • iMarina

Towards smarter Brain Computer Interface (BCI): Study of electroencephalographic signal processing and classification techniques toward the use of intelligent and adaptive BCI

  • Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz (Director) Doctorando: Flavio Vinicio Changoluisa Panchi


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 11:10